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Why doesnt he just prove his existance and then we can all stop arguing over whether he is real? Surely that would make sense and will also stop a lot of people making the wrong choices. If he truely had our best interests at heart he would not want us to make the wrong choice.

Please dont start waffling on about "faith" because that it just a cop-out invented by people who have no evidence or are too scared too seek out the truth.

Therefore I propose that if he reads this (he's omnipotent so he shouldn't miss it) he should give us irrefutable evidence by the time this question gets resolved (im talking a miracle - not an answer by some crazy person claiming to be God). If he doesn't prove himself in time, then clearly he is fictitious and we can all get on with our lives and a lot of people can stop killing each other.

2007-08-16 01:27:33 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

God doesnt need to come & answer your question.

You dont believe in God, carry on. no need to ask questions here.

2007-08-16 01:35:11 · answer #1 · answered by shiraz a 3 · 2 4

Haven't you heard that God is transcendental? That is, he is above everything in this world even basic human emotions. It is only the humans (and other living beings) which resort to competitions & proofs about who is superior over the other.
And if you want to know if God exists or not, just approach God- realised saints or perhaps even read about them, for eg, Yogananda, Therese Neumann, Kabirdas, etc. Of course, today, not all people who claim to be Prophets or devotees need be the real messengers or followers sent by God. A serious caution has to be excercised here or you might fall into a trap.
He exists for the believers & He does'nt for the non- believers. Just because you don't see something or feel something, does it mean it is not out there? Eg. you don't see space, so does that mean space does not exist? Now you might think, the pictures which is posted by institutions, but with the advancements made in the computer technology field, do you think it is really difficult? All it takes is a Spielberg imagination.
As regarding people killing each other... as far as I know all the religions believes in the existence of God. It is just over a few ideas in the Holy books or who is the greatest Messenger or who was the greatest follower, etc that results in controversy and ultimately destruction. Rather than God, it is us Humans who need to realise that there is only One Force who created this universe. You say potato, i say PoTaTo... however you pronounce or whatever language you use for the vegetable, it does not change its nature... it remains potato. Similarly, God is only One whether you call Him Allah, Lord, Vishnu, etc.

2007-08-16 02:49:48 · answer #2 · answered by arun_vn 2 · 1 1


The whole idea of a creator, has been flawed and fictionalised by the religions!

The religions of today, follow books that have been written by man, people like you or myself.

These books had 'no' divine authorship.

It is these books, written by normal human beings, that 'dictate' that 'god' is a 'he' and that there is only 'one' creator.
When there is 100% 'no' proof of this!!

These people, of the past, were very ignorant of the world and universe.

If it thundered, the only explanation available to them, was that a supernatural power, was not pleased with them.
They even thought it thundered because they had stolen that loaf of bread, the previous day!!
*(The type of 'proof' you mention, in your question!)

Science has proven that the thunder is 'not' personally 'delivered' by a 'god'!!

So, you see, it has been proven that, the thunder did 'not' take place as a result, of them stealing bread!!

So, they lived in fear, most of their lives, over not understanding the world about them and contributing everything to a hidden creator being, who was waiting for them to step out of line!

That is what religion is, it is nothing more than, blackmail!!

That if you do not stay within the 'law' of these books, you will burn for eternity.

A belief system that belongs in the past!!

Now, taking out the whole idea of the religions, weither there is a creator, is another story.

You 'can' believe that the universe was 'created' by some form of inteligence, the universe 'could' be, it does seem to be mathematical!

Just dont fall into the trap of thinking:
'If i want to believe in a creator or creators, i have to believe in one of the religions'.

Because..... YOU DONT!!!

The religions, DO NOT have the monopoly on creator/s or creation!!!

2007-08-16 05:14:05 · answer #3 · answered by Paul222@England 5 · 0 0

You cant tell that the wind exists except by feeling / seeing its effects on things. God has shown himself on many occaisions throughout history. Perhaps most famously in the death of Jesus. Jesus had no sin, was all good and yet still went to the cross to be totured then crucified. How else but for total faith in God would he do this?

Also you mention that people kill each other because of God. No, people kill each other in ignorance of the true message of both Christianity and Islam.

Be open minded just for an hour and go read this http://www.working4jesus.org/questions.asp it may also help to read the downloadable documents on the site and the section on the bible. Get to know both sides of an arguement before jumping in with a solution to everyones so called problems!?

2007-08-16 02:53:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

When did god ever say he has our best interests at heart?

More seriously, your question is based on irrelevant premises which is why you'll get few sensible answers from religious people.

The reason why people 'waffle on', as you put it, about faith is this: the various Christian churches are more or less agreed about what you have to do to be a Christian, which is to believe that Jesus was the son of god and that he died on the cross and rose again and went to heaven. Christians are required to believe this in spite of the lack of evidence for it. It's called having 'faith'. If you don't have it, you're not a Christian - end of story. It's not really a cop-out, then, as Christians are not required to be interested in whether or not there's any evidence that Jesus was the son of god, or even whether god exists.

Jews on the other hand are not required to believe anything so frankly incredible. They don't believe Jesus was the son of god and in fact aren't required to believe much, just to follow Jewish law (known as halakha - observe the Sabbath, don't eat this, don't eat that, etc), which is their way of respecting god. There's actually a debate within Judaism about whether or not god can be said to exist and, if not, whether that means Jews should stop obeying halakha. At any rate, 'evidence' has nothing to do with it.

Muslims I know less about, but as far as I can tell they are required to believe that there is one god and that Muhammad is his prophet, or at any rate by far his most important prophet. The Qur'an is very self-contradictory about what you are and aren't supposed to do, just like the Bible really.

So you see that your request for 'evidence' that god exists is neither here nor there. You're not thinking like a truly religious person, but like someone who imagines that god is physically sitting up there on a cloud somewhere, refusing to show himself. Truly religious people - like certain Christians - actually pat themselves on the back for believing things that are completely absurd, like that Mary was a virgin and that she physically ascended into heaven.

The really dangerous ones, though, are people like the fundamentalist Christians who insist that their childish and garbled and preposterous account of how the universe was created is in fact literally true, and who will stop at nothing to lie and cheat and slander their opponents (people like me) and distort the huge mountain of evidence that suggests that they are wrong.

The fact is, nobody can prove god exists any more than you can prove that he doesn't. The fact that he doesn't come when you call proves nothing - he might just not want to. It's just overwhelmingly likely that he doesn't exist - all the evidence says so. Be content with that; you will only know the truth when you die, and if he doesn't exist, not even then.

2007-08-16 01:55:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

i agree, i dont condemn people who believe in such entities as we all have our own opinions and beliefs etc. but to me it seems quite strange how all these old religious books e.g Bible, Koran etc, are written by people, much the same way a modern novel would be written, and describe all these things that have happened/that will happen etc as being told by God or Allah and passed to them to write through prophets etc.
I feel that a lot of people are doubting the existence of such things as God as the only real proof that we have is words in a book that was written thousands of years ago when only basic civilisation existed, as science was at its infancy the only explanation they had was something they could not see, when something happens that has no explanation the best thing to do for them would be to let the blame or credit rest with God or equivalent as they could not explain it any other way. However since the advent of major scientific discoveries and actual visible proof of many things which cud not be proved previously the belief in such entities has waned to the point where people have to uphold or defend their beliefs, as defense is a natural part of human psychology. This is why when you ask such questions the true believers quote from the Bible or Koran or equivalent and dont have their own opinion, more it is something that was written thousands of years ago that they believe to be true and use those words or paragraphs as a defense to your challenge of their beliefs.

2007-08-16 02:29:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

till now Muhammed the Arab peoples had slipped into Idolatry. They worshiped many fake gods which incorporate the moon god. Muhammed defined to the folk, that replaced into incorrect. so they discontinued worshiping fake gods. because of the fact the known be conscious for God/god is Allah/allah in Arabic, at that factor allah/Allah utilized to the actual God and to the fake gods. people who talk English must be attentive to greater useful ,because God is spelled g-o-d no remember which god is spoken of in English.. Plus this Allat isn't Allah. Allat is the call of this fake god. although, Allat replaced right into a pretend allah.( which potential it replaced right into a pretend god.) returned , Allah with a capital A isn't Allat, which replaced right into a pretend god/allah, and has a "t" on the top. stop believing the twisted lies you're informed. a minimum of attempt to reason. different everybody is such as you . don't be a hypocrite. Take the log (English be conscious god) out of your eye, till now you attempt to take the meant splinter (Arab be conscious ) out of the eyes of the Muslims or Arab conversing peoples!

2016-10-15 12:50:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He has already proven his existence. If you look at basic biology and the laws of the Universe you will see evidence of creation. If you study the Bible, you will see clear evidence of inspiration.

Faith only comes after recognising the facts. Romans 10:16 says "Faith follows the thing heard."

2007-08-16 06:00:14 · answer #8 · answered by Iron Serpent 4 · 0 1

God exists alright in his own Kingdom which is not of this world, as he quite clearly told
Pontius Pilate. God's Kingdom is in the Spirit World because God is Spirit, and that is where we will meet him along with all our loved ones.
In the meantime stay good.

2007-08-16 02:49:18 · answer #9 · answered by ? 5 · 1 1

God exists only in our minds. It is not possible to prove the existence of God scientifically. His existence is based on belief not on proof. A person can believe in God, Angels, Jinn (Genie) but if he wants me to believe in it I would require scientific proof.

Theists say you do not see Oxygen but you believe in it. Why not believe in God? Oxygen can be measured through Physics, Chemistry but the existence of God cannot. I don't think God has an impact in our daily life. Belief in God is just a figment of human imagination.

2007-08-16 02:29:33 · answer #10 · answered by Saphire4 5 · 4 1

Man by nature is violent...
Clearly you are fictional if you think God needs to prove himself to YOU.

Sorry, but mankind HAS gone on with their lives and a lot of people WILL STILL go on killing each other because they think only of themselves and not of the human race as being connected to one another.

You have NOT disproved His existence, and it is impossible for you to do so. IF you had a miracle, you would probably dismiss it anyway as pure coincidence.

2007-08-16 01:36:54 · answer #11 · answered by guppy137 4 · 2 3

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