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If something good happens, it's God's will, right?

But if something bad happens, it's either the work of the devil, or human tendency to sin, right?

So basically anything bad that happens is beyond God's control by that thinking.

Doesn't that make God NOT an all-powerful being?

Or is it that everything, both good and evil, happens because God says it should happen?

And then, if God allows evil to happen, and in fact enforces evil to happen, how is He an all-loving God?

(Sorry for all the questions rolled into one, just got going and couldn't stop myself for a minute there.)

2007-08-16 08:59:15 · 16 answers · asked by Professor Farnsworth 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

not only that, but it would cancel out free will

2007-08-16 09:05:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

>The Soul never commits a sin---Na Aham Kartha---nor the Soul has any vested interest in committing a sin-Na Aham Ka Rahitha (Atharva Vedham-verse from Vedic Religion- the so called "Hinduism")
It is the Sariram=body (Psychic and Somatic) that commits Paapam=Sin("Prakruthay Svabhavaath"=because of the inherent/instinct nature of the Prakruthi(Premordial Matter)-by the same instinct it can commit Punyam( benevolent actions) also-the Doctrine of KARMA-so the sariram gets a Reward or Punishment according to its Karma-and it can not refuse the Reward(Saayujyam) nor escape the Punishment(Narakam)!!.GOD has created this "Constitution",in such a way that, He has given unto Himself only "Limited " right/power to add/delete/alter/abridge some clauses-but in some clauses like interfering with the Duty of Demi God of Death (Yama Dharma Raja=Executor of "order" in the soceity ) He has no right or power to interfere with Yama's duty- because Yama is a "Constitutional Authority",not under the control of the "Executive" Authority-Yama can only be "Impeached" not dimissed-lest chaos would result in the Universe and God would become a Dictator-He wants "Democracy"--So in Hinduism even "Atheism" is permissible!!!!--"Saankyam" of sri Kapila Muni,(his work is Extinct) His students'works-that of sri.Eeswara Krishna,sri.Vigjnaana Bikshu works are "Extant"(now available).One can even criticize God's action(Nindhanaa Stuthi)--He will not get angry as Vali did to sri.Rama--please understand these are all applicable only Vedic Religion(Hinduism)-My knowledge of other Religions is "NIL"- It is how the Good and Bad are governed in Hindu Religion

2007-08-16 09:59:01 · answer #2 · answered by ssrvj 7 · 0 0

It sounds to me like you're speaking largely to Christians here. Some other religions believe that the Divine encompasses all things -- life and death, pleasure and pain, creation and destruction. Within those systems, there is no conflict between the existence of "evil" and the existence of God/dess (although practitioners may choose to focus on the benevolent aspects of Deity rather than on the destructive aspects).

2007-08-16 09:08:53 · answer #3 · answered by prairiecrow 7 · 1 0

Bad things happen because we don't obey him.

"When disaster comes to a city, has not the LORD caused it?"
Amos 3:6

Who said God must be nice?? God is to be feared. He can get very angry and punish us badly if we don't follow his commandments.

He is not there to make us all happy or take care of us. We have to obey him first.

God is an all-loving God if you obey him. Otherwise... wait for his punishment.

"It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Hebrews 10:31

2007-08-16 09:08:50 · answer #4 · answered by Gui 4 · 0 0

Take God out of the equation and you have life, both the good and bad, it all happens to all of us at some point and I do not think that the minions of Satan or the blessings of God have much to do with it.

2007-08-16 09:09:23 · answer #5 · answered by carpathian mage 3 · 0 0

What is good or bad is very subjective from our finite points of view. We are not the authors of life, nor the captains of destiny. We are the subjects of it.

Within that sphere, we experience things that are hard and things that are easy, things that are joyful and things that are sad; but the Bible promises us that God will cause ALL things to work together for good for those who belong to him and love him. I have seen this countless times.

God is all powerful, but not choosing to use that power does not make him weak. Chuck Norris can whoop you, but chooses not to; it doesn't mean he's weak.

I was once at death's door in surgery and barely survived; it was a bad thing from my point of view - but God used that to teach me some important lessons that have made my life very good.

there is a spiritual war going on, God could end it with a word; but doesn't yet. Same as the war in Iraq. A couple of well placed neutron bombs and we're out of there. But we choose not to. We have reasons to allow the current sitaution to slowly resolve rather than finish it with a few quick flashes of energy. God is the same, he allows evil to continue, for a time, to accomplish a better goal.

Consider this: Hitler and a thousand other anti-semites wished to destroy all Jews. But, God promised to restore them as a sign of the last days and of God's unfailing promises for all time. Hitler became the instrument of God accomplishing his will to restore Israel. What Hitler and Satan meant for evil, God used for good.

You and I are mortal and are not qualified to be God's judge.
Buscadora, I have to disagree with you. God is infinitely kind, infinitely merciful, infinitely patient and ALSO infinitely JUST. His justice must be satisfied. His Righteousness must be attained. This is why we needed Christ.

Yet, in receiving Christ, we attain to God's infinite blessings and are considered JOINT HEIRS with the son of God. Read Ephesians 1 and 2. Those who suffer for a little while as believers, will obtain exhaltation far beyond imagination. We will sit with him to Judge all creation, including the angels.

2007-08-16 09:29:26 · answer #6 · answered by TEK 4 · 0 0

Ted Chiang said something in his story "Hell is the Absence of God" that resonated with me and corresponded to these questions well that were bothering me.

"God is not kind, God is not just, God is not merciful, and understanding that is essential to true devotion."

He is the leader and the creator, and so whatever he does is the final word. Shakespeare said "Like flies to wanton boys are we to the gods/they kill us for their sport." God is God! He does whatever he wants to do. Devotion to such a God is difficult but if the stories are right, will be rewarded in the end.

Have you ever loved a criminal? I have. Not from being conned or forced to but because of my free will. I knew exactly what I was doing. He never robbed or stole or attempted murder on me because he loved me too. But at any time I know he could switch and I would be such victim of his methods because he is who he is. And it is the same I think with God. Knowing that his will is the motive of any action that appears here on the Earth. Bad things happen and I love him anyway. And if he decides to kill me for fun or to punish another group of people or teach someone a lesson, well then that will be as it may.
TEK, I understand where you are coming from, but this answer satisfies well why people from the firstborn innocent babies in Egypt during the plagues to relatives and friends I care about who did absolutely nothing wrong were arbitrarily killed to teach someone else a lesson. God is kind? To whom? Surely not to those babies or my father or my friends who are no longer with us. Not on this plane at least. God is just? Not when a bridge collapsed, not killing the architects or engineers or inspectors, but random people who had nothing to do with the situation. God is merciful? Not to the people who are tortured to death for what they believe. It is a vast, cosmic game, and we are merely pawns. The player is in control, and to love him we have to accept this.

2007-08-16 09:14:54 · answer #7 · answered by buscadora78 2 · 0 1

You've been given the wrong information. Bad things exist in the world because we chose sin instead of God. As all powerful as God is, He doesn't make us live in a perfect world since we chose not to.

2007-08-16 09:11:27 · answer #8 · answered by starfishltd 5 · 0 1

Please do not generalize all theists. I for one do not have the belief that God plays a role in everything that happens on this Earth. We are here to live, we live, we do good things and bad and it has nothing to do with God.

2007-08-16 09:07:46 · answer #9 · answered by Jason J 6 · 0 0

Unbeknown to you, you were created for the purpose of having a relationship with God.

If God had pre-programmed you to always love him, allowing no room for you to willfully turn away from him, would that relationship be genuine?


God created you with the capacity to turn away from him so that IF you choose to do the right thing, it will be real. He created you with the capacity to hate him so that if you choose to love him your love will be real.

God allows you to make your own decisions and be as evil as you want.

But read the last chapter of the book.

He wins. :)

2007-08-16 09:08:53 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

God is all-powerful and all-knowing but it doesn't mean He does everything and doesn't let us screw up.

Let me put it this way, if you find something wrong or imperfect about God, it's your interpretation that's wrong, not God.

2007-08-16 09:10:41 · answer #11 · answered by bacha2_33461 3 · 0 0

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