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Why do we feel like we have to constantly apologise for terrorism? Haven't we explained that Islam as a religion doesn't condone it? In fact expressly forbids it? When we allow these people to make us feel like we have to "prove our innocence" as it were, we are kept on the defensive. I for one am tired of apologising. I WILL NOT be drawn into anymore conversations regarding it. And furthermore, I do not know what is like to live in a country who is economically, politaclly, and theisticall oppressed by the U.S. and/or Israel, so I cannot really say what goes on in peoples minds if and when they commit acts that are considered terroristic. People will react, sometimes violently, when they are constantly pushed, poked and prodded. When people live under constant threat and worry, they can do irrational things. When people feel hopelessly oppressed, and they feel they have no other options, they will react in ways we cannot fathom. How can I sit here and condemn them when I have no idea

2007-08-16 04:48:17 · 20 answers · asked by norcalislam 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

what they have been through? If someone killed my entire family, wife, kids, I may loose it and do something that I ordinarily wouldn't consider, too. So, I will not play this blame game with people who just want to hate Islam, and love to hear us try to apologize time after time for things we did not do, and do not condone.

2007-08-16 04:50:17 · update #1

20 answers

As a Muslim, I will not apologize for the sins of other Muslims. Then that would mean that all Christians should apologize for the Holocaust, as Hitler was a confirmed Catholic, and stated that God was pleased with his doings. But I've yet to see one Christian/Catholic apoligize for his atrocities, nor do I impulsively assume that, because he was Catholic, Christianity approves of this. Yet these people want ME to apologize for what THEY did? Give me a break! Terrorism, in the way the west sees it, is TOTALLY against Islam; it is a major sin. Unfortunately, the bias media has made so many ignorant about Islam, and the truth is that people ENJOY hating Islam. It seems the few who knew of it before 9/11 just needed that extra crutch, and there they had it on 9/11. But the media takes advantage of those still ignorant of Islam and susceptible to lies, exaggeration, misleading stories, miscontrued evidence or ideas, being one-sided (Specifically pro-Israel), and much more. The western media has painted this false image of Muslims and Islam. Like I said, terrorism is totally uncalled for in Islam. The killing of ANY innocent person is against Islam, as well as comitting suicide for any reason. These idiotic terrorists are using Islam as a mask to cover up their dirty work. How dare they adulterate such a beautiful religion! But then again, I don't know what to trust when it comes from such an unstable source such as the media. I see the lies this propoganda spreads first hand, and it corrupts and manipulates the minds of the masses. Children, police officers, teachers, doctors..you name it! I've seen people of all kinds make ignorant remarks about Islam and Muslims based on what they heard on TV or read in the newspaper. But the fact is, Islam denounces terrorism and never once condoned it; it is entirely condemned. Oh, and for those of those who still insist that we don't speak out, think twice. We DO, and we do it all the time. Unfortunately but not surprisingly, the media would never report this, giving the impression that we Muslims condonde such horrific actions, when the vast majority of us absolutely do not! It is rediculous, really, how the media can manipulate the minds of so many. And to top it off, the media is owned by Jews; look it up anywhere. What does that tell you about the poor treatment of Islam and Muslims on the news and in the newspapers? We are abused, slandered, and despised because of these false things people believe about Islam. Islam truly is a religion of peace, but no one would ever get THAT impression, would they? They are so brainwashed that are never willing to listen and would call someone who said that crazy.

The bottom line is, I will NOT apologize for something someone of my own religion did that was against my religion in the first place, until, perhaps, Christians apologize for the 13 million + people killed in Holocaust. Remember, they weren't only Jews who were killed! But they seem to always get the vast attention anyway.. Don't worry, I know that Christians do not support what Hitler did, but I don't just assume that what he did was very Christian-like like many people do with Muslims. I will, however, continue to condemn terrorism, violence, and hate. It is difficult, though, when a bias media suppresses your words unless they are self-incriminating.

Thanks for the question, and sorry for the long answer. Thank you if you read this far...


Thank you. But for your information, the vast majority of Muslims really do denounce terrorism. I am not just saying this. But, like you said, they are just words. Who will believe us when they have already been brainwashed and can only think one way? Also, like I said in the answer, the media is not going to report us condemning these things. Why would they ever want to give the impression that Islam is peaceful? It only take a glimpse of the REAL truth, not the truth the ignorant THINK they know, to prove a point. Instead, the media will gleefully report on camera a bunch of "Muslims" screaming crazy things about war, murder, Bush, etc. The media will not hesitate to report Muslim women only when they are crying, upset, or, as the west loves to call it, "oppressed". The media hand-picks what to show and what not to show, and this variety of selection is what manipulates the minds of the media's puppets (its audience). The media somehow always manages to report negative, untrue things about Islam, but always fail to report nice, positive things. They do this purposely, and it successfully paints a certain portrait of Muslims and Islam. It really isn't fair..The media also puts Muslims on who happen to share these distorted views of terrorism and hate instead of the true Muslims who denounce this terrorism and give the real truth about Islam, as this would expose the media's grand scheme and contradict its ultimate goal.

2007-08-17 10:42:36 · answer #1 · answered by Omer 5 · 3 0

I think your first mistake is to invest emotion in these discussions. Most of the people who ask these "If Islam is peaceful..." questions are closed-minded and are not going to believe you, no matter what they say. However, you never know and it is our duty to speak the truth of Islam. Just today I answered one of those questions by just posting a link ( I http://www.themodernreligion.com/terror/terrorism_verses1.htm). I really didn't have much hope that he would read it. But, subhanallah, the guy gave me best answer and wrote that the link helped him understand the "fighting verses" better. Who knows what effect your words may have on a person, for good or ill.

The second reason we should continue is that there are many other undecided people who read the questions and answers. If we do not answer, it makes it look as though the bigoted questioner is right and we cannot face it. If we do answer, however, we are using a blessed oppurtunity to share the truth with atleast a few others. This is dawah and it is our duty. Explaining is not the same as apologizing.

You are right that we do not know fully comprehend the suffering of those who are oppressed. However, we should be careful to articulate that point in a way that does not condone the irrational and violent acts that may occur as a consequence of their psychological state. True, it is ultimately up to Allah to judge, but we must also speak out against acts that go against our beliefs, even if they are sparked by untold suffering.

2007-08-17 18:28:49 · answer #2 · answered by MBC 4 · 1 0

I hear bro in humanity. I am sick and tired of apologizing for the crusade. Yet, it is never enough, and we all still questioned and demanded to apologize for something that we, today, has nothing to do with it.

I don't blame your religion, or the people who are misdirected to harm others.

I actually feel sorry for you and your people. Because you are the victim of your people much more than you think you are. You are a victim of those who preach Islam, and at the same breath preach to take over the world, and fight for Islam at any cost. I feel sorry for you, for those Muslims who will and do harm you and your people because they oppose you, and they themselves are Muslims as well.
You are victim of your people. Those who implant hate against others, and play the card of the victim. Ponder upon this for a moment. I know your people. Lived with them and know them so well. Heard the speeches from the top of the mosques that preaches peace. Yes Peace, but the question to who, then ask the same people to fight those who are against Islam. Who is against Islam! Are those in Sudan are for Islam! they kill and enslave their own people, and many suffer a horrible life then death at the hand of those Muslims.
Islam is peaceful for the Muslims. Peace in Islam requires full membership in that community.
and that is my two cents.

Edited. I will not bother you with what happen to us under the hand of some Muslims so as not to victimize the innocent one. Forgive those who trespass against you. and so shall I.
'An eye for an eye and the whole world will go blind'

2007-08-16 05:05:52 · answer #3 · answered by Soleil 4 · 9 1

Islam, which heretofore, was defined as a religion of peace, has been distorted to be perceived as some mult-head hydra of war. It is a shame that any religion is depicted in such simplest, biased terms. Were people to seek what binds us together as opposed to what divides us, peace could be at hand.

2007-08-16 05:00:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Gah, I guess I'm not the only Muslim tired of denouncing terrorism just to be refuted by ungrateful, Muslim-haters, who despite what I say, will always amount my sincere efforts to nothing. I wonder if it's even worth it.


2007-08-18 16:15:42 · answer #5 · answered by justmyinput 5 · 1 0

Tell ya what, sunshine..
You get your Imams to call fatwah and death sentences on the extremists among you, and we'll start believing you don't condone the terrorism.

Until then, it's just words.

I voted against Bush and his cronies, I put my money where my mouth is in the way that I could. I've posted about trying Bush for treason, and I've written letters to my representatives about such, along with trying him for war crimes for his illegal war in Iraq.

Why don't you dolts do the same with the morons in YOUR camps?
Until you do, we will still think that you folks condone their actions.

Omer - Excellent post! YOU are the kind of Muslim that makes sense.

EDIT to Omer:
I know that the Qu'Ran exhorts Muslims to peace, and I think most people do know that. The bible also exhorts Christians to peace (at least the new testament), but like the extremist Islamics, the extremist Christians have twisted certain passages to read a certain way.
And I'm certainly aware of media bias where religion is concerned.
I'm Asatru, you see, I honor the Gods of my ancestors, and we've taken a pretty bad rap whenever we've been in the news. Not nearly as bad as Islam, and that's for sure, but then... America isn't at war with an Asatru nation living under extremely conservative fundamentalist Asatru laws. As far as the mass media is concerned, we're just quaint little kooks since we don't follow one of the big 3 mainstream religions.
I believe a lot of Islamics have gotten a bad name because of the idiots in your religion (and we have our share.. stinking neo-nazis... Gods how I hate them and everything they purport to stand for).
Norcalislam doesn't help your case, in my opinion. He continuously spouts anti-American stuff and shows that right or wrong, he'll stand behind Muslims. Whether they're terrorists, or every day Muslims, he supports them.
If he were to post, speaking out against them as you did, I'd have no problem with him. But he gives blind support. Just like most of the republicans in America give blind support to Bush.
Blind support is dangerous.

2007-08-17 09:47:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

I'm sick and tired of having to repeat myself like a parrot, ISLAM IS A RELIGION OF PEACE AND TOLERANCE, NOT TERRORISM. Some people do listen and accept this but most people choose not to. They only hear what they want to hear.

2007-08-17 08:56:49 · answer #7 · answered by ¸.•*´`*•.¸ ℓανєη∂єr ¸.•*´`*•.¸ 6 · 3 2

i have a friend, when she found out i was Muslim, she ask me when was i going to do another 9-11?,, WHAT???? i had nothing to do with it,
so i ask her when was her husband going to molest another little boy? she got very mad & say whay did you say that? because her husband love's kids, i told her,,,,, well he is cathalic right?
she got the point!!!! & say she was sorry for what she had said.
STOP blaming all muslims for what some muslims do!!!!!!!!!!
& stop feeding your mind with what the TV & papers say,
thay say what you want to hear, so there raitings go up!
just because some one dress like muslims do not mean there muslims, & there are prof of this.

2007-08-16 08:01:36 · answer #8 · answered by fatima_feb25 3 · 4 1

One person is accountable for his actions. If you have nothing to do with him, then you don't have to apologize. But when the same religion does something beyond human comprehension, you can't help but feel guilty because it is the same religion. The religion that makes you wise is the same religion that causes them to murder.

2007-08-16 05:06:47 · answer #9 · answered by Mohammad 2 · 5 1


2007-08-16 10:07:54 · answer #10 · answered by ~~∞§arah T∞©~~ 6 · 5 1

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