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I know several people, including my own mother that have been completely cured of cancer through extreme diet makeovers. No chemo, just going all natural in their diets. The AMA refuses to believe this lest they lose their jobs.

Source: Hallelujah Acres

2007-08-16 02:30:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

17 answers

This is my short answer -

In my opinion Cancer is not curable and it is only postponing the end. If the affected area gets cured it may come back after some time or spread to other areas and take the revenge. So it is said CANCER IS STILL AN ENIGMA -

2007-08-16 06:04:42 · answer #1 · answered by Jayaraman 7 · 3 0

Because for everyone like your mother and "several" people, hundreds die trying the same thing. Your anecdotal evidence does not cancel out the statistics, which show that for the overwhelming majority of people, changing their diet won't do a thing. That said, eating a good diet can potentially PREVENT cancer, and there are not very many scientists that will argue otherwise. Your mother is a very lucky person. That said, some people have even had cancer go away and they did NOTHING. It happens. But that does not make billions of dollars or research, literally millions of examples that counter your claim, and the opinion of thousands of scientists and doctors wrong. AND, it often depends on what kind of cancer you are talking about, how serious it is, and how soon it was detected. All cancers are not the same. People can try diet makeovers if they want to, and for a small few it may even work. Statistically, though, they are taking a huge risk with their lives, especially considering the success that chemo and medication has had in the last two decades.

2007-08-16 02:43:07 · answer #2 · answered by Mr. Taco 7 · 4 0

Cancer is NOT curable.

First, a cure implies 2 criteria. 1) It is a repeatable process 2) It will never come back.

Ebola and other deadly diseases are not 100% fatal. There have been 5-30% that have survived. That does not mean there is a cure.

Oncologists do not like to use the word "cured" because there is always the chance for a recurrence. "Remission" is the preferred word. Some remissions can be life long.

To your ridiculous point about curing cancers with diet makeovers. You clearly do not understand what cancer is.

Cancer is not one disease. It is hundreds, perhaps thousands, of different diseases each characterized by the genetic mutations involved and the cell type afflicted. There is not one single disease of the genetic mutations that has a cure (MS, Tay-Sachs, Parkinson's, etc.). Cancer is no different except the mutations are multiple and some (if not all) mutations are accumulated during the patients lifetime not at birth. (somatic versus germ cells). We simply do NOT have the technology to detect and manipulate the human genome in vivo at this time.

Please do a little research on basic biology before posting rubbish.

2007-08-16 04:45:33 · answer #3 · answered by oncogenomics 4 · 5 0

Cancer is a progressive disease which means that it starts out very small and can grow extremly large and spread throughout the body. When cancer is in a small stage or state than it is more curable than at later stages. Most people use the word cancer to encompass over 200 separate diseases . . a neuroblastoma is not the same as a colon cancer.

It is good that your own mother considers herself cured but you do not say what type of cancer she had, the stage it was in, or provide any type of detail at all. This is common for testimonials . . it is good she is well . . however this does not help anyone else determine what is good for them. If she was cured than she should have documented her evidence, she should be able to duplicate the results with anyone else . . why don't you all gather the people who were 'cured' by her methods together, call a press conference, and provide all the evidence that you have that this was the cure. The fact that no one can do this . . usually means that whatever happened you can never duplicate. So, what good is it to everyone else.

Here are some graphic images of what different types of cancer tumors look like . . most of them when advanced can present as multiple tumors some the size of footballs or larger . . scattered all through the body, sometimes hundreds of them . . and the major reason why just throwing herbs, vegetables and fruit at an aggressive, fast growing tumor is not going to slow it down let alone 'cure it'.


The AMA could care less how cancer is stopped and most patients with advanced cancer could also care less . . if a treatment will stop any of the horrific tumors you've just seen than it will be used. The fact is that there is no cure for cancer, but there is treatments that can lead to INDIVIDUAL remissions and cure.

Incidentally, your mother could relapse tommorrow, there is no guarantee that she is 'cured' because that story hasn't been written yet. Many people live with cancer, including my own teenager.

2007-08-16 04:23:25 · answer #4 · answered by Panda 7 · 3 0

relies upon what that's. we want a extra specific question. Acute or continual leukemia? Lymphocytic or myelocytic leukemia? We see categories of AML, ALL, CLL, CML. each and each has a distinctive consequence threat. degree and age of affected person plus different factors additionally influence treatment costs. Many acute lymphocytic leukemias in toddlers are curable now. There are 0.5 a dozen kinds of acute myelogenous leukemia. Age concerns a great deal with AML sufferers. Older sufferers have a tougher time. The M3 variety of AML has a good consequence at present. distinctive myeloma can generally be a bone marrow maximum cancers, and there are further malignancies that could contain the marrow. The checklist is only too long to jot down out right here. ok - further information - this may be some variety of lymphoma. There are extra advantageous than 2 dozens kinds of lymphoma. you do no longer yet be attentive to what variety, nor do you be attentive to regardless of if that's even interior the bone marrow. If lymphoma has unfold to the bone marrow, it is not seen "early." All i ought to enable you be attentive to is that maximum lymphoma varieties are very attentive to chemotherapy, and a brilliant variety of persons do properly in spite of stepped forward degree ailment. those questions must be responded by utilising the oncologist who's attentive to each and all of the info of the case. It sounds like each and all of the information at the instant are not yet in. All you're able to do is wait and pass with this man or woman while she sees her docs - together with her permission of direction. it rather is the only thank you to get the without delay solutions for a definite case, and each case - each and every man or woman - is specific.

2016-11-12 11:42:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's not always curable. Many people have watched loved ones die after having extraordinary battles with cancer so people aren't going to accept that it's easily curable. I, personally, know a woman who had breast cancer and did that diet makeover thing. It didn't work and we lost her. "Curable" is a pretty strong word. There might be some options and some people might get lucky, but it's certainly not the most common situation.

2007-08-16 02:38:06 · answer #6 · answered by Some Guy 6 · 1 0

Hallelujah Acres huh?

And just what Clinically Proven, Medically fact-based information are you going on?

Because, I have brain cancer. And I have tried any and all therapies available to me including the Macrobiotic (diet), the fasting diet as well as conventional surgery and radiation and I got news for you.

I am 45 years old and I'll be lucky to see 46.

I suggest you go back to Hallelujah Acres and put that tidbit of information in your peace pipe and smoke it.

2007-08-19 09:19:27 · answer #7 · answered by palmyrafan 5 · 0 0

LMAO I am a molecular biologist. I do cancer research at a major university. If there was a cure for cancer, we would not be wasting our time. I dislike people like you. You spread misinformation about a serious disease. If you morons actually believe you can cure cancer with diet, go for it. Let us know how you make out. I am a scientist.....you must have at least 100 participants who DEFINITELY have cancer. Have them all change their diet, and see how many live. Get back to me with your study.
**EDIT** How about this? Come to my lab. Come see what we do. Read our publications. You may even look at my medical records. I will teach you about molecular biology and cancer. Once you are educated, you may reassert your theory if you feel so inclined.

2007-08-16 04:22:42 · answer #8 · answered by beautifulirishgirl 4 · 4 1

Cancer is by definition an abnormality of cells and occurs in every organism. Lots of cells. Lots of abnormalities. Lots of organisms. That is why many treatments can and do work. But it is also why cancer sometimes comes back and cannot be eradicated. All any of us can do is live the time we have as God intended. Good luck to your mother.

2007-08-16 03:16:45 · answer #9 · answered by slavin1298 1 · 0 0

I am one of those researchers. I also happen to be someone fighting metastatic Kidney cancer. While I am glad your mother is a survivor, your post here is not only wrong, it is irresponsible. To offer to people a false hope that might even possibly keep them from seeing their Oncologist and make a major change in their lifestyle could very well kill them.

2007-08-17 01:14:10 · answer #10 · answered by SteveA8 6 · 3 0

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