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to say they are truely christian on here Im looking for at least 100 christian souls on this thing, can we do it?

2007-08-16 05:58:16 · 42 answers · asked by Pastor Biker 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

come on thats only 13...and the B.S. I answer by saying its an abbreviation nothing not christian about it...and frankly mostly we should be adults here yeah..

2007-08-16 06:11:22 · update #1

42 answers

Count me in.

And btw, dbytz, to be a Christian is to believe in God. By doing so, we don't profess to never sin. Some Christians do drink, smoke, and cuss. They're human first, Christians second, and as humans we're vastly imperfect. And anyway, I doubt anyone will be refused entry to heaven because they used the term "BS".

2007-08-16 06:14:39 · answer #1 · answered by Christie 4 · 2 1

I am a Christian, born again by the blood of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for me. I accepted Him and He came into my life. I was later filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongue - a gift that is of God and desirable for all who are saved to embrace His wisdom and power and mysteries that only the Spirit can know in an effort to provide help to God's children.

2007-08-16 09:41:06 · answer #2 · answered by THE SINGER 7 · 0 0

Please note: yep my answer may be long, and may have some words that are mispelled or typo'd. Stick with it though the reply is from my heart, and I hope it helps.

Yes sir, I am a Christian. And I don't need no fancy Bachelors of Science phoney baloney degree to .... what?... what did you say?.......BS? well yeah I know what else it can mean....... Oh.......you dont say?

Look here Mister Biker Pastor, we is all of us here adults, but that don't give you the right to use initials for something that cows (and for that matter people) do as well they just don't get as much credit for it.

Yep, it's like those guys that go to a Christian mens groups and use a curse word, and then they justify their actions by sayin "come on now, lets get real, were men here" as if that was an excuse.

I was in the past ashamed of this fact, but I will confessto you all now (as I know shame for confessed sin is nothing but false guilt promoted by the devil and his angels) that in my day I have used a colorful word or two, my southern upbringin, my association with the army, working in a prison, and being a truck driver, qualifies me as a grade A #1 Potty mouth.

So you can immagine I know a few words a little worse than a slang term for a natural body function of any living creature on the earth. Yes I have even as a Christian, in the past, taken the Lord's name in vain, and I tell you this I read that part of the new testiment that says where our Lord cautions us as follows in Matt 12:36 "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken."

We may be forgiven, by the blood of Christ, and our salvation may not be in jeapordy (Rom 8:1) but I can testify that there may be a jewel or two missing from my crown.

I guess the bottom line for me and for you should be, how many crown wearers are you trying to recruit? That's my main concern these days. With the Lord's return so much closer than it has ever been are we spreading the gospel, or something else?

I commend you for you question, I take issue with your use of an explitive to share Christ. You see He ate with the sinners, the prostitutes, and tax collectors, and liers and thieves, but He did not ever descend to their level of debasement to get His point across. He has seen fit to come into our house, stand at our door and knock, we let Him in and He has had fellowship with wretches such as ...well such as myself, and still He chooses to love me...to love us all.


I hope you can take this critique in the Spirit it is intended, I make no bones about my being a sinner saved by grace, but I don't try to cover up my sins by using uphamisims like "we're all adults here" to be honest it devalues the message of the Gospel and the Life of Jesus as an overcommer.

I hope this answer helps, and I pray Gods Blessings and the Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the power of His Holy Spirit be upon you and you family and friends.

Al 4 now B

2007-08-16 07:11:05 · answer #3 · answered by ImJstBob 4 · 3 1

I am in all honesty PRAYING for people on here!!!
I do hope and pray many will come to know the truth of Jesus Christ, just by coming on here one day, and reading the gospel message, that the Lord would make it "click" in their hearts and open their eyes.

Yes I am a born again Christian! I love the Lord God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength- I do not deserve Him, yet He willingly chose me---and why? Because He wanted to! There is no greater love than that.
Romans 1:16
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.

2007-08-16 06:03:21 · answer #4 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 5 1

I follow the teachings of Christ.
I obey the commandments of Christ.
I love God with all my heart.
I love my neighbor as myself even if they hate me.
I try to be a living embodiment of divine love as Christ taught.

I am told constantly that I am not a Christian by Christians and the non-Christian people that find inspiration from what I say seem to agree that I’m not a Christian.

I don’t care to judge, not even myself. I don’t care if you think I am or not but I’ll leave that judgment up to you. All I know is that God loves us all.

♥Blessed Be♥

2007-08-16 06:22:11 · answer #5 · answered by gnosticv 5 · 5 0

Everyone's definition of being a Christian is different--some say you're not a Christian unless you live the stereotypical Christian life, and others say you're a Christian if you've committed yourself to Christ, no matter how you live your life. God is the only one who knows our true heart of hearts. So whether or not I'm a Christian depends on your definition, but I would consider myself a Christian.

2007-08-16 06:05:24 · answer #6 · answered by GLSigma3 6 · 3 1

I know I am a Christian and saved from eternity in The Lake Of Fire NOT by or because of anything I did or will ever do to earn it, but because of EVERYTHING Jesus Christ and Almighty God did/do/will do for me.

I enjoy life, love to laugh, and appreciate good humor, but I have too much reverential fear, love, awe, and respect for Jesus Christ, The Holy Bible, & Almighty God to BS about them.

2007-08-16 06:12:40 · answer #7 · answered by faith 5 · 3 0

Not sure I fully understand your question, but I am a true Christian. I belive we must know all of Gods word and obey it. WE are to live as Jesus lived, walking in boldness and humility in full obedience without fear or compromise.
This is our high calling and to lead others to do this also. to KNow Jesus Christ is the only way, for salvation, healing, deliverance, all of it.
Saying you believe is not enough, even the devil believes.
But we must love Him enough to obey Him and that we stay in His full abiding care and protection.
I believe we can lead others on here to Jesus. Some will reject and some will receive, its only our job to live truth and speak it, leaving the rest to God, for the convicting.
I believe in the fullness of Jesus Christ, knowing He can do anything, and I also know ppl must ask. BUt, I belive big for God and I believe we can reach everyone if we all truly do as God says. WE cant give up on anyone, as He doesnt either.
I dont believe I have reached perfection yet, but I know I am on the way, becuase I do live for Jesus only. There is no other way folks. I know I am on the right path with God and I am willing to hear and obey whatever He tells me to I submit my will for His will daily, and I count it all as Joy.
Thanks for the question, and I pray others will hear and respond in a way that shows Gods love. Enuff of those on here that hate God and Christians. We will never give up the gift God has given us and you cant silence a true Christian.
Keep on speaking and living truth and you will be blessed to overflow.... Hallelujah.

2007-08-16 06:08:16 · answer #8 · answered by full gospel shirley 6 · 2 0

YES--I am Christan. We are not perfect to those who want to judge because of the B.S. that was used. We truly believe in God and HIS love, mercy, and forgiveness and He also knows we are human. Do they expect us to be perfect in speaking, dressing, walking, dancing, and all in life. We have fun too, and as I said we are Human, be we Have our Lord with us to guide us down the right path. We are all sinners and we have God with US !!!!!! The Bible even says we are human and all sinners, He knows we aren't perfect, only Jesus was perfect.

2007-08-16 06:27:45 · answer #9 · answered by lana s 7 · 2 0

The idea of christianity is up to so much debate, how can you be sure that your idea of a christian is the same as anyone elses.

Example: The pope recently said that theirs is the only TRUE religion. So him asking this question, only those that follow their philosophy to the letter would qualify them as a "no BS christian"

Take into account this thinking and I submit that christianity is no longer the largest religion on earth.

2007-08-16 06:09:44 · answer #10 · answered by KryptonOne 5 · 1 3

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