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If I tell a random child that if he prays to me and worships me and listents to me and only me that I'll get him candy but if he doesn't I'll let my son beat the daylights out of him, this is proper morality to you?

This seems to be what is being inferred with the answers to my last question: http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AgmTe1lApPDhT7VDkJa6n_jAFQx.?qid=20070816065918AAXZ8pX

Do you raise your kids so that if they don't listen to everything you say and believe everything you say you'll torment them or allow them to be tormented?

2007-08-16 03:37:08 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

I'm not a christian, but I'll answer.

When you raise a child, you want that he should do exactly what you want him to do. But, this is not what happens. Parents are able to educate children through their knowledge and practical experience, but it is ultimately upto the child as in how he interprets your teachings.

Remember that you were once also a child.
It is a parent's duty to show his child the right path, but it is upto the child to tread that path.

2007-08-16 03:47:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Where did you get this from, if you read the Bible instead going by hearsay then you would know what you're saying is compoletley untrue, God does not make anyone do anythiing they do not want and desire to do in their own heart. If he tortues you or kills you for not worshiping him, then you would have been dead a long time ago sir, but you're not so why is that, if God does these things, why are you not suffering as we speak. Apparently you are not doing too bad, you have enough money to be on a computer with internet, sitting up in your nice home or office typing away about why we should not worship God. Instead of being so obsessed and interested in why we worship God, go on and continue doing what you're doing, I'm sure you have expressed your unbeliefe or disintrest in God before, so leave it alone, really, I think all you so-called anti God people, really do believe there is a God, you just have doubts and you're still trying to figure out why. I mean how could you constantly talk about something you don't believe in?

2007-08-16 10:50:49 · answer #2 · answered by KK 3 · 1 1

As a parent, I've taught my child that there is a consequence for disobeying. He's clear on the rules and my expectations. I don't beat him, but he is punished when it's necessary.

Isn't that the same thing God has done? Only He's done it on a grander scale, because there's more at stake when you're talking about eternity than when a child misses his curfew.

You know what God requires of you. Whether or not to comply is completely up to you - free will is a great thing. You just have to decide whether breaking the rules now is worth the punishment that will surely come. You shouldn't be surprised later.

2007-08-16 10:44:36 · answer #3 · answered by Christie 4 · 2 1

Why can we not even try to understand other groups in a main stream way?

Any question that groups ALL Christians, Atheists, Mormons, Muslims into one single group and then goes on to show the most extreme example of a small minority of that group is a divisive question and shows intolerance and a lack of any attempt from the questioner to truly understand the other group.

We should all be bigger people than this.

Peace be with you!

2007-08-16 10:48:59 · answer #4 · answered by C 7 · 1 0

Ironically the children that do not listen to the parent with good advice end up torturing themselves. Perhaps you've seen it; the parent says, "Don't do drugs" , and yet the child does drugs.

The parent says, " Don't hang out with those kids", and the child hangs around those kids.

The kids who do this are going to pay the price for what they've done. They might think that it's fun or even a good idea at the time, but the parent who is discerning will be right and the child will have to face the circumstances.

So with God, He says to do what He says to do, and the loudest complainers are the one's who didn't listen to Him. They will cause their own suffering by not listening to Him.

2007-08-16 10:46:18 · answer #5 · answered by Christian Sinner 7 · 5 1

Are you serious? I would never torment (or allow anyone else to) torment my child. However, If they get out of line, there are consequences that they will face. Punishment for improper behavior is nessasary, or they will never learn how to be well functioning members of society. And my children will listen to everything that I say. I brought them into this world, I care for them, love them, feed them, nurture them, provide them with everything that they need. So yes, they will respect me and the "rules" that I have set for my household.
Its the same way with God. He gave us life, he gave us the earth. He nurtures us and loves us. And if we don't love and respect him back for all he has done for us, we will suffer the consequences. Its not about control, it is about love, respect and apperciation for Him and all he has blessed us with.

2007-08-16 11:44:48 · answer #6 · answered by GiGi! 4 · 0 0

When i have kids they'll be free. I'll warn them not to involve with bad stuff, to look both sides before crossing the street. But I'll keep them free because I'll love them, and I'll always be there for them if they want to come to me. But if they don't want to come to me, well, thats gonna hurt like hell, still, they'll be free to get away...

Of course, i'll ground them while they're little and missbehave badly, but that too will be out of love.

God does all of the above better than i ever will

Paz de Cristo

2007-08-16 10:46:50 · answer #7 · answered by Emiliano M. 6 · 0 0

That is actually contrary to Christian teaching. Don't let a few misguided people who have misinterpreted the teachings define Christianity for you. Do your homework, look at it objectively - and then make a decision.

2007-08-16 10:46:39 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Not proper at all.
That is abuse.
I raise my kids to get good grades and I bring them up in bible study, but I do not force them to do anything.
The consequences that follow their good decisions is reward.
The consequences that follow their bad decisions is punishment and no reward.
Not torment.

My kids like rewards~!

2007-08-16 10:45:40 · answer #9 · answered by sassinya 6 · 1 0

Not any good parents that I know.

To be a parent means that you put your children ahead of you. I would certainly like my kids to love me and listen to me but that is not the goal. The goal is to help them become good people. My own ego needs to be put aside.

I have to assume that it would be the same for a god if he actually existed.

2007-08-16 10:44:09 · answer #10 · answered by Alan 7 · 2 1

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