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even i cultivate interests in tat and do, i cant really follow daily cos i don get proper time...i do exercising regularly for 2 days and the third day i gradually lose interest and stop in due course of time.. is ther any method to reduce my weight without doin exercises.. only dieting wil help?? plz help me frens... i m goin sick abt my weight.. need to reduce as soon as possible?!!

2007-08-16 03:46:44 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

18 answers

I hate it too. But once I started to make it a daily habit and part of my routine, and started to feel better, I began to hate it less and less. You may have to force yourself to get up and get some exercise the first few days. But trust me, you'll feel better for it after a couple weeks.

2007-08-16 04:06:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

In this article I will go over 3 easy ways to loose that excess weight that you have been looking at for all these years. If you decide to implement them into your daily life, you will begin to see the magic that takes place right before your eyes.

Way#1) The first easy way to loose that excess weight is pretty much obvious. Get your lazy butt off that couch and get out there and exercise. You can't just sit there all day watching television and eating cheetos and expect something to happen for you. Now if you are saying, " that isn't easy," you are really mistaken because it is. I'm not saying you have to exercise for hours upon hours every single day. All that is required is a good 15 minutes of exercise a day. 15 minutes at the least! Run, jog, or play a sport that you like, just do something. Honestly, if you can't commit 15 minutes a day to getting a better body, you really don't deserve one. I'm just going to say it how it is. Your body is the thing keeping you mobile, so, I recommend you treat it good and give it what it deserves. You have to live with your body for a lifetime, so, shouldn't you have the best one you can have?

Way#2) The second easy way to loose weight is to be more selective of what you eat. I know the ice cream, hamburgers, pizza, and donuts are delicious, but damn, they're killing you. There are plenty of delicious foods out there that are extremely appetizing that are also very healthy for you, so go find them. Go to google and type in "health recipes." You'll find plenty of good stuff. Furthermore, you don't even have to give up fast food. Some of these fast food places have some pretty healthy stuff. Just make sure you stay away from the fried foods, mayonnaise, and french fries. The salads should be fine, and they're pretty tasty. Also, for those of you that don't know. A hamburger is not healthy. You wouldn't believe how many people think it is. Personally, if I am eating at a fast food place, I like to stick to the grilled menu. And I am not saying you can never eat a slice of pizza ever again. You are allowed cheat days, so don't worry. ; ) Just don't make a habit of it.

Way#3) The last easy way to loose weight is to go and get your self surgery; however, I don't recommend this. If you put all that weight on and couldn't get it off on your own, there is a good chance that you are just going to blow up again. Not only that, but it is extremely expensive, not to mention that it is really gross having people cut into your body and tearing some of your flesh out. That is not a pretty sight, and I don't think anyone should resort to this option; however, it is an option, and if you choose to go down this path, so be it.

However, if you combine the first two easy ways I mentioned together there should be no need for option 3. If you stick to the regime of eating wholesome foods and exercising at least 15 minutes a day, you should start seeing those pounds shed pretty quickly.

2007-08-19 05:20:55 · answer #2 · answered by satishfreeman 5 · 0 0

If you want to lose weight and look GOOD, you need to exercise. You HAVE to exercise, or your weightloss will make you look possibly worse by doing it only by dieting.

You don't have to exercise the same time everyday. Just exercise daily like 30-45 minutes. Find a time, or you won't get thin. Simple as that. You can cry yourself to sleep each night about wanting to get thin but that won't change anything.

For optimal results you'll want to do toning and cardio.

Cardio one day, Toning with dumbbells the next. No, you won't bulk up so don't worry. Lifting weight INSURES that you retain muscle while losing weight so you don't look like a nasty anorexic stick when you finish.

Cardio is a MUST, or fat will take a LONG time to burn off.

Keep your calorie intake to around 1500 and weight will come off.


2007-08-16 03:54:04 · answer #3 · answered by JY 2 · 0 0

I know something you might like, go out and get the Billy Blanks Tae Bo DVD set, its $20.00, I tried that and it was so much fun plus I lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks by doing that along with a good healthy exercise, and no you're not going to lose any weight without the help of exercise, sorry, and dieting isn't that hard, theres a lot of healthy foods out there that tastes good, go to sparkpeople.com and join it, they will give you a weekly menu and weekly exercises, it will even show you how to do the exercises on there, oh and its free, I hope this helped some, good luck.

2007-08-16 03:55:39 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Low Carb Dieting Tip
Your rate of metabolism dictates how many calories you burn. Heredity, gender, age, body size. diet and nutrition, activity level, and your overall health factor in on determining how high or low your metabolism is. It is normal for metabolism levels to lower as a person ages. Because of this it is important to begin stepping up your exercise routines in your thirties and forties.

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Eat Regularly - Eating 5-6 small meals throughout the day will give you energy throughout the day--helping you to burn calories. Whereas, calories eaten during larger meals tend to get stored as fat.
Maintain a Balanced Diet - Not only how often you eat is important, but your food choices are equally as important. Nurture you body with the appropriate balance of protein and carbs.

Eating whole foods rather than processed food gives your digestive system a workout that burns calories. For example: choose an apple over apple juice.
Workout with Weights - Building muscle mass will replace stored fat. As you build muscle tissue your metabolism increases.
Don't Forget Cardio - You need to get that heart rate up and breathe a little heavier. Twenty to thirty minutes of cardiovascular activity 5 days a week is recommended. Brisk walking or swimming are good. Or utilize exercise equipment (exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainer

2007-08-16 03:51:02 · answer #5 · answered by eil ashti 5 · 0 0

Walf for half a km in a big park daily in the morning and slowly increase the distance i.e. after every ten days. After the end of three months, you should be walking atleast 3kms . In an year, with a 3 to 4 km walk every day, you should have reduced a good amount of your wt and flab.

2007-08-16 05:20:48 · answer #6 · answered by spiritual healer 4 · 0 0

Stop exercising. Remember when you were a kid, exercising was one thing and playing was another? I was horrible in PE but i spent lots of time playing. I walked, I swam, I went kite flying, horseback riding. I had a vegetable garden and a flower garden. I mowed a huge yard and shoveled snow. I also, inknowingly ate low carb. My food of preference was meat, chicken, pork and even fish ( yuck ). My favorite vegetables that were regulars at our dinner table was summer squash, swiss chard, mustard/collard/turnip/kale greens. We also had lots of brocolli, cabbage, tomatoes, eggplant. We had bread, rice and potatoes but I didn't eat these very readily. I just didn't like them. Now as I am older and turned to a low carb Atkins diet, I find that I am eating more like I did when I was that skinny kid. On top of that, after gaining 35 lbs out of nowhere, I lost 30 lbs just by eating low carb. I didn't "execrise" much at all. I did walk alot since I was attending college at that time. I had to walk to get around the campus. But I began my low carb diet during winter break and lost 10 lbs. Now in addition to my weightloss/health journey, I do a form of intermittent fasting where I don't eat my fist meal until around 2:00 PM. I recall another habit of mine when I was a kid, I ate very slowly and probably no more than twice a day. By re-intorducing this way of eating, I have been able to lose 8 lbs. I also do some minimal form of exercise and my body is responding to this. Many will assume that eating this way will screw up your insulin levels but this has not been the case. I am hypoglycemis and I have been able to go 20 hours without eating as long as I eat low carb. This also allows my body to digest meals more completely and I think that this is all significant to healthy weightloss.

2007-08-16 04:14:04 · answer #7 · answered by black57 5 · 0 0

I will show you how to lose weight and have more energy instantly! The problem with our diet is that we get too many calories, fat, sugar and salt. On the other hand we get too little of the things we need, like, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water. not only do we get overweight but put ourselves at risk for many health problems. I am a personal wellness coach based out of Bangalore and offer a free wellness evaluation. +91980595504 or ehsan1@consultant.com or www.indiaweightloss.blogindia.in

2007-08-17 06:15:29 · answer #8 · answered by Ehsan-Personal Wellness Coach 2 · 0 0

The first step in your quest to lose weight and get in shape is to set short and long term goals. A feasible goal for a woman would be to lose 15-25 pounds in 4-6 weeks. This is easily attainable if you believe in yourself and follow a good program. Secondly and most important: You must believe in yourself. I have a poem that sits next to my desk that I read periodically that I would like to share with you. It is called "Believe".

Believe in yourself~
in the power you have
to control your own life, day by day,
Believe in the strength that you have deep inside,
and your faith will help show you the way,
Believe in tomorrow and what it will bring,
let a hopeful heart carry you through,
For things will work out if you trust and believe~
there's no limit to what you can do!
Everybody has the ability to believe in him or herself and achieve incredible things in life. We are all faced with obstacles at times but we must learn to adapt and overcome to achieve our goals. After we have set our goals and acquired the faith we must then put our plan into action. You must not view your program as a diet that you will discontinue at sometime but rather adopt a healthy lifestyle with foods that are low in fat, salt, and sugar.

You should also take natural nutritional supplements that will enhance the fat burning process and help you to increase your energy. If you are having a problem finding the time to go to a gym and follow a regimented workout program then I would advise you to take just 30-40 minutes out of your day and take a brisk walk even if it is at the shopping mall to look at that smaller size dress that you will be fitting into in just a few short weeks. Stay motivated and burn fat doing things that you really enjoy like rollarblading, tennis, racquetball, or swimming.

Any type of sport or exercise is going to benefit your weight loss program. Visualize that new and beautiful you, blossoming as it is taking place. We can all look, feel, and be leaner, healthier and happier if we put our mind and bodies to the task. I would love to answer any and all of your questions. Feel free to contact me at: zakas888@yahoo.com

2007-08-17 04:24:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you don't have to do exercises to exercise. find a sport you like doing, walk for 30 minutes, ride a bike, put on some music and dance, get up and move!! eat a well balanced diet with proper portions and drink plenty of water.

2007-08-16 03:53:24 · answer #10 · answered by wendy_da_goodlil_witch 7 · 0 0

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