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It contradicts itselft, Jesus calls himself the Christ twice but denies being the Messiah?? why do moslems put any weight in it

2007-08-16 00:59:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

8 answers

I believe this is why the book of Barnabus was left out of the final canon of Scripture.....

It was deemed to be not God-breathed like the rest were.

The good news is: What we have in Scripture today is exactly what God wanted in there........all because of His sovereignty

Like I said....the sovereign will of God is why we have what we have in the Scriptures

2007-08-16 01:02:56 · answer #1 · answered by primoa1970 7 · 2 1

The book of Barnabus was not included in the Christian scriptures because it was a forgery. It was not written until about 200 years after barnabus was dead, and then it was written by a group that wanted to alter standard Christian beliefs. If you read the writings of the early church fathers, you will see them commenting about the book when it first appeared and condemning it as a forgery.

Muslims like to use the book because it agrees with their theology, and rejects the Christian doctrines which the Muslims reject. So they will quote from it.

Finally, it is not possible for Jesus to call himself the "Christ" and reject being the "Messiah". Both words means "anointed one". Messiah is in Hebrew, and "Christ" is in Greek. They are the SAME WORD just transliterated from different languages. The word Christ is the word Messiah. They are the same thing. If Jesus called himself "Christ", then he called himself "Messiah".

2007-08-16 01:11:38 · answer #2 · answered by dewcoons 7 · 1 0

Muslims do not have the meaning of the Messiah as they reject the prophesies of the prophets of God.
The Qu'ran does not explain what a Messiah is. It simply says Jesus is the Messiah. Muslim believe there is no difference between prophets therefore have no explanation of why Jesus is the Messiah. Some Muslims feel the need to explain why Jesus is greater than the prophets and the book of Barnabas which is easily disregarded as a fake says Jesus is not the Son of God and Muslims need a gospel to point to to say this is the gospel because while the Qu'ran contradicts the Gospel it also says it is the word of God. Many Muslims have resorted to saying Muhammad had miracles because Christ had miracles. All prophets are sinless because Christ is sinless, all prophets are Messiahs because Christ it the Messiah..Muslims wish for all of their prophets to be equal and certainly no one should be greater than Muhammad...Unfortunately Muhammad does not measure up.

The book of Barnabas says Jesus is the Christ but is not the Messiah. It also says Muhammad is the Messiah. Why a Muslim would tout a book that disagrees with the Qu'ran is beyond me.

2007-08-16 01:11:15 · answer #3 · answered by djmantx 7 · 1 1

Most Muslims use it as an example of how many different gospels there are. And how they differ in their account of what happened to Jesus. And how the canonised gospels also differ on several accounts!

Muslim don't need any other book, they have the Quran and is the only book they believe in.

2007-08-16 01:09:42 · answer #4 · answered by By Any Means Necessary 5 · 0 2

cause it was written in the 12 century or something like that

2007-08-16 01:06:55 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

primoa1970: How on Earth do you know that everything in there is meant to be there?

2007-08-16 01:05:56 · answer #6 · answered by Benjamin Peret 3 · 0 2

simply b'coz it has many authors

2007-08-16 01:06:48 · answer #7 · answered by Huzur 2 · 0 1

He was messiah for Jews but he denied being messiah for whole the world. Read also:
Bible Barnabas –Its History and Truthfulness :

In next topic we will discuss a detailed prophesy in Bible Banabas (Barnaby). Reading of this book was prohibited by the orders of the Pope Saint Gelaseus I firstly in fifth century (Centuries before the birth of Prophet Mohammad) as it is negating many ideas of Christianity. In the last years of sixteenth century a Latin Priest Framareno found some letters written by Bishop Arenos. In these letter he discussed about Saint Paul, how he modified the original Christianity to a newer shape which was even unknown to Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) himself. He was close to the Pope Sextus IV. One day he went with the pope to his personal library. Pope fell asleep there and the priest started looking his books. By chance he found a copy of Bible Barnaby. He was very happy on this finding and he hid this with him. Now this Italian version is translated in English, Arabic and Urdu.

Christians have claim that this is wrong but now we will take a careful study of the book. Barnaby was a high grades disciple of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) and Bible tells about him.

36 And Joses, who was also called Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement), a Levite of the country of Cyprus,
37 having land, sold it, and brought the money and laid at the apostles' feet.
(Bible, Acts:4: 36-37)
26 And when Saul had come to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples; but they were all afraid of him, and did not believe that he was disciple.
27 But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared to them how he had seen the Lord on the road, and that He had spoken to him, and how he had preached at Damascus in the name of Jesus. (Bible, Acts:9: 26-27)

For, he was a good man full of Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord. (Bible, Acts:11: 24)

And the view that it is similar to Islam in many details but it would be more right to say that Islam is similar with this in many details. As we have already discussed in detail that all religions are same in their base. God is same, human being is the same, Satan's struggle to misguide the humanity is same for ever. So God, The All-Mighty have given same message to all the nations, time and again through his prophets. The minor difference is just to test the behavior of the people. (Like the nation of Prophet Saleh got a she-camel as miracle from the prophet on their own request as a symbol of the Might of God. And they were told to leave it free for drinking and grazing just to test their faith but they killed it. Jews were told to respect Sabbath (Saturday) just as a test. And when they saw more fish is coming in the sea on this day. They were digging deep trenches for capturing of fish in it and next day they were catching them. This was cheating with the order of God. Jews were well informed about arrival of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) but they did not believe him only because He was not following their wishes.) So God has given the same message to all nations.

Now as the name, Mohammad (peace be upon him) is concerned Christian and Jews are very near to Mohammad (peace be upon him. Same ancestor Abraham, same land and basically similar language and this name is pretty sure to be spoken by the Prophet Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) who is well guided by The All-Mighty. And it is not far from God to tell this name to Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) while He (God) has told this name with full details of the life of Prophet Mohmmad (peace be upon him) to old Indian Aposltes thousand years before the birth of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). After thousand year of remembrance by heart and changes in Sanskrit language and its abolition we find the name Mahmed in their books which is similar to word Mohammad. This word is confirmed to be Mohammad (peace be upon him) when we peruse such a strange and wonderfully true details about all the life of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). All other research has proved that Bible Barnabas is truly written by Barnabas, a disciple of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), as it was taught by the prophet himself. And we are confirmed from the proof of this book that it has more sure record as compared to other gospels, which were written by sincere but second stage narrators after listening from the first ones.

6 And remember when Isa (Jesus) the son of Maryam said: "O children of Israel! I am the Rasool of Allah towards you, confirming the Torah which came before me, and to give you good news of a Rasool that will come after me whose name shall be Ahmed (another name of Muhammad, meaning 'The praised one')."But when he (Muhammad) came to them with clear signs, they said "This is plain magic." (Quran: As-Saff; V-6)

And in 1947 the world discovered a wonderful record of religious history in the form of Dead Sea Scrolls, which is collection of about 600 Hebrew and Aramaic manuscripts discovered in a group of caves near Khirbat Qumran in Jordon, at the northwestern end of the Dead Sea. The leather and papyrus scrolls, which survive in various states of preservation, came to light in a series of archaeological finds. The manuscripts have been attributed to members of a previously unknown Jewish brotherhood in start of Christianity. And later some old manuscripts from Saint Peter were discovered from the disciple of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). Christianity was glad to show the world a very old proof for accuracy of their currently prevailing dogmas. But it was stopped!?

4.23) Some Prophesies About Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) in Bible Barnabas:

Now we will see some prophesies in Bible Barnabas about the Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him). Firstly we see here that Prophet Adam (pbuh) is informed about Prophet Mohammad (pbuh).:

13 When God gave life to Adam and angels were praising God, Your name is Great and pious.
14 when Adam got up on his feet he saw written in the skies shining like light, "There is no God but Allah and Mohammad is Messenger of Allah."
15 Then Adam opened his mouth and spoke thus, "I thank You my Lord because You gave me birth by your blessing.
16 But I request You to tell me the meaning of this writing.
17 Then God replied, "Welcome oh my worshipper Adam".
18 I tell you that you are the first man whom I created.
19 And this person whose name you saw, is your son, who will come to the world after many years.
20 And he will be such a messenger, for whom I created everything.
21 when that Prophet will come to the world, he will have a light (guidance) to the world.
22 And I have created the light of this Prophet sixty thousand years before creation of anything else.
23 Then Adam requested, "Oh God show me this writing on the nails of my hand"
24 Then God show this writing on his thumb nails. On right nail (of thumb), "There is no God but Allah"
25 And on left nail (of thumb), "Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah."
26 Then this first man kissed these sentences with fatherly love.
27 And touched with both of his eyes and said, "Blessed is the day when you will come to this world." (Bible, Barnabas:39: 13-27)

Jesus (pbuh) mentions that advent of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) is a part of plant of creation:
9 And when He (God) decided to create, He created the soul of the Prophet first. The prophet, because of whom, He decided to create all these things.
10 So that His creature get happiness and blessings.
11 So that His messenger becomes happy with His creation for whom He has decided to bestow guidance.
12 And why? All this happened without any reason, nay, but because God decided so.
13 I tell you truth that every prophet when he comes, he comes for his own one nation and for them He brings signs for the blessing of God.
14 And for this reason the message of these prophets did not go out of the nation for whom he was sent.
15 But when this Messenger of God will come, He will be gifted especially and this will be like ring of his finger.
16 So he will bring forgiveness and blessing for all nations of the world who will accept his teachings.
17 He will come to the cruel with a force.
18 He will destroy idol worship so that Satan becomes cursed and failing.
19 Because God promised with Abraham like this and said, "See I will bless all tribes of the world by your tribe. And as you did, Oh Abraham, your generation will do."
20 Then disciple asked, "Teacher, tell us, with whom this agreement was made."
21 Because Jews say that this (Covenant) was with Isaac.
22 And tribe of Ishmael says that this was for him.
23 Jesus then replied, "David was whose son and from whose generation?
24 Jacob (name) replied, "Son of Isaac, because Isaac was father of Jacob and Jacob is father of Jews in whose generation is David."
25 Then Jesus asked, "When God's messenger will come, he will from be which generation?"
26 Disciples replied, "From the generation of David."
27 Then Jesus informed them, "Do not make you in doubt."
28 When David calls him, "Lord", "Lord said, sit on my right side so that I make your enemies a place of trampling."
29 Lord will send your arm which will be conqueror in midst of your enemies"
30 So this messenger of God whom you call 'Messiah' is same then why David calls him Lord.
31 Believe me that I say to you that this covenant was with Ishmael, not with Isaac.
(Bible, Barnabas:43: 9-31)

He (Jesus pbuh) clarifies about the event of sacrifice of son by Prophet Abraham (pbuh):
10 The God ordered to Abraham, "Take your only son Ishmael to the mountain so that you offer him for sacrifice.
11 How Isaac can be first born because Ishmael was of seven years when he was born.
(Bible, Barnabas:44: 10-11)

Furthermore the following verses are informing in detail about the Last Messenger of God:

19 And therefore I inform you that there is no doubt that God's Messenger is a light from God and it will bless almost all creation of the Lord.
20 He is assisted by the soul of knowledge and counseling.
21 is soul of wisdom and strength.
22 is soul of fear and love (of God)
23 is soul of guidance and moderateness
24 blessed with soul of love and mercy
25 soul of justice and piety
26 thankfulness and patience to such an extent, that he has got the biggest share from blessings of God which are bestowed on all creature of God.
27 How blessed will be the age when He (Messenger of God) will come!
28 Believe me that I have seen him in all aspect and paid respect to him. And I have respected him as all prophets have seen him.
29 Because God show them the soul of his messenger as a prophecy.
30 And when I saw him I became contented and said, "O Mohammad God be with you, and (may God) make me to serve your cause." (Bible, Barnabas:44: 19-30)

Then similarly this Bible discusses the last days of the world by Jesus Christ (peace be upon him). Friends we have tried to show you the path of truth, not to push. I believe that Jews and Christians are very near relative of Muslims in their faith; especially mildness of heart of Christians is praised in Quran. I am sure Thomas Carlyle was less informed when he wrote – "They (the Christians) have been trained to hate the man Mohamed and his religion." Friends just peruse and think about the proof and just decide by your-self.

2007-08-16 01:08:11 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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