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Are there anyone here that are pro-creationists? pro-evolutionists? neutral? If so, please tell me why you believe in what you believe in. Maturity and supporting detail are very much appreciated. :)

2007-08-16 00:53:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

11 answers

As much as I think the term "evolutionists" is silly, I suppose I fall under that banner.

As to detail, let's start with the basics


2007-08-16 01:01:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I believe exactly what the Bible teaches:
(which is directly opposite of the Creationists at the new museum they built)

And that is that this Earth is eons and eons in age, and there was even an entire earth age before this one we live in now.
Genesis states not that the Earth WAS void and without form, but that it BECAME that way. How did it become that way?
From the war where Satan rebelled and
when he was defeated, God destroyed that
first Earth Age (not the earth, not the terrafirma, only the AGE) and the Earth sat
still until a plan was formulated for the redemption of the people. Why did the people need redemption then, since this was way before Adam and Eve's sin?
Because when Satan started that war, many of our people followed him, and many others stayed neutral and didn't even care as long as it didn't affect them. This caused God to destroy that age that was, and bring in this second earth age, where each soul would come thru in the flesh, one time, to make an ultimate decision of who they would follow: Christ or Satan.
It is only true that Adam and Eve were the first to sin IN THIS AGE, but they certainly were not the first sinners, and the fact that the people needed saving has nothing to do with Adam and Eve.
The problem is that because of the Churches not teaching Biblically, people are unable to take off the blinders so that they could see anything previous to the past
6000 years or so. This Earth is incredibly old, and so are the souls who live on it.

We know from Scripture that between the first Earth age, and where you read in Genesis 1:2 and forward, an uncountable
vast amount of time passed; enough time to support life certainly, and for the earth to work in its autonomous design and processes.
Through the Sciences, we know that great
dinosaurs and other creatures walked the
Earth, as well as fossil fuels being formed,
etc...the sciences are wonderful, and anyone who does not celebrate the great finds of the worlds dedicated Scientists
are only cheating themselves.
The Scriptures (manuscripts) are clear on the fact that there are three total Earth Ages; one that was, one that is now, and one final one to come.
What I believe is the Word of God.
Unfortunately, whats being taught is mans
word, certainly not Gods Word. If Gods Word was being taught, you wouldn't see this controversy going on, because there
is no controversy in Scripture between Gods true Word and true Science. None.

2007-08-16 08:21:08 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i don't honestly feel that i have any 'beliefs' to defend in this arena. i suppose i have a degree of faith in the scientific method itself, which seems justified because it works. evolution is much more than the idea that humans are apes, i think it's too silly for words that this is controversial to some people. there certainly are some problems and controversies (the origin of life for instance) - otherwise there would be only librarians and no scientists. but the proposition that 'god did it' has never lead to new knowledge in science - it always amounts to giving up on the whole idea of discovery and exploration, it's a useless hypothesis. i would change by mind about that though if any creationist could propose a testable hypothesis that has not yet failed the empirical tests. (sorry hugh ross but merely stating that your model is testable does not mean it is testable).

2007-08-16 08:33:43 · answer #3 · answered by vorenhutz 7 · 0 0

Many people use evolution as the explanation for the origin of life. This is a cop-out because evolution only deals with the changes in living organisms.

There is of course no "scientific" explanation for the origin of life or even inanimate material for that matter.
The areas of study that deal with origins are religion and philosophy.

The excellent information given above by Martin is certainly scientific and supports those who see the absolute necessity for a designer.
It is not enough to just have matter, living or not, - it is also necessary to have processes for the organization of that matter.
We might find rocks randomly but for them to built into a usable building, a system for joining them must be intelligently developed.

2007-08-16 21:19:15 · answer #4 · answered by kazmania_13 3 · 0 0

I'm a rationalist, so yes, I'm pro-evolution. Why? because of the overwhelming evidence around us. What other theory is there to explain how life is what it is?

I'm also very anti-religious. But before you get on my case take a look at this real life scenario- every year religious organizations get tens of billions of dollars in donations for what? Build another alter? Have another fund raising event? Open a creationist museum? While at the mean time scientists have to fight over every cent with a government that has no rational thought, trying to explain the necessity of researching alternative energy or explaining the revolution stem cell therapy can bring.

This is a crazy world, I'm just trying to make it right.

2007-08-16 08:06:37 · answer #5 · answered by technogiddo 2 · 0 2

I'm a Christian therefore I believe in Creation. They really do go hand in hand huh? So I see Genesis for what it says . I don't sit around worrying about it though. there's too much to explore in the bible to worry about God's business.
I know He exists because we have a spiritual connection called Jesus. If you can take some time to talk to Him and listen.

2007-08-18 05:18:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Evolution is pretty simple, and all the evidence we observe about life support evolution.
Creationism is a last ditch attempt, by those conservatives, who refuse to throw out the old Myths in the bible, to try and come up with a formula that reintroduces Divinity into the diversity we observe in life.
what they claim is that, although evolution explains diversity of life very elegantly, a unneeded complication must be introduced, or people will come to ignore religion totally.

2007-08-16 08:10:13 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I don't believe in evolution because it is fact and thus does not require belief much like gravity. There is more than a mountains worth of evidence supporting it and that is why I accept it as true because it has gone through the scientific method.

2007-08-16 08:06:57 · answer #8 · answered by John C 6 · 0 2

You love to debate -mnmsrgood4u

we can debate all night about this but it is to no profit (history tells us).

Lies are everywhere

you can only trust one thing

2007-08-16 08:04:44 · answer #9 · answered by ? 2 · 1 0

I don't find the need to defend my beliefs, or lack of beliefs. But at anytime, I'm willing to debate them.

2007-08-16 08:01:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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