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'it is not my choice, god made me?'
It hardly can accept that, but who knows the truth...
no offense,

2007-08-15 15:51:32 · 66 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

66 answers

as u like baby&
I think they are right

2007-08-16 02:07:06 · answer #1 · answered by beauty killer 4 · 0 1

My standard answer to people who state that being gay is a choice is. If it is such a choice then any heterosexual man or woman should just go have sex with the same sex to disprove this theory.

What most people are thinking about is that gays should be celibate and not complain. But once again there is evidence out there that taking vows of celibacy doesn't work. The human race doesn't like to think of themselves as being animals, but biologically men have high testosterone which is noted for causing anything that is sexually appealing to be the target of the moment. We're horn dogs, by biology. So why do men want to ask other men to keep it in their pants.

Refusing to understand is as bad as saying all priests are child molesters! No thought has been put into the statement!

2007-08-15 17:17:31 · answer #2 · answered by humanrayc 4 · 1 1

What do you think when a hermaphrodite says "It's not my choice to be born both male and female, God made me?"

It's sad that some people think being homosexual is a choice, because nobody in their right mind would choose that! I can't think of anything more painful than being a homosexual in a society where they are so hated. I don't believe that homosexuality is a choice, partly because of this... When someone entertains being gay as an option, sometimes naturally straight people will end up choosing it or experimenting with it. Also, by seeing it as a choice, others can say: AHA! You see, it's a choice! Turn or burn!!

There is another phenomena to this and it does include choice and it has to do with what i've stated above.... many consider homosexuality a choice and an option, so sometimes a person who thinks this will choose it.

The truth is, some people are born with tendancies that are not heterosexual, but a person who is gay will know it pretty early on AND it will have nothing to do with abuse in childhood, lack of a father figure, anger at the opposite sex or the like. It is a phenomena that is not the ideal, but it does occur.

A rarer phenomenon, but one just as misunderstood, is "Chimerism." Chimeras are people with 2 or more sets of DNA and it is not physically apparent... you would not be able to tell, unless you did cirtain kinds of tests. They are their own twin.... some of these rare people are also born "intersexed" or "hermaphrodites"...(physically manifesting as male and female). For some reason, Chimerism is prone to this.

It's not that this type of thing is God's ideal for us, but precious little is God's ideal in this world because it's fallen... that's why people can rest assured, that the requirement for perfection has been made through Jesus. Our striving for God's ideals can be done without guilt and WITH assurance. I thank God for Jesus, because none of us can do this on our own.

2007-08-15 16:00:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

It is so easy and convenient for a hetero to say that it is a choice, because that makes the hetero right no matter what, and the homos victims no matter what. It really isn't fair. Because homos are a minority, the majority, heteros, are favored by other heteros who rule everything, and therefore the hetero decision and opinion is the only one that seems to matter or able to be correct. I am not saying that I am gay, (I am not gay) but at least I understand that I could take the easy way out and just say it is a choice, but choose to believe otherwise because instead of taking the easy way out, I actually search for the truth, and am anything but ignorant. Besides, knowing all the negative social effects of beings gay, I am sure no one would deliberately choose to be gay.

2007-08-15 16:09:31 · answer #4 · answered by Omer 5 · 6 1

It doesn't bother me at all. Just because I'm not gay doesn't mean I'm not understanding of those who are hurt because other people say they have a choice.. I think that some people may make the "conscious" decision to be homosexual, but others really and truly have felt urges towards the same sex from early childhood, so yeah, maybe some have been born that way. As far as God goes, I believe that gays can be Christian, too, they are human beings just like everyone else on this earth and who am I to judge?

It would be absurd ( TO ME) to have in one room a child molester, and another room, a homosexual (who has been an upstanding citizen and a truly good person)... and God then says "the molester may go to heaven, but the homosexual shall go to hell".... IF this were the case,I think people as a whole would turn athiest, what would be the point of being a good person? We'd all go nuts. I guess we'll find out the answer when we die. thats where faith comes in.

2007-08-15 16:01:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 4

I believe they have genuine desires like anyone desiring anything. It's just they desirethe same sex. Listen I dont Hate homosexuals, or lesbians, whatever label you want to use. But God didnt make them that way. Im Scott/Irish I have a very bad temper if left unchecked, but people expect me to control it. The same with the homosexual tendancies they choose to give in to their desires.
Romans 1:26-32 covers this as well as Leviticus 18:22. God would not create a man, or woman to be naturally homosexual. It is a choice. I have a choice to be faithful to my wife, even if I might get tempted.
No offence ment, just my two bits. Good question...needs to be discussed more without the flaring tempers on both sides.
So let the thumbs down roll, I know you cant stand a Christian that is nice to homosexual people!

2007-08-15 16:16:39 · answer #6 · answered by Gabriels Voice 2 · 4 3

When I hear someone say that, I know they know the truth. It's time for the rest of the world to catch up. After all, straight people are made the way God made them, why would gay people be any different?

2007-08-15 16:06:25 · answer #7 · answered by The Pope 5 · 4 3

homosexuality is a natrual accurnince in animals and humans it is the way they were born. in all honesty the zero point of sexuality is bi sexual with a prefernce for one sex or the other but basickly have sex with anything that is human and alive, if your prefrence isnt avalable.

obviosly non crazed has never had cats. trust me on this they are bisexual and some are straight out gay.

and for 100kin4apurs. homosexuality does have a place in natural selection. the midonodricl dna is passed down strictly though the mother, haveing sons does nothing to pass this on, and in some females the body reacts to this by introduceing female hormons and trying to make the fetus female resulting in some homosexual births. thes men are not likely to cary on the fathers dna since they usualy didnt have ofspring, but tended to care for the other children thus helping to ensure that the others survived to pass on there genetics

C. Thomas H.
first lets go over this. some people who are pedophiles are that way from birth, sad but true and because they do harm to those who can not concent they are incarcerated. the reson for the incarceation is the lack of concent, we all agree children can not concent to sexual acts. there for anything done to them is rape. beastality is a crime for the same reson lack of concent an animal that can not speek can not give to concent. see the trend. WHY should marring someone who gave there concent be a crime just because you are already married?! if i want two husbands and they know about each other and both concent then why should I bee thrown into jail everyone is concentual! polygamy should not be a crime, because no one gets hurt if everything is concentual. now if I go and marry a second husband and dont tell him I am alredy married and neither knows about each other then yes that should be a crime because there is no concent

2007-08-15 15:58:09 · answer #8 · answered by slo18 3 · 5 4

That's a difficult one to answer.
I do not believe that God made anyone to be homosexual...but I do know that EVERYONE is faced with strong temptation to sin. I suppose we could say that everyone is born with the propensity to sin. But that doesn't mean it's OK to do it. Have you ever heard the phrase "born liar"? Sometimes it does seem as if a kid is literally born a kleptomaniac. I've heard a great many Moms worrying about their kids' tendency to tell ridiculous fibs or take things that don't belong to them...as young as three or four! Is it "learned behavior"? Or is it something born in them?
And if we could PROVE that there is a "liar's gene" (he takes after his father, he could never tell the truth either!), would that mean that it is OK to lie?
And what about if there IS a "kleptomaniac gene" (you know, I can remember when Mom couldn't get through WalMart without sticking a pair of earrings or a bottle of nail polish in her purse...and Sis takes right after her). Would that mean that WalMart would have to make special exceptions for people who "can't help it"? Cuz I don't think that's gonna happen, no matter how many "Klepto Pride Parades" they have...
Seriously, whether God made them that way or not is really not the point. The point is that it is sin. We are all "born sinners". That is why Jesus came to reconcile us to God, and that is why we turn from our sin and to Him.

I hope this helps.
God bless you!!

2007-08-15 16:17:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

What I think when questions like this are asked is that I am no different than anyone else, gay or otherwise. I am a sinner in need of grace and my salvation depends on my relationship with God.

2007-08-15 15:57:02 · answer #10 · answered by Mr. E 7 · 5 1

I really couldn't care less what 2 consenting adults do with each other...

I don't know why you do? There are so many other problems in this world that could be dealt with.

Trying to turn gay people straight, or condemning them, hardly seems like a worthy cause, when children are starving to death.

2007-08-15 16:04:58 · answer #11 · answered by Sapere Aude 5 · 7 2

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