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You know, they are promised everything but given nothing. They exist in a constant state of hatred for those who disagree. And they are routinely scammed by conmen claiming to speak for a fictional being who takes their hearts, their minds and their money.
What can bedone to help stop this cycle of abuse?

2007-08-16 07:30:47 · 23 answers · asked by Jack 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Several TV evanglists including that idiot have been documentedto be Con men - wake up people.

2007-08-16 07:43:36 · update #1

idiot = Benny Hinn

2007-08-16 07:44:55 · update #2

23 answers

Some day maybe people will get back to reality. But i think at the moment, they are confortable this way. I got a few answers telling me that god is something that makes them relaxed about a lot of things in their life, and of course concerning death. Isn't death the most feared thing? I heared this saying: "before death there are no atheists". I dont know if it is true, but it's relaxing to think that when you die, you dont really die... it is nice to think that there's someone guarding your life, taking care that you dont suffer more than you deserve. And there are those people who take advantage of people's fears and weaknesses.

2007-08-16 14:18:48 · answer #1 · answered by larissa 6 · 0 3

You can't argue people outa religion cos they weren't argued into it.

It's a cultural disease they were infected with; often at birth.

In the case of Xianity few will realise they're accidental Xians at best.
If they’d been born in Pakistan they'd have been Muslims; India, Hindus; Tibet, Buddhists; Holland, probably Atheists.

Theists are basically Foolish as well as being Cowards.

InvisibleSkyPixies were manufactured by TheScammers to control and extract money from the Gullible.
TheScammers told TheGullible that ThePixie watched and knew EVERYTHING they said, thought and did, 24/7 and, even if they couldn't REALLY hear it, ThePixie was telling them alla time: If you don't Love me, and Suck up to me and be MyBïtch 24/7, I’m gonna send you to burn in hell for all of eternity.

Obviously TheGullible couldn’t risk going to hell and enduring all that pain (never stopping to think that the body goes in the ground or is cremated at death) so they acquiesced to TheScammers demands for money in the shape of Tithes or Alms or just plain old everyday Psychological CarrotStick Manipulation in the form of ‘gimme, gimme’..
TheScammers also conned TheGullible into believing that if they talked in a special way (talking in tongues is a recent USian addition) ThePixie might, if he thinks you’ve been really, really good, give you what you asked for.
TheScammers knew that by natural law enough of these ‘wishes’ were granted whether they were preyed (woops) prayed for or not.

Seneca: Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

2007-08-16 18:21:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Wow..I know you addressed this to Atheists, but I am going to give you my view anyway.

Promised everything but given nothing...I am promised eternal life, and God has given me more than anyone can ever know..financially I have been blessed, ever since I have started tithing.. to me he is not fictional, he did not take my heart, I gave it willingly, he did not take my mind, I still use it, but I think a little bit more before I say or do something and the effect it will have on not only me but everyone around me...they do not ask for my money, I give it willingly because I want to not because I have too....Now there are some Christian conmen and probably conwomen as well...However the Lord gives us a discerning spirit and we are able to decide whether or not we want to hear what they have to say.

I have been a Battered Wife...my ex used to beat me a lot.. I know what the syndrome is like...and my life in Christ is nothing like my life when I was being physically abused by a man...Christ has set me free, my ex kept me prisoner..literally.

So please stop trying to "save" us we don't want to nor do we feel that we need to be saved..because well Christ saved us already...besides if you want to save people from Con artists, help the elderly..they get scammed all the time (in Florida especially) Use your talents and fervor for something that really could help someone, because no offense we don't need your help..

2007-08-16 14:41:14 · answer #3 · answered by Nicole B 4 · 2 5

Such people, religious fanatics, are products of their environment--it just so happened that unfortunately, they grew up in a Christian world.

Something I wish to see is for the agnostics, atheists and non-Christians in the US to actively seek legislation banning religious propaganda in government, especially those which advocate hateful sentiments against homosexuals, non-Christians, and all the rest of normal, smart and sane humanity.

Yes, there is the First Ammendment which guarantees the freedom to defend one's irrational beliefs--but must we tolerate this in a secular institution such as the government?

Simply put, these so-called "battered Christians" must be made aware that their claims to supremacy and favour from God is intolerable and unethical. That would wake them up and shatter their ivory tower.

2007-08-16 14:43:08 · answer #4 · answered by fengshuiclueless 2 · 3 1

Tough love...

Light-hearted, skeptical, eye-brow raising "point/counter-point" observations are not uncalled for...but mean attacks on their faith just ain't right...

Religion (to me) is a huge mental defensive "Wall" (the kind in Pink Floyd's Epic Albumn) the masses use to "block" those uncomfortable and sometimes frightening "realizations of mortality" they experience from time to time...("Harsh Reality" does suck quite a bit...) so I will respect their "faith," and not try to tear down that wall by shooting mortar rounds at it...the best way is to get them to "unbuild" it gently, brick by brick for themselves...

Do you really want to suddenly yank away billions of people's "wall" all over the world all at once?

That might be worse than billions of people having that "wall..." i.e. The scene at the end of "The Divinci Code" where Tom Hanks character asks Jesus' great great great great great granddaughter what she'll do with her "self knowledge..."

I think THAT is a profoundly good question...and probably one worth considering...

(give it up, dude...that "wall" is thousands of years old, and the mortar between the bricks is as solid as titanium granite...just "live" and let "live..." or you'll just bruise your intellect butting your head up against it...)

2007-08-16 14:46:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

why do people give money to the church if not for acquiring eternal peace and forever sunshine, and the river of honey?!

..it's a common practice for churches (and some priests) to demand and for believers (poor fellows!) to comply..

i hear it goes on ever since middle eve and the witch burnings. i mean it got worse than ever during that time

now for the cure: there's no cure. unless there is no one left to cure!

they choose to be, and remain christian...! maybe they should all be commited -- for delusional
the world would be a safe place to wake-up to ))

2007-08-16 16:46:27 · answer #6 · answered by Brillian† world-beyoundsur 6 · 1 0

Powerful anti-psychotic medications may cause even the most acute Christians to lose interest in their delusion, as is demonstrated everyday in mental hospitals throughout America. This type of heavy handed approach can only be justified for those Christians whose persistent exaggerated fear of their imaginary God is associated with chronic schizophrenia and other dementia.

2007-08-16 14:46:18 · answer #7 · answered by Diogenes 7 · 3 2

I could not agree with you more about Benny Hinn, But as a Christian I don't give my money to people like him.

2007-08-16 14:49:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


2007-08-16 14:35:17 · answer #9 · answered by gruz 3 · 12 2

I am trying to explain our point of view but they won't listen. That's the NICE way of doing it. But we can use other methods...brainwashing.. anyone? But that would make us a cult..ok never mind. I'll stick to talking to them.

2007-08-16 14:38:21 · answer #10 · answered by Sam 6 · 2 1

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