Getting rewarded as you spend money with your credit card makes things interesting for a credit card holder. The cashback, free gas, free air travel, free shopping, discounted merchandise and other freebies that a reward credit card brings with it, add value to credit card ownership. But, there are many things that should be considered to get the maximum benefits from a reward credit card. Read on to get familiar with the basics.
Getting the right reward card that 'really' helps your cause is the first thing that should be kept in mind while going for a reward card. There is no point in taking a credit card with gas reward if you don't drive much. Similarly, if you rarely fly, an airline miles reward card will be worthless for you.
What are the limitations to reward program? Get clear about it. Ask the credit card agent or representative about store preferences, gas outlets to which the credit card is affiliated, airlines, blackout dates, travel restrictions, reward expiry, reward point accumulation and what is required to earn rewards. A reward credit card with lots of restrictions and difficult to redeem gift vouchers or reward points will only frustrate things on your end.
Blue Cash from American Express
* Up to 5% Cash Back with Unlimited Cash Rewards
* Earn unlimited cash back
* 0% Intro APR for 6 months
* Low Balance Transfer rate - 4.99% fixed APR for the life of the balance
* No Annual Fee
Apply online at:
2007-08-16 00:58:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Sure. Any major credit card company offers cards that have reward point. Make sure you specifically ask for a card that has reward points. There are a number of ways credit cards offer the reward, some points are redeemable for cash and some are other types of rewards-like airline miles, so make sure you know what type the card offers.
2007-08-15 22:00:42
answer #2
answered by gus_zalenski 5
AMEX BLUE CASH is the best overall rewards card in my opinion... gives 6% cash back on gas and 1.5% on everything else.
You can pay a lot of your bills with a credit card... but some, such as electric bill, you usually cant.
2007-08-15 22:06:41
answer #3
answered by Mike 6
Phone and utility companies take credit cards .
Go for a cash back card . . .
2007-08-15 21:58:59
answer #4
answered by kate 7
In my case, to some degree ,yes. I pay dishnetwoek on visa, US Cellular on visa and a few other things.
( Visa !% rebate on all purchases)
2007-08-15 22:01:26
answer #5
answered by Gregg S 1
Just about any of them. We do that with our AMEX all the time.
2007-08-15 21:56:37
answer #6
answered by Anonymous