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It's the only way to be sure.

2007-08-16 01:41:08 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

If something cannot prove something you shouldn't take it as fact, just like evolution.

2007-08-16 01:54:03 · update #1

I'm sorry but just believing in something (God or anything else for that matter)because some book say to, thats just stupid.

2007-08-16 02:09:23 · update #2

I agree with Al a voter, when science proves or disproves God, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy we will know for sure.

2007-08-16 02:12:11 · update #3

I'm having a real tough time picking an answer give me some time.

2007-08-18 11:48:23 · update #4

35 answers

Oye...... Because science is (and should) be only concerned with the natural world and the laws of nature. God is supernatural, he does not abide by the laws of nature, but in fact contradicts them. What you ask is like saying, "Scientifically prove someone can walk on water". Well scientifically we know that it goes against all the laws of nature to do that. But if God stood before you and said he could walk on water, you would not be very shocked. You expect a supernatural being to break the laws of nature.

2007-08-16 01:53:14 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

People need to believe in God. This has been true the world over since the beginning of time. People do NOT need to prove that God is there, was there, or will be there, however.

There is a theory that belief in God is actually build into us by evolution as a survival mechanism. I do not know. I have examined every God thought and belief to come my way for over forty years and cannot find even a shred of creditable evidence that such a creature has ever existed at all.

What I have found, over and over, is people's intense need to believe that God exists. So, there you are.

The idea the ones belief in such an almighty spirit is somehow necessary for the spirit/God to continue on, combined with the total lack of scientific interest in trying to prove that God is there or not, indicate to me that people, really, in their hearts of hearts, know that belief in God is the domain where God exists - not the real world.

2007-08-22 16:19:56 · answer #2 · answered by smkeller 7 · 0 0

My argument has always been that the early leaders of social communities discovered that there was one very efficient and effective way for a few people to keep control and domination over the many. They could not say "You all have to do this and do that because we say so". Chances are it wouldn't be too long before they'd have the tar whupped out of them and that would be the end of it. BUT if you can invent a mysterious invisible superbeing of such overwhelming power, who sees everything and knows everything, and can strike you down if you do not obey him, now you have got the People's attention. Next thing you do is declare that this God has appointed you to be his human spokesmen. He tells you what the people must do, and you tell them.

You of course have to tell people that this God is not of the flesh and that is why he is invisible. You also have to convince them that if you disobey and a bolt of lightening does NOT strike you down, it doesn't mean the whole thing is a hoax, because God has a very nasty place waiting for you after you die, and you will end up there where you will suffer great torment and scream and holler in unbearable pain for aaaalll Eternity.

These men got to be leaders in the first place because they were a little bit smarter and more cunning than the masses, so they were able to devise this masterful controlling strategy. People have been passing it on to their children down through centuries and millennia, and it is still working, although thankfully, as the "Church" has seen its power gradually diminished, more and more people are doubting the whole story, and challenging it.

If I believed there were such a being, I would be inclined to demand that this God, got off his godly butt, and came down here, un-invisibled himself, and showed himself to the folks. I contend that this will never happen for one very good reason. The whole entire religious hooplah is nothing more than the biggest and most elaborate con ever perpetrated upon humanity..... by its own self.

2007-08-16 02:01:28 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Why in the world should I waste my time explaining my ministry to you. Cast not your pearls before swine. Nothing about your question makes me want to be your Bud.
Neither God or I am interested in proving anything to you. It's all been done.
You have seen for yourself the proof and it didn't register on that thick skull.
He simply offers you the choice follow Him or collect your reward if any here on earth. Enjoy it, when it's done it's done.
Now He is the kind that would have none perish but all be saved. So He will probably wait around on you for a while. I personally don't care what you believe.

2007-08-22 02:10:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


We are told that God is love, but then he hides the reality of his existence from the human race? Christians claim that he wants us to have free will and that if he were to appear in some tangible form, we wouldn't have it. The truth is that he could prove his existence without enforcing our love. That is still free will.

He would save millions and millions of humans from eternal torture because there wouldn't be confusion about which religion was correct, and who God was and people wouldn't give up on God because of a lack of evidence.

Proving His existence would save more souls than any revival movement ever, and wouldn't nullify free will. It would be a TRULY loving thing to do. Not doing it, is cruel and obviously designed to make sure more humans find hell.

Either that or God doesn't exist.

I believe that he can't exist rather than he exists as a cruel torturous being. Those are the only true choices.

2007-08-16 01:54:22 · answer #5 · answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7 · 0 2

It is usually young people who question the existence of a force higher than ourselves. As we get older we realize that withoutt life after death, which is the real question, our lives and all the lives of those who went before us has been lived in vain.
Every person has the right to believe what he or she wishes and there is no way to prove it either way, but withou believing in something, there is only despair

2007-08-24 00:39:12 · answer #6 · answered by walt631 4 · 0 0

God cant be explained by science. How can you test something thats infinite? Plus science in itself doesnt explain everything. I mean, Science have yet to explain to me how existence came from non-existence. How can it speak about things biologically when it hasn't even given evidence cellestially? Im still waiting for proof of macro-evolution

2007-08-16 02:02:36 · answer #7 · answered by ReliableLogic 5 · 1 0

Jesus Christ came in the flesh, this is historically true, try reading up on Josephus the Historian. Now, we have historical proof of the existence of God, those who follow the Lord believe by faith that He is who He said He was. Further, miracles and other phenonema cannot be explained through science. In science, scientific phenonema is abound, whether on genetic level or the astrological level. If you want proof you may never get it, if you pray and truly seek the Lord, He WILL reveal Himself to you, this is the proof God can offer, the presence of His Holy Spirit when you seek Him earnestly but you need to "seek the Lord while He still may be found," time does run out for doubters and skeptics, God won't wait for you forever

2007-08-16 01:49:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

You speak as if God owes us some kind of explanation. Who do you think you are? God doesn't need your approval to do His job. He doesn't need your agreement to be right. And He doesn't need your belief in order to exist. You must have a very limited life. Why, you can't even believe in tomorrow until it happens.

2007-08-22 05:17:54 · answer #9 · answered by Daniel F 1 · 0 0

Because science can't presently prove anything that doesn't have material form. Science couldn't prove the world was not flat-- until they could.

2007-08-17 09:14:24 · answer #10 · answered by lucius.graecus 3 · 0 0

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