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A warning to those clamoring to round up all illegal immigrants and ship them out — you could be killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

According to a New York Times story two years ago, an “estimated 7 million or so illegal immigrant workers in the United States are now providing the Social Security system with a subsidy of as much as $7 billion a year.”

Given that illegal immigrants are not eligible for a dime of Social Security, their contributions to the fund might be one of the only reasons it will be available when most of us retire.

The Times story went on to note that since the 1980s, the Social Security Administration has been stashing earning reports with incorrect or fictitious Social Security numbers in an “earning suspense file.”

That file has been growing by an average of $50 billion a year, generating some $6 billion to $7 billion in Social Security revenue and about $1.5 billion in Medicare taxes.

No wonder our borders are still porous.

2007-08-16 01:37:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

For Christ's sake. I'm not condoning illegal immigration but I think there's also a fair balance to every situation. Not every illegal immigrant is a murderer, an abuser of Governement funded privileges, a tax evader and a fierce competitor against us in the marketplace.
I'm not claming that for this reason alone we should let all of them stay but this is one of the many interesting twists about this criminal situation. At least I think so.

2007-08-16 07:53:48 · update #1

21 answers

There's no use, people on here will NEVER accept the fact that "illegals" help build and maintain the US economy.

They have to blame all their problems on someone, if all the illegals are thrown out ....... they'll start going after the blacks. It's always another country's faults but it's NEVER the U.S. ...... God forbid the US ever screws up right?

2007-08-16 02:55:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 7

You playing devil's advocate is not going change people's minds who are against this. Your social security example is a poor one; I couldn't careless about it since I won't see any of the money they've taken from me for that anyway.
I don't understand how anyone can justify illegal activity. So they want to live in America and have a good life, hey good for them, do it legally and learn English and no one would care. What if I want a million dollars but my way of obtaining that goal is by killing someone to get it, would that be ok? I mean I want a better life and people would profit from my new tax bracket so shouldn't I be able to do that any way possible? See how ridiculous it sounds?
Everyone's mind is made up either side you are on so it doesn't matter what statistics or trivial surveys say. The American people already know what they want.

2007-08-16 08:58:49 · answer #2 · answered by mrsNO 4 · 3 1

That $7 billion a year is about $23 a year per person in the US (7 billion divided by 300 million people). If I can give $23 to get rid of all the illegals, where do I send the money?

"For less than a price of 2 cups of coffee a month, you can help remove all illegals from this country..."

2007-08-16 09:04:01 · answer #3 · answered by Angelus2007 4 · 4 2

That's crap. If legals were working those jobs then more money would be going into SS and into the US economy itself. And funds get removed from SS other than when a person retires, and that will still continue with the people we still have whether or not they work a job to contribute to SS.

And keeping the illegals around eventually leads them to believing they have "squatters" rights and should be allowed to become citizens. Whereby if they do become citizens, then they will place a drain on the SS system which you have pointed out that they hadn't been contributing to.

Just remember what Mark Twain said about lies. "There are three kinds of lies. Lies, damn lies and statistics." Using statistics, I could make tearing down your house around you while you sat in it sound like a jolly good thing if I had the mind to.

2007-08-16 08:47:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Illegal Aliens are a Net Loss for the US Economy. Illegal Aliens take Billion$ more than they can ever put back into the system to the tune of $70B+ US Tax Dollars Each Year.
Illegal Aliens come specifically to the US to get low paying jobs so they can qualify for US Social Services.


2007-08-16 09:09:53 · answer #5 · answered by Captain Tomak 6 · 3 1

I really want to start smashing things.

My husband is American, I am Canadian, I am going through the LEGAL required process to be allowed to work here and become a permanent resident.

It's costing me at least 2000.00 in APPLICATION fees and I won't be allowed to work for at least 2 years, during that time I am here, Shopping American companies, paying TAX on everything, and contributing to the American economy.

Doing things the LEGAL WAY STILL BOOSTS the American economy. I say SCREW YOU to all the Illegals who sneak in, work, and don't pay taxes! Those jerks are killing me!

In the news this week, an illegal from Mexico has been arrested twice here in the US in the last two years for repeated rape of a 5 year old girl.

Both times released BACK INTO AMERICAN communities ON BOND! They thought it was only fair since he has not been "proven guilty" he should be able to carry on earning income and not be held to jeopardize his employment.


They let an illegal child rapist stay here and work, and here I am STRUGGLING financially, obeying the law and VOLUNTEERING in my new AMERICAN community with the elderly patiently waiting to a) Be granted work rights
b) Be granted permission to visit my own family in my own country, c) Be permitted to apply for a bloody bank account!!!

I love America, but this is one MESSED up system!

2007-08-16 08:53:15 · answer #6 · answered by Lilly 5 · 6 1

That story is a farce my friend. First ,illegals are paid under the table thus no records. Second, The suspense file is nothing more than earnings robbed from baby boomers acct.s, Third, Social Security is nothing more than a pyramiding scheme....

2007-08-16 09:00:55 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

And you believe everything you read in the newspaper?????

If your story was true, then why is social security cutting payments for those who receive social security??? They are running low on money that's why!

How can illegals be contributing to social security???? It is not taken out of their paychecks (the majority of illegals get paid under the table!!)

2007-08-16 10:34:40 · answer #8 · answered by mikea_va 6 · 2 1

Not only do they not have to pay for hospital visits, they get "free" health care at health departments too. Lets not forget about WIC, welfare, food stamps, and medicaid for moms and babies. The get public housing . They get paid under the table. They come here w/o medical records. They are killing our classrooms. Who pays for this. The tax payers do.
Immigrants are a great part of our country, when they come here legally. Why should illegals get special treatment when hard working legals don't??

2007-08-16 08:48:30 · answer #9 · answered by Sweet Tea & Lemons 6 · 4 1

Your math is faulty, you do not consider the burden place on the hospitals, police departments, prison systems, school systems, welfare systems and list goes on and on. The illegals get 10 times in free services what they supposedly contribute. Not to mention having your child stood up against a wall and shot in the back of the head.

2007-08-16 12:45:15 · answer #10 · answered by Steel Rain 7 · 2 2

Hi Marcus, From what I understand there is a bill in congress, right now as we speak, from President Bush, that will not only allow illegals to collect social security (SSI), but grant them immunity and allow them to come and go as they please, for employment related purposes. Their employers are assisting them through this process to avoid fines associated with illegal employment. THUS, because of their lower income they are also able to receive benefits such as food stamps, education, welfare, and unemployment benefits. WHO do you think will be paying for this ? Taxes, or I should say The Hard Working American People, Who do you think these illegals are taking the jobs away from ? The hard working AMERICAN PEOPLE ! Get the picture???

2007-08-16 09:16:19 · answer #11 · answered by jake@home 2 · 1 3

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