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Should we act as individuals, leave it to science to resolve, let governments take the initiative? All of these, none of these, something else.

Maybe you think we should wait until we have a clearer understanding before deciding on a course of action.

Perhaps you don't feel any action is necessary and things should be left to run their own course.

2007-08-16 02:06:50 · 23 answers · asked by Trevor 7 in Environment Global Warming

23 answers

This is a big problem, we need everyone to help solve it.

Individuals can conserve energy in ways which are sensible and economical, even without considering global warming. Fix air leaks in their houses, get more insulation, use programmable thermostats and more efficient lighting, etc. Drive sensible cars that meet their real needs, not big ones so that they "feel good".

Scientists (and engineers) can work on better solutions to meeting needs now met by fossil fuels. Better cars, power plants, bio fuels, etc. They could also try to develop new technology to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, but that's a long shot and should be lower priority. The same with schemes to block some solar radiation.

Governments need to coordinate efforts, provide information, and help pay (yes, from taxes) for the efforts of both individuals and scientists. The money would go for things like subsidies for energy conservation and reduction of fossil fuel use (like subsidies for alternative energy systems, using the German model), and research laboratories. They also need good. fair, and enforceable agreements among themselves to be sure all countries are pulling their weight. Kyoto is not working all that well, we need a new agreement.

Of course this plan, developed by hundreds of scientists, can serve as a starting guide, revised as we go along:


2007-08-16 03:06:32 · answer #1 · answered by Bob 7 · 3 4

Ultimately, it has to come down to individuals and lifestyle change.

My concern is more for the environment and long-term sustainability. I've argued here many times that the people that most need to be reached are the ones that are being alienated by the current tone of the climate change debate. Until that changes, it will be very difficult to make any real progress as a global society. And at least in this country, it is STILL a government of the people, in theory if not totally in practice; therefore, a government initiative will not happen without a solid backing by the people.

What it will likely require is finding a middle ground - a commonality of actions that have verifiable benefits to society, the economy, the environment, and addresses the concerns of global warming. It will require that the global warming crowd quit focusing on blame, oppressing the freedom of thought, and pushing ideas through intimidation and fear. It will require patience and acceptance that change may take many generations. In return, those resistant towards becoming better stewards of the planet or non-accepting of the environmental consequences of actions are going to have to realize that we are all in this thing together - that individual freedom does not mean freedom from responsibility. If one is to enjoy the fruits of the current civilization, then he needs to accept that the "yield" is a product of many individuals contributions from both present and past generations, as well as an environment of limited resources.

If global warming is a great concern, then this should not be seen as a huge concession by the AGW crowd. And if global warming is NOT a great concern, then this should not be seen as a huge concession by those who doubt it.

2007-08-16 12:31:50 · answer #2 · answered by 3DM 5 · 1 2

There is a lot of debate on whether there is a problem or not... but that should not be the deciding factor.

There are a lot of things that can be done now that start the process in the "right" direction regardless of the true nature of the beast.

1. Conservation.

2. Develop new technology to reduce energy consumption and means to dispose of wastes.

3. Change personal consumer habits.

4. Rework the regulatory landscape to make it easier to make true improvements: permitting, taxes, etc.

Companies, individuals, and governments must work as a team and not point to the others for the solution/blame.

2007-08-21 23:54:31 · answer #3 · answered by searcherj2003 1 · 0 0

Well, Global warming is a big problem and needs attention and action from each and every individual from each and every nook and corner of the earth.

As we all know global warming is a natural phenemenon but problem today is that we humans are contributing almost 95% in increasing the rate of rise in temperature and it is due to this that the problem of global warming needs our full attention. We need to take action immediatly even getting late by one day can be deadly in long run.

US is not very much interested in doing anything because as per latest research reports it will loose some of its land to sea but it has plenty available, hurricans will create some problem but mostly in costal regions but the biggest advantage for them will be rise in agricultural production.

At loss will be African continent, Asia and others and they have the biggest population to handle. We need people from all over the world to participate in action against global warming since this is a crime against mother earth, against all third world countries and against humanity. US is the biggest contributor to global warming and should take immediate action along with every human being on earth.

2007-08-20 08:55:04 · answer #4 · answered by nature_luv 3 · 0 0

I would like to see all government activity cease immediately. Goverment mandates, programs etc are always bad and always create more problems than they solve. I would also like all liberal politicians to admit that the only reason they are interested in global warming is as a means to advance their social agenda of putting the government in charge of every aspect of our lives. Finally, I would like for all Hollywood celebrities to shut their collective pie holes about global warming or any other topic about which they know less than nothing (i.e. anything other than their own egos and their sorry excuses for a life).

2007-08-18 00:10:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

As individuals we should take a common sense approach, and utilize current technology that is available to save us on fuel and utility bills.
As a society, we should reduce harmful emissions for the heck of it. Because even if they don't cause global warming, they still cause other environmental damage.
Creating a more sustainable energy source and other practices, is only common sense, and should have been done long ago.

2007-08-16 18:02:33 · answer #6 · answered by jj 5 · 1 1

Limit your own consumption of everything including family size. If all individuals acted now and encouraged their government to do so, we may slow down the adverse effects of global warming. If we don't our actions have still been beneficial to ourselves and our environment.

Over consumption and Over population is greed of resources. It exploits other people and the environment. Act now, it is the moral thing to do. Individually and Governmentally. Who doesn't want the best future for their kids and grandkids?

2007-08-16 12:03:56 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Build Nuclear Power Plants as fast as possible and revive the Breeder Reactor Program for renewable nuclear power.

Offer disincentives for any car with less than 30MPG, and big incentives for any car with over 40MPG.

Change our policy of charging less for using more electricity, to charge more for using more and less for using less.

Offer more incentives for any industry to reduce pollution output.

Offer incentives for population control.

I am not sure about CO2 caused global warming yet, but we need to get off foreign oil for our national security and economic reliability. The above can do that and reduce polution without a depression, if we stick to facts and plan properly.

2007-08-16 11:18:19 · answer #8 · answered by GABY 7 · 2 1

Well, as global warming isn't a proven phenomenon, and climate change is just the natural way of things, I may as well just relax and see what develops.

2007-08-20 02:29:24 · answer #9 · answered by fyzer 4 · 0 0

Carbon cap and trade system. Figure out how much we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst effects of global climate change (on the order of 80-90% reduction by 2050) and make that the carbon emissions cap (while factoring in other greenhouse gases, of course). Those who don't use their whole allotment can sell to those who require more emissions.

2007-08-16 17:56:23 · answer #10 · answered by Dana1981 7 · 1 3

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