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We've been dating over 1.5 years and for the past 2 weeks we've been unhappy mostly my issues I suppose. Anyways he's moving up here to go to college and so i think it's stress, financies, family, etc. We kept fighting and i asked him what he wanted. We love each other so much and he wanted a break. Not a sleep with other people but not talk or see each other break to reasses everything. I said no but then said do it because it's important to him. Now I can't seem to get on. I'm still crying hours later and I want to contact him. What should I do? I don't want a break and just want to see him and help him move into his apartment! It sounded like a good idea until now and I'm clueless, is a break the right thing to do, should I call and disagree? Our current deal is I won't do anything and he'll call when he's ready but I can't do that. ....HELP!

2007-08-16 07:46:44 · 24 answers · asked by misschick87 2 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

24 answers

you really sound frazzled and desparate...
at this point, you need a break...you need space and time to get your head together. if it's meant to be, it will....even with
time away, two people meant to be will happen and that should be your focus...but trust me, your gonna break if you
don't get a break.

2007-08-16 07:52:30 · answer #1 · answered by LIzzz 6 · 3 0

If you both really love each other so much as you say, then you have nothing to worry about. The fighting over things is not good in any relationship. You both need to not lose grasp of what's more important to both of you, which is each other, over nonsense or material stuff. Sometimes females can smother or wear out a guy that they need a break. Or his wanting a break can be another way of dumping the relationship altogether. I understand the importance of consistency and your good intentions. There are several things to consider...'Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder'...and...'If you Love Something, Set It Free & If It Comes Back To You, It's Yours; If Not, Then It Wasn't Meant To Be.' What to do is your choice and there's no assurances.
You can either wait it out like he wanted, or call him and or simply move on. The problem is you could wait forever but if you call him at least you'll know something.

2007-08-16 15:17:30 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Just Give Him A Little Time,
He'll Come Around,
I Know How You feel I've Been There,
But Hes Just Stressed Out And He Might Think Tht Being In A Serious Relationship At The Moment Is Adding More Pressure,
Just Give HIm Time And Space And He'll Be calling You When he Feels Its Right.

Good Luck.

2007-08-16 14:51:39 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't think that it's fair for you. If you are someone he wants to be with and marry then why would he want that much time apart from you?? Do people take breaks in marriage? If it is a break for a couple of days so he can get some things accomplished then that's different, but he is making you wait for him to decide when the break is over. It's just not right. When you love someone you should want to share the changes in your life.

2007-08-16 14:56:37 · answer #4 · answered by Chelley 3 · 0 1

I was in a similar situation just a couple weeks ago. My boyfriend and I, who have dated for 2 years, now, took some time apart. We actually have a relationship past made for a romance novel. We dated in highschool, but couldn't be together because of my parents. Later, we got back together in 1998 and dated for 6 months, but still my parents wouldn't allow it and their influence on me persuaded me not to be with him. Needless to say I married someone else, but it didn't work out. During my separation I started seeing my first (and only) love, again for the third time (third times a charm :)). He had never married and had kept every letter, card, and picture that I had ever given him. He even had the old ticket stub from the movie we saw 9 years earlier, isn't that sooooo sweet? Things were great, right? Wrong....things had changed. Things weren't bad, but we both had grew up and been through alot in our time apart. My previous marriage had instilled a fear of commitment in me that I just couldn't shake and he had alot of insecurities because of our past (that I might leave again).
As time went by our relationship came to a stand still. Everytime he mentioned moving further in our relationship, I would unconsciously start to nit pick at crazy stuff and stall any rash decisions. After a while he felt like giving up and I felt neglected and taken for granted, but I never once took into consideration that he might have felt the same. He had told me several times that I seemed to put up a wall between us and that I distanced myself from him......I felt the same way, but I said that him taking me for granted caused me to distance myself. All the fighting and distance started to hurt, so I suggested we take time apart....I felt like if he loved me HE would change and see that I was serious and that things had to be different between us. That was the longest two weeks of my life and the most lonely. Really and truly if you love each other you don't need a break....you need to work things out.
To make a long story short, during the two weeks, we both discovered that we had issues from our past that we BOTH had to get past to move forward. We are back together and things are going really, really well for us. A relationship takes two...working very hard for each other. There is no other alternative. You might have a love like Romeo and Juliet, but after a while the fairy tale fades and the hustle and bustle of life sets in trying to trick you into believing that there is more important things in life than your partner. Don't fall for it. That's where the work comes in. If we all put as much time into our relationships as we do our 9-5 jobs, there would be alot less divorce in America.
I suggest that you call your boyfriend and set down and have a talk with him. DON'T argue....what's the point? You never accomplish anything but resentment or fear when you raise your voice. Both of you discuss what is bothering each of you and how you feel. Let him know how much you care and how much you want this relationship to work. Ask him how he feels about things.....about you. Tell him you have both been wrong...remember there is ALWAYS two sides to EVERY story. The next step is to love each other like there's no tomorrow. Try not to sweat the small stuff. When you look at the big picture there is very little that should ever be argued about in a relationship. The rest is pointless.
Good luck to you!!!!!

2007-08-16 15:31:06 · answer #5 · answered by Gretta 3 · 0 0


Take this time to regain your center. If this is meant to be, he'll come back and you will make peace. Focus on you now. Get a new hair style. Get a message or manicure and pedicure. Go out with your girlfriends and have fun. This is the time to focus on making you happy. He will do what he will do. Your job is to focus on you. I know it's very hard, I've been there. But, it's the only thing that will help you in the end. Best wishes sweetie.

2007-08-16 14:57:46 · answer #6 · answered by supergirl 5 · 0 0

First of all sweetie I know how you are feeling. I have been throught the same thing. But there is an old saying for what you are going through and it goes "if you love someone let them go if they come back then you'll know" So don't worry cause If he loved you like he says he does then you have nothing to worry about cause he'll be back when he gets himself together. However if he doesn't then its not meant to be and you should learn to let it go and move on. Yes its painful but you can get through it. And don't bother him as he works out his issues cause this might only push him further away. Good Luck !

2007-08-16 14:56:19 · answer #7 · answered by baby_phat23 1 · 1 0

so what is this "break" supposse to do. you should have said NO you dont want no break..you should have told him either we fix our problems and be together or we break up. a break thats stupid. because he could be having a break and be with someone else. and for you to say its mostly your issues..babygirl you are in a relationship together! so its BOTH of your issues. dont blame anything on you alone. both of you is to blame. you shouldNT call him. just wait for him to call you. but if he takes like 3days or a week then theres a problem seems as though hed want more then a break..call him and say what do you want to do? break up or work this out?! follow your heart. A man isnt worth your tears, and the one who is wouldnt have made you cry!!!!! dont cry over him baby! if you are unhappy get out now!!! if you both cant make things work and come to a conclusion move on there are plenty fish in the sea.

2007-08-16 14:55:55 · answer #8 · answered by Fit 4 A King 4 · 1 1

No, you shouldn't call him. Then you might seem like you can't live without him, and that would make him think he can do whatever the hell he wants to you and get away with it.

Let him cool off for a while, and then maybe after a week or so you should ring him up, if he hasn't called you by that time already.

2007-08-16 14:56:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It sounds like your very depentant on him, so take a break find yourself. Because nothing will change if you don't fix the problems you have. One seems to be insecurity. Get some self help books. Do things to make yourself better and stronger. If all you do is think about him all the time, that is not healthy. People do need to breath. So take a breath.

2007-08-16 14:53:59 · answer #10 · answered by krennao 7 · 2 0

Just let him have a break. You might wanna take sometime to just calm down and maybe do some yoga to relax you. It sounds like he's not going to break up wih you he just need a break from all the fighting and stress. So dont worry.

2007-08-16 14:51:35 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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