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2007-08-16 06:27:03 · 26 answers · asked by hanna 1 in Politics & Government Military

26 answers

Yes....With modern Technology women can fight beside men.
The only problem is American people are not ready to see their sisters, mothers, wives sent off to war and in harms way on the front lines with combat MOS's.

Anyone called up in a draft can have the chance to prove they are unfit for duty, and if found unfit they will be exempt from serving.


2007-08-16 06:41:32 · answer #1 · answered by ฉันรักเบ้า 7 · 1 2

Yes, if women are seeking equality, and men are required to register for the draft, then so should women.

dallas- Although there is no draft at this point, males are still required to register for the draft when they reach 18.

Many people here are saying how they would be worried is both husband and wife were drafted. That would never happen, just like how, when the draft was active, an only son couldn't be drafted; nor could all sons in a family be drafted. It would be the same with a husband an wife. Only one could be drafted.

2007-08-16 06:31:27 · answer #2 · answered by greencoke 5 · 1 2

There will not be a military draft in the near future. However, all males are required to register for selective service. If we want gender equality, women should have the same selective service requirements as men do.

2007-08-16 06:40:47 · answer #3 · answered by wichitaor1 7 · 1 0

Well first of all you need to think about this.

What would cause a draft?

War ofcourse, and I mean a REAL war not Iraq, and ofcourse women are not allowed in combat arms, they can only serve in support roles.

Although absolutly nescessary these support roles are, in a time of war all soldiers of all roles would most likely see combat and thus far women in general have performed poorly in the combat situations.

But becides their performance in combat there are several other reasons why women and men should not fight side by side, reasons such as emotional attachment (imagine your fiances head getting blown off right infront of you) lack of brute stregth (70lbs of gear plus a 200lb guy = 270lbs, not many girls can lift or even drag that much weight) to carry your wounded buddy to safety, and ofcourse favoritism, which cant be avoided, men naturally treat women "different and sometimes better" and expect less from them when it comes to "work load" than they do other males.

Maybe an all female unit could work? I dont know.

But as it stands today drafting females into the Army during a real war where hundreds if not thousands of soldiers are dying everyday would just weaken the Army even more so.

Women can contribute to the war effort in other ways.

2007-08-16 07:11:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Some females want to serve along side men in combat roles. Not all but some. So I will say yes. With out a doubt they should register. But if you are a woman that does not want to register for selective service then you need to jump on your female friends that are trying to get you drafted. Honestly I do not think a woman should serve in a combat zone...... They do not have to meet the same physical standards as men so why would we put them in the situations as men. All combat soldiers should have to meet the same standards no matter what gender.

2007-08-16 06:41:30 · answer #5 · answered by scout2116 2 · 3 0

Should women be allowed to vote?, go to the Country Club?, Run for elective or Corporate positions?, then, pray tell, why shouldn't they have the privilage to register for the draft? It is a privilage and an obligation to serve the country that you make your living from!! USMC 60-68

2007-08-17 06:58:58 · answer #6 · answered by grizzlytrack 4 · 0 0

I'm all for equal rights but no. (Personally, I don't think drafting is a good idea anyways, but that's for another time) What if a husband and wife get drafted, who will take care of their kids? Or if the wife gets drafted and the husband doesn't, do you seriously think that the man would be okay with his wife going off to war instead of him? Let's say there was a clause that if you are a mother then you can't get drafted, well, I think a lot of women would be getting pregnant for the wrong reasons. If a woman wants to join the service and express her equal rights that way, than so be it. But who says that women get equal rights in the military anyways?

2007-08-16 06:45:50 · answer #7 · answered by miss_sass_e_cat 3 · 4 2

I think it would depend. For me, personally, I have no problem with going into the Military, I think it's a great job...if I was single, or married without children. In fact, I thought about going into the service before I had my first baby. However, that being said I would want a waiver not to be drafted now. At this point in our lives my husband is already in the Army, he's seen two tours to Iraq (one 12, one 15 month). It's been VERY hard on our children, who are still very young. I would not be willing to risk deploying at the same time as my husband; I don't think that's fair to our children for both of us to leave them for months or over a year at a time. They need stability at their ages (or at least as much of it as you can provide being a Military family) and for us that means me staying at home with them so he can do his job without worrying about us. Becoming a dual Military couple isn't something either of us wants. There would need to be a waiver if you are married and your spouse is already actively serving.

2007-08-16 06:39:47 · answer #8 · answered by april 3 · 2 0

I feel that no one should be made to register for the draft.

2007-08-16 09:35:26 · answer #9 · answered by Spirit Dancer 5 · 1 1

I personally don't believe anyone should be legally required to serve in the military if they don't want to, unless there were very exceptional circumstances that made it necessary.

But in any country with a draft, of course women should be included. I believe in the concept of gender equality (minus certain biological differences). If women want to vote, have equal or better pay to male counterparts, equal or superior social status and the right to be eligible for any job (save combat roles, which mainstream feminists tend to neglect), they should be eligible for the same unpleasant things males have to go through. Gender equality tends to be pick-and-mix, women have everything they want and lack everything they don't want.

2007-08-16 06:55:17 · answer #10 · answered by Gotta have more explosions! 7 · 2 1

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