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Book, chapter and verse please

Remember that the hebrew word "Iom", translated as day in the first charpters of Genesis does not mean "day", but "period of time"

Also what is your favorite OT book? I like Eclesiastes and of course Psalms =D

Paz de Cristo

2007-08-16 03:51:54 · 41 answers · asked by Emiliano M. 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Brian - can you explain please?

2007-08-16 03:55:07 · update #1

I thought i was gonna be bashed by creationists, i'm being bashed mostly by atheists...

Does the fact that the author mentions an afternoon makes it obrigatoty, or even reasonable to give the text a literal interpretation? hmmm thats material for some other question

2007-08-16 07:17:07 · update #2

angeltress: lol, Deuteronomy has some cool parts, i agree that numbers is very BORING.

Thanks, im having a great day, hope you are too.

2007-08-16 07:21:06 · update #3

Men, I don't think i've never learned so much from a single question!!

Great answers, thanks everybody who answered =D

2007-08-16 14:16:43 · update #4

I'd like to give special thanks to: Dreamstuff Entity and ♪♫♪. For pointing out that the word iom does mean day, i had a diferent information
and everyone else for the great answers

2007-08-17 03:56:29 · update #5

41 answers

The Bible states there are three Earth ages;
(2peter chapter 3).
This Earth is eons in age. Christians need to get the blinders off so they can see prior
to Genesis 1:2, and then the Bible will actually make sense to them.
What you read in Genesis is NOT the first creation of the Earth, but of God rejuvinating the Earth to ready it for the flesh habitation of this, the second of the Earth Ages. The periods of time between days is clearly noted by God as being "morning and evening are the first day" etc...just so people won't mistake it to mean each day is a thousand year period.
But even with that clarification, people still are confused, and thats because they are not taught about the three Earth ages.
The manuscripts all but cement these facts
in truth.
I almost choked to death last week while reading on this forum when someone wrote that the dinosaur was created to chastise Adam for his part in the sin.
I've heard others state that fossils have been thrown around by Satan to confuse
people into thinking the Earth is old, when it isn't. Where the hell do people come up with these things? And then they get upset when people laugh at them; they should be laughed at - they are silly at best.

There is no controversy between the truth
of Gods Word and true Science. None.
But there sure are alot of people who are not taught; for that you can thank the Churches, along with those nutcases who profess themselves to be the "leaders in christianity", but who couldn't even lead someone to the toilet. Oh, and lets not forget to thank the new Creation Museum for doing their part in complete and absolute false doctrine.
Remember this: "Christian" is a very generic term and in this final generation, there will be lots of folks who profess themselves as Christians, but who besides
John 3:16 know absolutely nothing that God has to say, but plenty of what man has to say.

2007-08-16 04:19:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

None of them.

It is an assumption that was extracted by an old churchman from ancient times. He was steeped in tradition and came up with that time.

The traditional translation of Genesis 1:2 is perhaps not right, it is not the only way to translate that verse. Using the same words in Hebrew, I can show that the verse in Genesis 1:2 can be translated showing the the Earth was recreated. So the Earth can be any number of years old, just not the way we know it now.

What I am talking about is the Gap Theory of Genesis 1:1 - 1:2. I believe that there is some truth in the theory.

2007-08-16 04:02:26 · answer #2 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 2 0

By the tone of your question, I suspect that you know the answer already. There is no single verse that states the Earth is around 6,000 years ols. This figure is taken from calculating the time from the various geneologies from bot the OT and the NT.
As far as the Hebrew word meaning "period of time", those that hold to the belief that the Earth is 6,000 yeard old use the literal translation of the Creation account. "The evening and the morning were the first day". Sine the Bible specifically mentions "evening and morning", this is taken as a literal day, not a "period of time".

Hope this helps, but as I said before, I think you already knew this.

2007-08-16 04:01:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

You'd have to research the name of the Protestant preacher who came up with the 6,000 year old earth theory in the 19th century... apparently he worked backwards from Year One, when Jesus was born, and figured out the "begats" thru both NT and OT, their ages/generations until he arrived at the 6,000 year figure. His theory grew into the "Young Earth" beliefs and is much admired by Creationists. The Young Earthers & Creationists have morphed and have derived a new science-based form of these beliefs called 'Intelligent Design'. This conflation is struggling to validate itself as real science and proof that Darwin was wrong. They hope that the true believers will accept the concept that early man lived at the same time as the dinosaurs, that the Grand Canyon was created by Noah's flood, and that those who do not sign on to this philosophy are atheists. Seeing Pope Benedict as an atheist is a bit of a stretch, however.

2007-08-16 04:06:09 · answer #4 · answered by constantreader 6 · 1 0

There isn't any where in the Bible that states the age of the earth. Science shows that the "calculations" used by some people to estimate the earth is 6000 years old is incorrect. So does that mean the Bible is wrong?

NO. There have been many variations of calenders and changes in languages. The 6000 years is based on the genealogy tables listed through out the Genesis and Exodus. Time periods could have been calculated much differently. Time is only relevant to humans. It does not have the same meaning to God.

2007-08-16 04:15:01 · answer #5 · answered by Truth is elusive 7 · 0 1

There is no verse. Some Archbishop Ussher back in the day add up all the begats, and came up with like 9:00 on October 23, 4004 BCE. I have no idea how he got that specific. Or why. The important thing is that he was wrong. Really wrong.

And dybtz, I've always wondered, how can they have a literal interpretation? That's an oxymoron...but then again, look who we're dealing with. What's her face quotes answers in genesis. Crealy the cream of the crop here.

2007-08-16 04:02:03 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It seems well to clear up a common misunderstanding. That misunderstanding is that the earth itself was created during the six “days” of creation. The Bible record indicates that the universe, the starry heavens, as well as this planet earth, were created before the first of earth’s creative days began.

Thus Genesis 1:1 tells of the creation of the starry heavens as well as this planet earth, and says: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” When this “beginning” took place, the Bible does not say. It is not until later in the Bible that we read of what God created on the first “day.” The six creative “days,” therefore, involve the creative acts of God in preparing the already-existing earth for human habitation, and not the creation of the earth itself. There is nothing in the Genesis account, then, to contradict the scientific conclusions of modern scientists that the material universe, including the earth, may be many thousands of millions of years old.

2007-08-16 04:06:32 · answer #7 · answered by LineDancer 7 · 2 0

May I call your attention to Genesis verse 5 in chapter 1 please?
The definition, IN CONTEXT, says what the length of the day is.
Having said that, what you have to do is add up carefully ALL the years, and times mentioned throughout scripture, as well as the ages of the people named. This is one reason why all the geneaologies, and who begat whos were written down. It CAN be done.
Personally, I couldn't stand to do the tedious work of it, but others have. Thank God for the maniacs among us.
Crown Rights has re-published a little book that is derived from a much larger work you might want to check out- if you're serious. It's called, "The Wonders of Bible Chronology."
That will spell it out for anyone.

2007-08-16 04:02:08 · answer #8 · answered by Jed 7 · 2 1

Calculating the age of the earth is a fool's game, Hun. How long is a "day" anyhow? Here on earth, it depends on where you are standing. If you were near one of the poles, a "day" would be six months long. If you were standing near the equator, a "day" would be appreciably shorter, obviously.
But God created much more than just this one bit of rock circling around just this one star, didn't He?
How long is a "day", for instance, on Jupiter? I admit, I do not know. How long might a "day" be on some planet circling Andromeda? Again, I do not know.
Perhaps, in God's lexicon, a "day" is the amount of time it takes the entire cosmos to make one complete circle. How long would that be? I do not know.
I don't think anyone else does either...
But I'll betcha it's a l-o-o-o-o-n-g time!

OH...my favorite book. Gee, that's a tuff choice. I like Proverbs, and of course, Psalms (we agree on that one, I see), but I have to say that I love Luke for his telling of the story of the life and times of Jesus, and I love John, for his love...
I don't like Numbers or Leviticus or Dueteronomy ;-( Not because of the content, but because they are so BORING to read through! (I get bored by the "begats" as well, and I admit to sliding through them most of the time to get to the "good stuff"...

Hope you're having a great day,
And God bless you!!

2007-08-16 04:40:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Of course no one I know of can tall me just what process God used to accomplish His work of creation. No one knows how long the first parents reminded in the garden while sin and death ruled on the outside. No one can tell me how many gaps were between the main figures of the Biblical story. In other words, those that attack the Bible for saying that the earth is 6,000 years old are using a weak attack. And people who believe that the planet is only that old are being foolish. Jim

2007-08-16 04:25:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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