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1. How is it that evolution has so much credibility when there is no known cross speciation fossil to colaborate it's theory. Where is the missing link(S). Not just man, but any species in any kingdom, phylum, genus order?

2. How is it that you presume to know the truth of it all when you can not even fathom the heights of our universe nor the depths of sub-atomic particles? There is also the unseen!

3. How is it that the scriptures and prophecies are 100% accurate on all accounts from the begining of civilization until today? There are thousands of them! E-mail me and I will list some of them for you!

4. In your pride do you not have that missing part of your life that you know is there? I am not condemning you, but realize your need as I have that need too, as well as every other sinner on Earth. We need the missing piece, it is the atonement of our sins that is found inside of Christ Jesus.

5. All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved!

2007-08-16 08:17:35 · 35 answers · asked by TAHOE REALTOR 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

35 answers

okay, fine - where's your proof of God?

2007-08-16 08:26:15 · answer #1 · answered by Jack 5 · 4 0

1. This might have been true 50 to 20 years ago, I suggest that you try to catch up with the current state of science. Several transitional fossils have been found and more are being identified.

2. Can not fathom? How do you know what I can fathom or not. I'm perfectly comfortable in knowing that there are around 400 billion stars in our galaxy and around 400 billion galaxies in the universe, and that most of the matter in the universe is dark matter. I have a relatively good understanding of the basics of sub-atomic particles, so I fail to see why I can't have fathomed them... It does race the question that if they were designed and so precisely, why did god allow so many design flaws in humans?

3. I've looked into prophecies of all sorts and I'd have to say that at best not even 1% have ever been substantiated as having been fulfilled. Civilization was around for along time before the Hebrew culture was formed.

4. My pride making me miss what I know? Uh.. Yeah, sorry not even close to a discription of me or anyone I know. I do know that God does not exist, and *if* he did, he has a very perverted sense of justice and parenting.

5. Which lord, there have been countless European Lords, and thousands of various deities? You should check as you could very easily have chosen the wrong one.

2007-08-16 08:34:36 · answer #2 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 2 0

Not that it's going to change your mind, but here goes:

"Where is the missing link(S). Not just man, but any species in any kingdom, phylum, genus order?" The fossil record of the horse IS complete from Eohippus all the way up the modern horse. It shows the horse getting progressively bigger. It shows the evolution from multiple toes, to one toe, to a hoof. The evolutionary history of the elephant is also very complete.

"How is it that you presume to know the truth of it all…" I claim nothing of the kind. I have decided that the scientific method is a better tool for finding the truth than a book of mythology created by Bronze Age nomads.

" How is it that the scriptures and prophecies are 100% accurate on all accounts?" They're not. One example is the "prophecy" concerning the birth of the Messiah in the book of Isaiah. The one that begins "Behold, a virgin shall conceive a son…" The problem is, it wasn't about the birth of the Messiah. The speaker goes on to say that before the child is old enough to know right from wrong, both kingdoms will be laid waste. He was predicting the outcome of a war. BTW, the word that was translated "virgin" didn't mean "virgin", either.

"..missing part of your life that you know is there?" You mean the part where get to fear being tortured for all eternity if my devotion isn't strong enough? I don't miss it, thanks.

2007-08-16 08:29:38 · answer #3 · answered by Robin W 7 · 2 0

1. Evolution is true. Get over it.

2. I don't presume to know the mysteries of the universe. What I do have is extreme confidence that your rendition of the truth is completely and utterly misled.

3. It takes a hallucinogenic degree of imagination to think that any of the biblical prophecies came true, let alone all of them. The stories were embellished after the facts to fit the prophecies. Simple question- who was at Jesus' tomb when they found he was no longer there. You will find a completely different account in each gospel, thus proving the story was made up.

4. I've been a fundamentalist Christian. Been there and done it, got the tee shirt. Don't miss a thing.

5. Good, I did that when I was a kid.

2007-08-16 08:26:50 · answer #4 · answered by Earl Grey 5 · 5 0

1. Just because you discount/ignore the evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Even IF evolution is not true, that doesn't mean that Creationism is true, by default.

2. The Truth? Which truth are you referring to?

3. Most prophecies are vague, and can be interpretted with multiple happenings throughout history. I could make some up if you like. 1. There will be war in the middle east. 2. False prophets will proclaim themselves as God. 3. Humans will be gone some day.

4. I don't feel any pieces missing... How do you know how I feel?

5. Tried it, nothing happened, moved on.

2007-08-16 08:23:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

1. Being an atheist does not make one a science geek, just free of religion.

2. How do YOU presume you know the truth of it all?

3. That's a blatant lie. You're trying to prove the Bible is true by using... the Bible.

4. To each his own. I could quite easily accuse you of not finding Zeus, but would you listen to me?

I really find it difficult to understand how you think you are in the right always and that you know what other people need in their lives. The reason that there are thousands of religions is because religion is NOT one-size-fits-all.

2007-08-16 08:37:46 · answer #6 · answered by xx. 6 · 1 0

1. I don't think you actually understand the theory of evolution based on this first question. This sounds very similar to Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort's 'Crocoduck' argument.

2. We do not presume to know the truth and we do not presume to know everything. Christians presume to know the Ultimate Truth and I simply believe them to be wrong. That is not to say that I think I have all of the answers, I just don't think you do.

3. 100% accurate? LOL

4. What gives you the assumption that there is something 'missing' in my life? I'll have to agree with JonJon and ask you not to project your fears and insecurities on others in order to make an invalid point.

5. That's your opinion...I have my own.

6. *Drink*

2007-08-16 08:25:01 · answer #7 · answered by Christy ☪☮e✡is✝ 5 · 5 0

Oh boy, here we go again.

Why are you posting (bad) science questions in the religion section? For that matter, why are you trying to post "answers" as a question? This isn't a message board.

1. Wrong

2. I don't presume to know everything. That's what YOU'RE doing. And even when we can't explain something, that doesn't mean some big invisible man is necessarily the reason behind it.

3. After-the-fact rationalizing of re-re-re-re-translations of vauge poetry, does not count as a "prophecy".

4. No, you ARE condemning us, and trying to proselytize.

5. See #4

2007-08-16 08:26:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

1. Why don't you try actually learning about evolution? Then you wouldn't have to make outrageously false statements in the belief that you're making some kind of point. You seem to forget that many atheists actually DO know something about science, as well as religion, so you can't lie to them the way you lie to your fellow Christians.

2. Yeah, whatever. Translate that into something that actually carries some meaning.

3. If you actually believe that, you're hopeless. There's no point in arguing with you at all.

4. I'm fine. You're the one with the problem. Don't try to project your own neuroses and insanities on to mentally healthy people.

5. .

2007-08-16 08:24:43 · answer #9 · answered by jonjon418 6 · 6 0

1. The continuous research done continues to prove evolution's existence. Links through DNA, embryo tic development in the womb, and archaeological finds hold to that truth.
2.Science is answering unanswered questions to this day. It hasn't stopped, but the opposite. Every year new discoveries in science bring understanding to our world and universe.
3.Interpretation can allow anyone to benefit their own agenda... look at Manifest Destiny and Crusades.
4.I believe you can find personal faith in many forms, and it doesn't have to be through a God. Many people do so through faith in themselves, family, friends, the kindness of others, etc.
5. It's OK to ask questions.

2007-08-16 08:44:03 · answer #10 · answered by BIRDY85 4 · 1 0

"...there is no known cross speciation fossil to colaborate it's theory."
-- That's incorrect

"2. How is it that you presume to know the truth of it all when you can not even fathom the heights of our universe nor the depths of sub-atomic particles?"
-- I don't presume that. None of us do.

"3. How is it that the scriptures and prophecies are 100% accurate on all accounts from the begining of civilization until today?"
-- They aren't.

2007-08-16 08:20:09 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 15 2

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