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Do you think you'll just disappear? That seems a bit depressing. What is your purpose in life? would you get mad if your children developed a religion when they drew older?

2007-08-16 08:11:54 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

42 answers

i've often wondered the same thing, wouldn't that be incredible depressing knowing you live only for your own pleasure?

2007-08-16 08:16:55 · answer #1 · answered by Joshua L 2 · 0 4

Look, the illusion of self is fed by the brain. The brain dies, the connections get broken, poof. End of you. You don't go anywhere.

"That seems a bit depressing."
Everything ends sometime. I find it amazing that I have the chance to be part of this universe at all; out of all the various possibilities it resulted in me on this weird and amazing planet.

"What is your purpose in life"
I have various but for the purposes of this question; life is not a game show. Or a little parade of humans for a god. It's not a book where the good guys win in the end. It just is.

"would you get mad if your children developed a religion when they drew older"
Developed their own religion? Sure, why not. Can't be worse than all the others. And if they would follow one of the others, well, that is their choice.

2007-08-16 08:19:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

1: Nowhere. I will be cremated and my ashes scattered along my favourite beach. The family will gather on the anniversary and have a wild party.
2: If that counts as disappearing, then yes.
3: Depressing? What's depressing about that?
4; Purpose is to maximise on this one and only opportunity I'll get - as there is no afterlife, of course. Maximise by trying to live a civilised and happy existyence, striving to better myself and to inmprove the lives of those around me. maybe even omproving the lives of a wole nation ... which is an opportunity that has recently presented itself to me. How about you?
5: I wouldn't get mad but I would be very disappointed that they would waste their life on a fairy tale. I would very probably do everything within reason to discourage them and that from a very early age, when they are most impressionable - that's how religion perpetuates itself, by the indoctrination of trusting children.

Any more questions? These are too easy.

2007-08-16 08:20:24 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Do you think you'll just disappear? No
Depressing? No
What is your purpose in life? If your assuming I dont have a purpose in life because im Atheist shame on you.
Would you get mad if your children developed a religion when they drew older? Depends... I don't know whats in store for the future.

2007-08-16 08:31:47 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think I'll go anywhere but the morgue and then possibly the cemetery. My purpose in life is to live, be a good wife, mother, daughter, and friend, and no, I wouldn't be mad if my children developed a religion. That's up to them. I would just be upset if they didn't do very thorough research on not only the religion they're interested in, but the beliefs of OTHER religions, also. I would want them to be educated about the beliefs and responsibilities of the religion that they are taking on, before claiming such a belief.

2007-08-16 08:17:46 · answer #5 · answered by Jess H 7 · 3 0

The some of my being will break down and become other stuff- this is in no way depressing or scary- for one thing it's a return to the norm if you consider how long you've spent existing to long you've spent not existing, and it's a natural fact that the old must make way for new oppurtunities to arrise - in a more romantic context, we all belong to a great interconnected ballet of energy.
Anyway, whats so great about you that the energy (wherever it came from and whatever it is) that makes your conciousness should be sectioned off for all time just so you can exist forever? I'm not having a go at you- I asked that question to myself, found no good answer, and lost any fear of being dead (this is not the same as a fear of dying- thats a healthy, useful response- I plan to belt the Grim Reaper with a stick if he sticks his nose in round my way)

2007-08-16 08:21:15 · answer #6 · answered by miserable old git 3 · 1 0

Where do I think I'll go after death - I don't know - just like everybody else.

Do I think I will just disappear? Again, I don't know and neither does anybody else.

Is it depressing? What does that have to do with reality? Just because there is a happy fantasy out there doesn't make it real.

My purpose in life? My family, my friends, my children, my career, my country, my happiness. To Live, To Love, to Leave a Legacy.

I would hope my children are raised to be free thinkers. I will support them in whatever they do as long as they are good people.

2007-08-16 08:16:53 · answer #7 · answered by Alan 7 · 5 0

My consciousness will cease to exist in a physical state. It is equally depressing that I am not a multi-millionaire. Can I become one if I believe in it hard enough?

Reality is how it is. You can chose to accept it or not.

My purpose in life is to propagate long chain organic molecules. Any other purpose I must find for myself.

I doubt that they will, they have been shown how to question and think for themselves. If they were to believe in a religion I would not get mad. There might be some interesting discussions though.

2007-08-16 08:22:18 · answer #8 · answered by Simon T 7 · 0 0

I want to be cremated and my ashes spread on the island I grew up on. My fundamental elements will be returned to nature to be incorporated into new life forms. From being drawn up through the roots of the trees of the forest to flowing through the streams back to the sea and finally billions of years from now when our sun goes supernova to be returned to the formation of stars from which it came initially.

While I really love life I know death is part of the price we pay for it so to make as much of it as I can. I have lots of meaning and purpose in my life. Its not about totally hedonist or selfish living either. My family, contributing to make the world better for future generations, etc.. are things which I think give my life ample meaning. I also enjoy just living, learning, and exploring as much as I can while I am here. I do think spending my one life worshiping a non existent deity and counting on a fictional immortality would be a huge waste.

My children's choice in what to believe is their own and I would love them no matter what. I would be slightly disappointed if they went with religion just to avoid dealing psychologically with their mortality and I would be very disappointed if they went with one of the loopier/extreme forms of religion but it is their choice and I love them regardless. Just like a real all loving deity would if it really existed.

2007-08-16 09:01:01 · answer #9 · answered by Zen Pirate 6 · 0 0

I won't dissapear, I'll rot in the grave just like everyone else. Depressing? Maybe. That's why I take advantage of the life I have right now. My purpose in life? To be a good person and make a career designing games. Children? I'm not going to have any. Sure, going to heaven is comforting, but not real to me. I'm going to use this life to its full advangtage and practice my free will.

2007-08-16 08:16:16 · answer #10 · answered by nckmcgwn 5 · 4 0

Yup that's about it for after death, except for the depression part. My purpose in life is to reproduce and continue the species along, the rest is cake.

Not sure how my children will "drew older", but as they have grown and continue to grow, I hope they use their analytical thinking that I've instilled in them to help them make their decisions.

2007-08-16 08:19:00 · answer #11 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 3 0

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