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68 answers

Christians are God's Chosen People.

The Apostle Peter said so, for he told those who believe in Christ Jesus, "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people...Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God" (I Peter 2: 9,10).

Jesus told those who believed in Him: "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you." Everyone who has faith in Christ is chosen by Jesus. Was the whole Jewish race chosen by Jesus? No, absolutely not. He declared that the pharisaic Jews were of their father the devil (Matthew 23).

Our Lord also set the record straight in the book of Revelation where, in Chapter 17, verse 14, it is revealed that those who are of Christ "are called, and chosen, and faithful."

Most Jews are not faithful to Jesus. They hate Christ and they despise true Christianity. Their false religion, Judaism, mocks Christ and disparages the cross. It is a travesty and it is unscriptural to claim that Jews, as a race, are "called, and chosen, and faithful."

The scriptures firmly declare: "Whoso denieth the Son the same hath not the Father" (I John 2:23). Jews who embrace Judaism have neither Jesus nor His Father.

One woman wrote me and insisted: "I am a Christian, but as a Gentile I am not one of God's Chosen People." Be very careful, I told this precious lady. If you are not God's chosen, then you belong to Satan. Now answer me, dear friend: Are you chosen by God or are you of the household of Satan? It is one or the other. Think about it.

Moreover, if you are Christ's, you are also Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise. Dear friends, here is the one Bible verse the Judaizer preachers always have hoped you'd never discover:

And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:29)

Glory! That's it! Dispute no more. Christians of any and all races are Abraham's seed and heirs of the promise. You become Abraham's seed and heir by God's grace, not because of your race!

Now consider this: Abraham was promised in Genesis that his seed would bless all the families on earth. By bringing the Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, to the whole world, Christians are indeed blessing the nations.

What's more, in Genesis, God promised that whosoever blesses Abraham and his seed, God would also bless. So, whosoever blesses Christians, God blesses. How much better can it get than that? Want a blessing? Then, do something to bless God's Chosen People, Abraham's seed: Christian believers in Jesus Christ!

2007-08-15 11:15:03 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 4

We don't.

Out of 64 answers, I am astonished that only two are Jewish. 62 people trying to speak in the name of Jews on behalf of a Bible they (Xtianity) mistranslated, creating this problem in the first place.

Yes, that's true. The Jews being G-d's chosen people is a Xtian idea, not a Jewish one. We've always figured that we were the "chosen" because we "chose" the Torah--chosen, chose. There we go. Beyond that, the only thing we ever got from being chosen was a lot more rules--606 more, to be exact. We have 613 laws to follow, while all the other people in the world only have 7. Does that really sound like we think we're better than everyone else?

2007-08-15 13:55:11 · answer #2 · answered by LadySuri 7 · 0 1

. Everyone misunderstands this. Only sweetheeb seems to get it. Here's a reasonably good explanation:

The idea of chosenness has traditionally been interpreted by Jews in two ways: one way is that God chose the Israelites, while the other idea is that the Israelites chose God. Although collectively this choice was made freely, religious Jews believe that it created individual obligation for the descendants of the Israelites.

Crucial to the Jewish notion of chosenness is that it creates obligations exclusive to Jews, while non-Jews receive from God other covenants and other responsibilities. Generally, it does not entail exclusive rewards for Jews.

Most Jewish texts do not state that "God chose the Jews" by itself. Rather, this is usually linked with a mission or purpose, such as proclaiming God's message among all the nations,

2007-08-15 11:43:58 · answer #3 · answered by Mark S, JPAA 7 · 2 0

God chosen the Jews because of the fact they have been the smallest in extensive style and weakest of the countries on the time. it incredibly is to teach that the weakest human beings of mankind...who have faith and with God on there area .. is a few distance greater desirable than any stable great u . s . that doesn't have faith in God . Examples of it fairly is obvious throuougt the bible.... Ex: David over Goliath- Jacob the youngest chosen over Esau. Joseph over his brothers. Hezakiah over the Assyrian military. The little city of Galilee ( abode of the Messiah) Jesus..over Jerusalem. And Jesus coming from the smallest of the 12 tribes of Israel . of path the Jews rejected Jesus ... Which then unfolded The covenant to those (chosen human beings) that have faith in Jesus Christ as your savior

2016-10-15 11:25:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Says so in the bible. I think it's kind of funny. It upsets the Christians because the Christians want to shove Jesus down everyone's throat but the Jews don't need Jesus. Yeah, there are some "Jews for Jesus" but they don't actually need him. The Jews assume a standing with God and I say, good for them. They don't go around proselytizing about it. They believe what they believe and they're secure with it unlike the Christians. The Christians need something to hold over people's heads and threaten people with Hell in order to control people and Jews just defiantly say it isn't so. GO JEWS!
I'm pantheist by the way.

2007-08-15 11:04:58 · answer #5 · answered by Fish Stick Jesus 2 · 0 3

Chosen only in that they were chosen to follow the Torah

2007-08-15 19:16:46 · answer #6 · answered by ST 4 · 1 0

"Cuz it's true..." LOL. The Bible is true because the Bible says it's true. So funny, in a childish sort of way.

The Bible says they are "chosen," but never says for what exactly. Considering all the turmoil that has arisen on account of the Semitic people and the constant tension associated with Israel and the Middle East, perhaps it is that they are chosen to bring the curtain down, so to speak. After all, if we take the Bible at its word, the final conflict will be fought on their account, and the New Kingdom will descend from heaven upon their soil.

2007-08-15 11:04:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Because God told them more then once that they were His chosen people. They were the most faithful, most willing to accept Him and covenant with Him then any other nation.

2007-08-15 11:13:37 · answer #8 · answered by odd duck 6 · 2 1

Because they have a book that tells them this. So do the Christians. So do the Muslims. And there are many many spin-offs like Mormons, Shiites, etc.

Trouble is, these books and sub-sects don't all say the same thing. Rather inconsistent of God, don't you think? *chuckle*

And woe until those who didn't even bother with a book in the first place! Can't be legit without a book!

People are really silly.

2007-08-15 11:00:44 · answer #9 · answered by Mike H. 4 · 2 3

Because we took up his offer of the covenant.
And because everyone else keeps telling us we are!

However, you need to look up the meaning of 'chosen people'. It doesn't mean favorite.

2007-08-15 11:10:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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