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I do not believe in tipping at anytime, I have paid for the servicie

2007-08-16 06:22:31 · 28 answers · asked by bullseye2010 1 in Society & Culture Etiquette

28 answers

it shows that your not an asshole and you liked the service.... true, some restaurants include the tip into the bill but for those other places, its nice to tip them for serving you.... some of those people servive on the tips they get everyday until they get their paycheck, ever thought of that?

2007-08-16 06:27:25 · answer #1 · answered by Jay P 5 · 4 0

According to the IRS, it is not necessary to tip.
However, the restaurants do not pay full minimum wage to the wait staff. They make possibly half the minimum wage and are expected to make up the difference in tips.

some restaurants also demand a cut of the wait staff's tips, which is unfair. They supposedly share this with the bus boys and the host/hostesses.

The wait staff puts up a lot of effort to make your meal and enjoyable one. Generally, all problems you have, you blame on the wait staff, which is not right. Sometimes it's the cooks fault, yet the wait staff get all the grief.

Are you a regular at a restaurant? You will find that if you generously tip a waiter/waitress and you get them frequently, you will have really great service. They will go out of their way to make your time at the restaurant pleasurable.

The waiters/waitresses lively hood depends on their tips. the money they make on their checks are measly, and generally they don't even get benefits. You are doing them an injustice by not tipping.

2007-08-16 06:33:38 · answer #2 · answered by anniebammy 3 · 4 0

Tipping is ALWAYS to be done whenever you go out to a restaurant and are served by a waiter/waitress. Serving staff DOES NOT make minimum wage - they MAKE LESS. The make less because it is assumed that the tips they receive will supplement their wages and bring them up (and sometimes beyond) minimum wage. Currently, wait staff minimum wage is somewhere between $2-$3/hour, depending on the state.

If you don't tip after a meal, be prepared to never go there again, because waiters and waitresses will get highly fed up with you and I'm sure some restaurants would refuse to serve you.

For those who make above minimum wage, it's just a common courtesy. Letting them know that they did a good job and you appreciate their help/services.

2007-08-16 06:33:44 · answer #3 · answered by Meg 4 · 3 0

Then I certainly hope that you never have to be a server!! Servers are paid less than minimum wage and depend on tips to make a living. There are many positions that are similar. You paid for your meal but you have not paid for your service. If you continue to not tip for service, I surely hope you are not returning to the same restaurants. They have your number and I would hate to be on the receiving end of the food in that case.

2007-08-16 06:28:44 · answer #4 · answered by dawnb 7 · 7 0

In the US waiters get taxed on their tips whether they get them or not.

So in the US not tipping means that they pay tax on money they never get, thus why those in the US tip all the time.

In other countries with less screwed up tax systems tipping is often very rare.

Though if you get good service or couldn't be bothered with getting change or paying exact money tipping can be a good way to get rid of some excess money you've got.

2007-08-16 06:43:26 · answer #5 · answered by bestonnet_00 7 · 1 0

Because waiters/waitresses get paid around $2.00 an hour to bring your food to your table and put up with your whining, that's why. You have paid for the service to the establishment; you have NOT paid for the service from your server. Tipping is a way of keeping your service acceptable. If you want poor service, don't tip. If you want good service, tip. Whoever you are not tipping, chances are, did not do a damn thing to deserve your rudeness. In fact, all they did was work their butts off for you. If the service truly was lousy, that's one thing, but when was the last time you got service poor enough to warrant not leaving a tip? (If you answered all the time, then QUIT GOING TO RESTAURANTS.)

I deliver pizzas for a living, I drive across town with your food in my own vehicle with my own gas, my own tires, my own oil and my own personal safety. I'm on the road with drunks, hot-dogging teenagers, overzealous cops and people who are just generally not paying attention to their driving. I could get mugged or shot. The constant driving, coupled with the crime factor, puts me in the 10 most dangerous professions. That alone means I deserve a tip.

I have bills to pay. You think I do this just because... I enjoy it or something? It's work, and I deserve an honest day's pay for an honest day's work just like you do. People like you have no clue whatsoever how much work went into getting your food to you or providing you with whatever tipped service you are not tipping for.

Then, we have to tip out the others who helped with the service. THEN, there's the good ole IRS... and sometimes we are assessed for tips we did not get from people like you because it is assumed that we got them.

If you want to tell me to get another job if I don't like it, fine. But if we all did that, who would bring your pizza to your door and who would bring your food to your table in a restaurant?

And where would people work when this might be the only job they can get? Who will feed their babies? The government? I don't think so.

I think you are a despicable individual, with an attitude like that. If I knew I was bringing pizza to you, it would take a long, long time to get there. Get a clue, and join the human race.

2007-08-16 06:40:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

To. Insure. Prompt. Service(TIPS)
Please do not think you are being oh so very clever or proper by not tipping. Wait staff is very under paid and in many restaurants your servers tip goes to other people, not just themselves.
15-20% should ALWAYS be tipped and if you don't believe in tipping, don't eat out.

2007-08-16 07:09:18 · answer #7 · answered by TeaQueen 3 · 1 0

The word "tip" or "tips" actually stands for "To Insure Prompt Service."

Think about it - if someone asked you for a favor that you were ready to agree to, and before you could answer they slipped 20 bucks into your hand, wouldn't you then go out of your way to go "above and beyond" when you did that favor? Human nature dictates that when someone is given a gratuity, it motivates them to do a better job than they ordidnarily would.

Also, most waiters and waitresses are notoriously underpaid, so they depend on those tips to make a living. I personally won't tip if I get bad service, but I'll tip very generously if I'm pleased with the service.

Check this out - one time in a restaurant, after placing my order, I went to the ladies room to wash up before eating. I'm at the sink when I hear the toilet flush, the stall door opens, MY WAITRESS comes out, SMILES at me and says hi, and then walks right past me & the sink and goes back into the restaurant!!! I gave her probably the best tip she ever received in her life - it consisted of a handwritten note stating "you peed without washing your hands - no tip for you." I say it was the best tip she ever received, because I'll bet if she waitresses for another 50 years, she'll NEVER forget the advice I gave her, or make that mistake again.

2007-08-16 06:38:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Tipping shows appreciation for good service. Your server is also taxed for the calculated amount of tips he or she is expected to receive on a particular job, so you are shortchanging that person.
As a former server in a cafe, I know that most of us servers really depend on those extra bits of change and folding money to help make ends meet.
In some countries, tipping can also perk up slow service (not always, but most of the time).

2007-08-16 06:30:06 · answer #9 · answered by crowbird_52 6 · 4 0

You need to realize that waitresses and waiters are paid at a lower rate due to the tips that they are expected to receive this makes the cost of the meal less than it would be if they were paid minimum wage.

2007-08-16 06:29:39 · answer #10 · answered by Pirate AM™ 7 · 4 0

Ok, so you said it and you have a right to be "thrifty".

If you are looking for respect or admiration for your style, you may have some challenges. Tradtionally, cheapness has always been a negative quality. It represents a self centered ambition to hoard one's money for tangible exchange and self promotion.

It is less than attractive in front of the opposite sex since it portrays one as selfish and less than compassionate. It cannot ever be considered joyous, compassionate, considerate, gracious, honorable, sexy, cool or trendy.

It is done to show gratitude for extra help, service, information, effort or to supplement a low paying service with a bit of dignity. That is why we tip people.
( TIP = To Insure Promptness)

This doesn't mean that you are wrong or ignorant, it is your choice. But it isn't ever going to make anyone happy or stimulated for friendship...if that sort of thing matters.

2007-08-16 06:38:25 · answer #11 · answered by joe_on_drums 6 · 2 1

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