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Evolution is a theory, in scientific language in means is proved to be true and considered to be true by ALL the scientific community. There's all kind of hardcore objective evidence around if you wanna look up that supports it. We see viruses evolving right before our noses all the time, and we see plants evolving after several generations and adapting to a new enviroment. i could see it with my own eyes in my friend's mom's greenhouse. And tho even you don't wanna believe it in the face of all the existing evidence? what are you doing believing in a God with zero evidence? why don't you go a prove the existence of your god, before attacking scientific theories on the basis of your ignorance?

2007-08-15 11:02:09 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

God gave me a magic carpet on my birthday. He must exist!

Drizzt - You're an idiot.

P - Weak.

nckmcgwn - You have a point.

Sunny Girl - So pretty yet so naive.

makemeaspark - Inches turn into miles.

jworks79604 - There is evidence for allah as well, the Koran. There is also evidence for yoda, its called Star Wars.

easyericlife - Where did god come from? "He has always existed" - EHHHH! Wrong Answer!

Linda J - I bet you have Jesus listed as a hero on your myspace, stop killing brain cells.

Alison C - *sigh*

James w - That is pure religious propaganda.

Dog - I love you.

ann - Read a book (other than the bible).

2007-08-15 11:05:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

"Evolution is a theory, in scientific language in means is proved to be true and considered to be true by ALL the scientific community." - This is a false statement. Me: B.S. in Physics from John Carroll University

"There's all kind of hardcore objective evidence around if you wanna look up that supports it." - all of which is either circumstantial or based on assumptions, which is why it is still a theory.

"We see viruses evolving right before our noses all the time, and we see plants evolving after several generations and adapting to a new enviroment." - false. The Theory of Evolution is a theory that describes how one species involves into an entirely different species. There is no scientific witness of this of which *I* am aware.

Just for the record, I believe that evolution is most likely the means that God used to create man. But that does not excuse the false statements you made in defense of evolution.


2007-08-15 11:10:19 · answer #2 · answered by JimPettis 5 · 3 3

I'm an atheist not a christian. It is diatribes like yours that help to confuse the issue between creationists and evolutionists. You are utterly and completely incorrect to say that a theory means it is proved to be true and considered to be true by ALL the scientific community. The theory of evolution is considered by the vast majority of the scientific community to be the most plausible explanation for the ascension of the species but it has yet to be proven. Yes there is zero evidence for god's existence but you will not get far convincing anybody of that until you begin to understand what is fact and what is theory, what is proven and what is still being studied. When you come up with rants like this you become the best argument for the creationists point of view that those of us who study evolution have no clue what we are doing.

2007-08-15 11:10:48 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

Answer: No. Not as long as evolution is still attacking creation.

You are either misinformed or outright lying. NOT all scientists agree on evolution. Not only do scientists beat each other up over whether we "evolved" from monkeys, lizards, or frogs, but a good number of them have come to the conclusion that a literal 6-day creation did in fact take place. Creationist numbers are growing while evolution still squabbles over a simple question like, "where did matter come from?" Well.. Where did it come from? Entire museums have been built in recent years featuring strong evidence for creation. Thank God science is finally catching up with scripture!

2007-08-15 11:10:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

"Evolution" of a species within a species is one thing, and as a Christian, I have no issue with that, nor do those who can accept that point as allowable within the stated Biblical parameters of creation. The "rub" is the idea of "evolution" of one species to another, which even genetically speaking is not supportable. Geese have not evolved in to Eagles, nor have Apes evolved into wolves, which by the tenets of evolution, should be possible. Another tenet of evolution is that if a body part has no function, it should not be carried forward as the creature evolves do to lack of use for a certain part. Why then, with the Elk, that the male antlers can form with no usefulness for the shape that they produce from one male to another, yet the female produces short dagger like antlers. Why are there anomalies in various creatures that do not fit the evolution prescription, yet continue on as they have for thousands of years? Perhaps the answer is that there is a creator who made them that way for His own good pleasure as opposed to what evolutionists say must be the form of progression. Evolutionists give those who wish to attack their positions the "ammo" that they need. If the evolutionists can provide rational reasonings, then perhaps the attacks would cease.

2007-08-15 11:18:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Theories are not proven facts. Isn't nature enaugh to be believing in God? Do you truly believe our complex universe evolved just like that? (over millions of years, ofcourse)
a piece of music has is evidence of a composer, a picture of an artist, creation of a creator!
Its not that complicated.
PS: no offense but what hope do evolutionists have? because in the evolution theory humans are nothing more than highly developed animals, but the Bible says God made them in His own image.
I'd rather go for the latter.

2007-08-15 11:26:05 · answer #6 · answered by ocean_girl 3 · 1 2

Forgive them, Just The Kid Next Door, for they know not what they do! :-)

Geeze, even the Pope is behind Evolution - I guess he knows that Catholicism will become extinct if he doesn't finally acknowledge the evidence that Evolution is how it happened. And once they go, the rest of Christianity is sure to follow, particularly the Fundamentalists, whose beliefs are even more separated from reality.

Okay thumb-downers, have fun! I won't be back to see anyway!

2007-08-15 11:10:34 · answer #7 · answered by HyperDog 7 · 3 1

The bible talks about micro evolution. Every species, will produce its own kind. That is a proven fact. what you see in your friend's backyard in an example of that.

Macro evolution isn't even close to being proven. It is a wet blanket theory. and no, evolution doesn't have 100% backing from the scientific community.

Edit: ThaDude, you sound very intelligent.

2007-08-15 11:18:13 · answer #8 · answered by ann 3 · 0 2

Look, while I agree with your premise that Christians should stop attacking evolution, let me correct something.

Yes, evolution is a scientific theory. It's not "just a theory" like the fundies like to call it. In science, a theory is the highest form of scientific explanation tying together tons of data and evidence.

That being said, scientific theories are not "proved to be true". They simply explain the mechanism by which the specific area of study occurs based on the observed evidence. The observed evidence for evolution is countless and it is one of the most solid theories, even more so than quantum theory and the theory of gravity.

The attacks on evolution by fundies are dishonest, non-sensical, and outright wrong.

Hell, Creationists have to disagree with just about every field in science for them to even be correct.

They also need to understand that even if the theory of evolution was falsified, it would not make Creation or ID true by default. They still need to do science to support their hypotheses, and they must do it within the scientific method.

2007-08-15 11:08:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

Or this GE a million:14-19 The solar (which separates evening and day) wasn't created until the fourth day. GE a million:11-12, 26-27 trees have been created in the past guy grow to be created. GE 2:4-9 guy grow to be created in the past trees have been created. GE a million:20-21, 26-27 Birds have been created in the past guy grow to be created. GE 2:7, 19 guy grow to be created in the past birds have been created. GE a million:24-27 Animals have been created in the past guy grow to be created. GE 2:7, 19 guy grow to be created in the past animals have been created. GE a million:26-27 guy and woman have been created on the comparable time. GE 2:7, 21-22 guy grow to be created first, woman sometime later.

2016-10-10 07:32:08 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It was scientific theories that "proved" the world was flat.
Scientists are human and therefore vulnerable to error.
Stop making science your God!

2007-08-15 11:10:30 · answer #11 · answered by Linda J 7 · 1 1

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