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I do not believe in God and I have sinned many times haha.. Does this mean I am gonna go to hell?
What if God really is real, he's gonna punish me for not believing in him!!

And if I killed myself would I never be free?
I would forever be a prisoner of the devil, because to take life is playing God.. And that is not for mortals to do!

What happens when you die? -cries-
Rofl lmao

2007-08-16 06:21:39 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

38 answers


Hell is just pretend.

So are heaven and God and Jesus.

2007-08-16 06:24:27 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 7 7

There are a lot of false minesters out there, and false churches, they are all teaching false doctrine.
The devil (satan) is the god of this world, and God is not govern tis world at this time, He has left man alone with his free will. God is only taking care of His people. God has a 6000,00 year plan for man, which is fast comming up.

There is three Hells, the Bible uses the word Hell for all of these, some times, Hell (a hole in the ground 'Grave') Hades(the ever lasting Fire in which all sinners will be thrown to burn and die) Tarose(a place or restrant where God put the fallen angels). Mosr people have th e false idea that the devil is in charge of the ever lasting fire; not true, the fire was made for him, and thats where he is going, because he can't die, he will be for ever in torment.

If you kill your self, you will not be free, but you will be for every lost, because you will not be able to ask God to for give you your sins.

God has say, do all you can while you are alive, because there is no power in the grave(Hell). When you die, you go to your grave, and there you sheep until Jesus returns, then every one will be risen from the grave to face judgement. those who have their names in the book will be saved. and those who dont will be put in the ever lasting fire to die.

All those that have repented of their sins, and have excepted Christ as their saveror, will be reborn of the spirit, and changed from mortal to immortals.

2007-08-16 07:37:05 · answer #2 · answered by Herb E 4 · 0 0

If you do not accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will. There is no such thing as all religions leading to God; there is only one way to God, and that is through Jesus. You must also confess your sins and repent (turn away from) doing them.

That's not to say you won't mess up again. I do all the time. All humans do. All of us are in need of forgiviness. Keep in mind that God is not out to "get" you, but He loves you so much that he doesn't want you to be separated from him forever. That's what hell is -- a foul, dank place with no hope.

Jesus came to earth to give life so you can have it abundantly. He will return again, someday, even though, nobody knows the day or hour. You don't want to be caught without Jesus having your back. When you die, you'll either spend eternity with God in Paradise, or go to Hell, if you didn't believe and trust in His Son Jesus.

Read a Bible if you have one, or borrow one if you need to do that. Some passages of Scripture are hard -- even Bible scholars argue among themselves about what this or that means -- but stick with it. Talk with other Christians about what it all means. Better yet, ask God to give you insight.

I hope that helps. I hope I didn't come across as too preachy. I don't like when people come to me like that, and I'm a Christian! God bless.

2007-08-16 06:36:09 · answer #3 · answered by hhalto 2 · 1 0

Consider the following: Suppose you were watching television. There was an urgent news flash of someone at the top of a tall building shouting that... "I don't believe in gravity, and I am going to jump from the top of this building!" Would you immediately stand to you feet and agree that this person has strong belief and their actions, based on this belief, should not be challenged? I certainly hope not. The same is true with the existence of Almighty God! Are you willing to leap into eternity after death believing that He does not exist without exhaustively investigating your belief? I hope not again. The same is true regarding the Devil. Many people don't believe that the Devil exists. Again, I encourage you to exhaustively investigate your beliefs regarding the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob... and even the Devil. Here's three websites that are exceptional in their presentation: [www.WayOfTheMaster.com], [www.NeedGod.com], and [www.AtheistTest.com]. Are you ready for ETERNITY? [(\o/)(XP)]

2007-08-16 06:46:57 · answer #4 · answered by XPSoldierForever 2 · 0 0

Hell will not be a place where you will be with others, have parties, or enjoy anything. Hell is the place prepared for Satan, his angels and those who do not choose to be with God through acceptance of His Son Jesus, who died in your place for your sins.

Our sin nature is what causes us complete separation from God and all of His blessings. Complete separation will be like lying in a dark hole or grave with no light, no air, no other people, no food and no water. Possibly with hearts and minds burning with regret and sadness. Possibly literal burning. I have not been and will never be there so I can not describe it to you.

This can be changed just by accepting the free gift of salvation from Jesus. By accepting Him as your Lord and your Savior. You have sinned. We all have sinned. That is the reason that He had to die, to take our place for our sins so that we can live eternally with God. Please choose LIFE. Jesus loves you so much.

2007-08-16 06:45:29 · answer #5 · answered by 4HIM- Christians love 7 · 1 0

If you don't believe in God, then there is no reason to believe in sin. If you don't believe in sin, how can you be sure that you have done it? If you don't believe in God, why are you worried about the afterlife?

It seems to me that you are more worried than you let yourself on to be.

2007-08-16 06:31:15 · answer #6 · answered by nbrs6121 2 · 0 0

I believe in The Divine, The Creator, The All. I do not believe in the Christian God. I do not believe in Hell. I do not believe that a loving god that is declared to be "love" would send one of his/her creations to a place of unending torment.

Just my honest opinion.

I believe that we are all made of energy and that energy never dies it continues to live in various stages and forms and at different frequencies. So when we die in this lifetime in our current incarnation we continue onward.

Bright Blessings.

2007-08-16 06:31:25 · answer #7 · answered by )0( Cricket Song 4 · 0 1

Since you do not believe in God, why would you believe in hell?

Oddly enough, just because we do not believe in something does not mean it isn't real.

You were born once, now you need to be born again.

2007-08-16 06:28:27 · answer #8 · answered by Bobby Jim 7 · 0 0

One thing I don't like is that any religion that threatens me if I did something wrong, I will get punished. What happens to positive reinforcement?

Karma is what you need to know. If you did something wrong, it will come back and bite you, that's all. Do the right thing.

People who go to church every Sunday and read the bible are the most hatred people I know.

2007-08-16 06:38:37 · answer #9 · answered by Notredame 3 · 0 1

as funny as your trying to be these are deep thoughts of people for centuries.there is no answer to the question other than faith based ones.and it does not matter which faith does the answering. no one know what happens when one dies only religion can give answer.some people do not mind the thought that nothing happens(phoof) others cannot live with the thought hence religion.

2007-08-16 06:31:41 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i think the answers are in your questions. why ur laughing at you own damnation is quite odd but noone is going to hell with you but you. hell is eternal seperation from god not a party. john 3:16 God loves you. too bad you think so little of yourself

2007-08-16 06:28:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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