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i just always feel down like im worthless and i dont deserve the good people i have got around me like i want to die but i havent even got the courage to do that! and im constantly arguing with everyone to try and sort this im now secretly taking my bf anti depresents i cant go to the doctors and i no thats what your all gonna say but how can i get sorted and is it ok to be taking his tablets? i just dont no how much longer i can go on like this ive had enough!!!!

2007-08-16 02:02:08 · 8 answers · asked by mummy to 3 miracles 5 in Health Mental Health

8 answers

It is not okay to take your b\f anti-depressants. if you are depressed, see a counselor of your own. they will evaluate you and decide if you needs medication. I 'm sorry you feel worthless. Perhaps try to do thing sthat make you feel worthwhile, such as voluntering, helping a neighbor, etc. Maybe beinga big bro\sis at the boys club.

2007-08-16 07:50:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Listen honey. Don't take his tablets. They were prescribed for him and may not suit you.How can u be worthless.U have friends around u u have a bf all these people love u. What causes u to feel this way? U must, must, must find someone to talk to. Is there not a counsellor u can see. Have u tried talking to Samaritans? Don't give up! Have u tried prayer? Even if u don't believe in Him ask Him for help. I can't do much over the Net, but if u want to email me and tell me about it, please do. I am a committed Christian, and I will pray for u with ur permission. Hope this helps.

2007-08-16 09:15:26 · answer #2 · answered by SKCave 7 · 0 0

Hi there paintballer_on_ice,

Interesting username. Anyway, come on love you just need a little support. It's possible at this age you're especially sensitive to dealing with life. As you get older and surround yourself with a few good friends you'll feel better. And if you find a loving husband in time you'll feel better. At this time in your life you are being led by your emotions/feelings. Mature persons are in control of their emotions most of the time and try to be rational/logical in their approach to situations.

If you find this approach uninteresting. If you've no direction or focus in life. If you're even not too happy with your relationship/current boyfriend then join a church and give your life to God. I guarantee he'll straighten you out.
Talk to an older sibling you are close to or a good friend. You do not need professional counselling I don't believe at this time. Cheer up, life's not all that bad, even though I don't know the half of it-your personal story that is.

Love and regards,
Barry H

2007-08-16 09:26:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I had the same problem , you have the feeling that you just dont know what to do with your life you just want to die, but you just cant do it. I suffered from anorexia and I became really depressed, I tried to take pills cut myself everything, but I couldnt. My parents took me to the phyciatrist and she did not help me at all! dont separate from the people who love you, the problem will only get worse if you do, talk a lot, and i mean a lot, it really clears your head, just look at your life, think and really think deep down, there are a lot of people that love you, that would do anything for you, do you want to make them suffer? think what it would be like if you werent there. think of all the good things youve done in your life even if its helping a little old lady cross the street. you have to learn that life is like a game, you have to play your cards right, but once in a while your going to get a wrong one and lose, but you can always start the game over, with the help of your friends.

2007-08-16 10:26:20 · answer #4 · answered by JaYKaY 2 · 0 0

I know exactly how you feel and honey I'm so sorry that you have to go through this but it is apart of life and like the one poster said maturing.

First things first though, STOP taking your bf pills and I can tell you to stop because of experience I was feeling depressed all the time and just tried to kill myself and everything then my mom was given some Zoloft til deal with a death in the family but she didn't want to take them and so I did and ohmigod I thought they were the best thing for me until I got addicted to them and couldn't be happy with out them and my mom had to literally flush them because I couldn't do with out them and you do not want that to happen to you.

And I agree with everyone else to talk to someone about how your feeling and getting advice because things always seems better once you let it out and yes also do create a journal if you don't like to write go to livejournal.com for a personal internet journal that no one would get to.

I hope nothing but the best for you. Good Luck!

2007-08-16 11:20:41 · answer #5 · answered by Miss Perfect 2 · 0 0

You have to stop taking his meds.
Anti-depressants are very hard on the body and not easy to stop taking due to detoxifying symptoms. Take some flu or ibuprofen tablets for a week after you stop. Please no more these drugs are not for sissy's.
It has been mentioned to talk, and don't stop talking. Get it out, if you have to rant go ahead. You can also journal. This is a way to rid your mind and let the stuff out into the universe.

2007-08-16 09:45:34 · answer #6 · answered by Marla ™ 5 · 0 0

firstly- drop the bf tablets. They are NOT going to help, only make things worse. Even if they were prescribed to you I wouldn't recommend them.
Secondly- take a walk, get a breath of fresh air, gain some perspective by hiking in nature a bit.
thirdly- e-mail me privately so we can chat.

2007-08-16 09:26:06 · answer #7 · answered by technogiddo 2 · 0 0

it is not okay to be taking his medication. i understand how you feel i have been there before. what i have done is found someone i can trust and just talk. sometimes i just complain to this person. they just sit there and listen and sometimes that is all i need, and sometimes i ask this person for advise. i remember one time i just complained to a stranger, someone on the train, and it helped because i could say what i want knowing that i would most likely never see that person again. the stranger probably thought that i was nuts but it helped me. maybe you should just find someone to talk to if you can't go to the doctors, but please stop taking his medication. feel free to email me to talk. best of luck

2007-08-16 09:36:30 · answer #8 · answered by amanda t 2 · 1 0

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