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their is alot of science in the bible already according to this site? http://www.clarifyingchristianity.com/science.shtml
We all know that satan mimics God and I believe that's why we have so much "science" that goes against God's word. Satan biggest lie is getting people to think he doesn't exist.

2007-08-16 01:58:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

For those unbelievers. Please don't respond unless you've looked at the site.

2007-08-16 01:59:45 · update #1

18 answers

when the anti-christ comes on earth he will convince many that he is the christ, as a matter of fact the Bible says that just a very few people won't be deceived and what people don't remember is that in those days the Holy Spirit won't be on the earth so people will have to go by knowledge not faith and that will be very hard. I looked at that site and the verses on that site and according to the KJ1611 they are true . Satan is the father of lies and a deceiver, and it is our job to compare scripture with what is said. Thanks for the site, I have put it onto my favorites.

2007-08-16 02:15:34 · answer #1 · answered by hastl 2 · 1 1

If you are going to argue that God created everything, then he must have created Satan. And if, as christians also argue, God knows everything that even will happen into the infinite future, then he knew at the moment he created Satan everything that Satan would do and the effect it would have upon humanity. Knowing all this, God never modified one thing, but left it just as it was. Since God never makes any mistakes, it can only be interpolated from this, that everything that Satan has done, and everything that humans have done in direct response to Satan, was all a part of God's original plan. Therefore, Satan himself and all his behaviour, are all a part of that vast Eternal Plan.

Everything, therefore, is all playing out just the way God ever intended it to at the very moment of Creation.

2007-08-16 09:10:50 · answer #2 · answered by sharmel 6 · 1 1

Without looking at the site, I'd encourage you to take an honest & open minded approach at studying your religion.

Understand what it is & the origins of its beliefs.

Science has hard facts which have been tested & proven - Christianity has none.

It's no wonder that science (along with good ol' common sence) is religions worst enemy as it is knocking holes in it every passing year.

Religion is a primative way of explaining the workings of our world from a time when no other explainations were available.

It's sad that in the year 2007, some people still cling to the dying faiths of ancient times.

2007-08-16 09:10:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

My views are going to conflict a lot, because I see a lot of Chrisitians that go against Jesus word about, for example, divorce and fornication.

I see a lot of hate as well. Christians who shoot abortion doctors in their homes having breakfast when God and Jesus both opposed killing or murder.

It doesn't matter what the DOCTOR does, it matters what the CHRISTIAN does.

Judgement is supposed to be God's not Man's.

All manking is wrong and evil and lost it's way starting with the forbidden fruit.

Jesus was sent to make changes and that and I still don't see no changes.

Bill Frist, head of the Republicans in the senate, a Christian and MEdical Doctor sees value in stem cell research.

If Christians are opposed to evil science, get a string and pull your own tooth out the next time you have a tooth ache.

If your appendix ruptures, maybe you'll live and maybe you'll die, the alternative is a mad science cutting into you giving you mind alterning drugs to put you to sleep, narcotics for pain and possible whole blood transfusions.

Free will, the choice is yours.

Do you own a car.

Why are you polluting God's air with that poisonous Carbon Monoxide.

Why do you USE the evils of science.

The car was a major evil. Truly the Devil's work.

The results are now air that can make anyone have emphysema and might cause lung cancer.

Components of gasoline are carcenogenic.

I can't see Jesus or God approving of the automobile.

I see armageddon coming because of A Bomb, cars, global warming, dark skies, pollutants in the air that will make the air almost impossible to breath if we keep going this route.

Hair spray and airconditioners and refrigerators almost got rid of the Ozone layer that keeps lethal radition from striking us and killing us.


Another one of those Evils science you talk about.

Own a refrigerator? Use aresol sprays.

Of course today they are SAFER, but I'm talking about all thos Christians from the 1950s to the 1990s that bought into that stuff.

I see my own science from the Bible.

I see Jesus raising the dead with a touch of his hand. I was originally taught that was a matter of Faith and the Holy Sprit, until CPR came along and man started doing this.

God and Jesus said we can DO all they do.

God gave all the secrets to man, probably including the secret of the Tree of Life, but man scrambled his brains up.

Jesus tried to show man how to think correctly, instead of incorrectly.

Becuse Jesus knew all the laws of God, all the laws of the Universe he could walk on water, produce food, raise the dead, cure disease.

Man can do these things and eventually makes some connections and comes up with some things, but his thinking process is so backwards do to his desire to DO THINGS HIS WAY instead of the wiser ways God and Jesus are trying to show, man is backwards, gets it all wrong and the first thing he wants to do with what he creates is MAKE MONEY from it.

2007-08-16 09:46:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

30 some odd verses, taken out of context, that appear to have scientific relevance does not mean the bible is scientifically accurate. It appears that as I read the verses presented, the 'facts' you claim it supports either are easily confirmed through your senses, or are poetic exaggerations. A quick search brought up another site, that has a quick discusion of why you cannot prove the bible is accurate. Perhaps it's time you gave up on that old hypothesis of god, and actually tried to be a decent human being on your own.

2007-08-16 09:28:46 · answer #5 · answered by Erulechto 3 · 0 1

You know if satan needed permission to affect people in the book of Job it stands to reason he needs permission to do other things so why would god give the green light for him to do that?

The site is really making some stretches and still ignoring a lot of the things the bible says like ribs made of bronze or what ever in the book of job. And still does not address the issue of time, and of course the whole creation issues.

Its like saying that Greek myths are true because they have some science mentioned in them. It just doesn't fly.

2007-08-16 09:04:03 · answer #6 · answered by John C 6 · 2 2

Not sure about the site (the reason I don't know if the site is scientific is because I didn't check it out), but there is a lot of science in the Bible.

2007-08-16 09:04:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I realized that a while back. There are also references to a multitude of other interesting things in the Bible. Meditation, dragons, levitation, telekinesis, parapsychology, mental telepathy and the list goes on. All these and more are now "scientifically" proven.

2007-08-16 09:09:26 · answer #8 · answered by Al a voter 4 · 0 1

I looked at the palentology part. Seriously, gas tanks in the empty chambers of dino skulls? Dinos did not breathe fire. That's an even farther stretch than Isis reproducing with a deceased Osiris.

2007-08-16 09:09:08 · answer #9 · answered by blinky 3 · 2 1

I understand your questions...however this is not a kingdom issue. Our mission(as Christians) is to speed the love of Jesus and get souls saved. This is what the bible speak of as "Vain Jangling" Regardless of what the world or scientist believe, revert to what the BIBLE says.

2007-08-16 09:05:59 · answer #10 · answered by Team 2 · 2 3

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