God does offer us all those things. But He is is a just God as well.
He has given man free will, therefor He does not stop man from doing evil.
Think of it this way.....
A man and his young son are walking on a path. The son falls and scrapes his knee. Did the father WANT that to happen? Of course not! But he does pick up his son, and he carries him home, and helps heal the scrape.
God is the same way with us. It's not that He wants us to get hurt, bad things just HAPPEN. But He is there to help us when "we fall and scrape our knee"- most people just resist His help in favor of blaming in all on Him.
Speaking of God being just though, there is a hell. If people reject Him in this life, He will reject them in the next (meaning that they will go to hell)
They don't have to though, if they accept His Son, Christ, they can go to heaven. I could keep on going, but I can already tell that this is going to be long enough as it is.
2007-08-15 10:53:47
answer #1
answered by blue_eyes 3
Miss, if it gives you any degree of comfort to 'love' an invisible god up in the clouds, by all means, continue. As a lifelong atheist, I do not 'dislike' something which does not exist. By far most of the time this god does not come to my mind at all. As to his 'love, hope, peace, and joy,' I'm afraid the Christian bible, or at last the KJV, says otherwise. I am aware that many fundamentalists cherry-pick their way through the bible--the OT is 'out' but the creation myth, the Flood, and the Ten Commandments are 'in', etc.--but at the same time swear up and down that it is the 'word of god.' I apologize for going off course and I urge you to go wherever your mind takes you. But do read more than the Fundy cult's 'approved' parts of the bible, and other books as well, including books which ask serious questions about the matter of Christianity, from its true origins several centuries after the meandering Jewish preacher whose name came to be Jesus fell into the brutal, cruel hands of the invading occupier, Rome.
2007-08-15 11:17:00
answer #2
answered by Yank 5
The god of which you speak is not the Christian god.
If he were real, and if he did only offer those things (though I would imagine this would be a boring life to live) then I'm sure no one would dislike Him, or hate the idea of Him as I do.
However, the God that you speak of isn't real, not even to Christians. Your God sends people to suffer for eternity. He doesn't "offer" this, it's the ultimatum to a completely subservient life style where you worship Him and live only as He would have you to live. It's such a ridiculous idea that I can't see how people alive today, in such supposedly "modern times" could still believe in it. Wake up, think for yourself, and stop having false hope. There is no hope. One day you will die, and that's it. Nothing you do will have mattered, and you will be forgotten as those who once loved you die as well. Take comfort however, that this place is finite for you, rather than infinite. I could not imagine having to live forever, i'd go insane.
2007-08-15 10:55:16
answer #3
answered by Mephistopheles 1
Everyone is treated unfairly at least once in their life, but they are treated unfairly by human beings, human beings that have freedom to choose if they want to treat others good, like God wants us to, or to treat others bad, like the Devil wants us to. And no, love, hope, peace, and joy are not bad things.
2007-08-15 10:53:13
answer #4
answered by Lady Mate 3
This goes out to Moiraes Fate. Have you read the Bible? If you have, do you have any understanding of why God did what He did in Exodus? Apparently not, otherwise you wouldn't have left a brain dead response lol.
Let me explain this, we will call this Christianity 101. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. Pharaoh wouldn't release the Israelites. God sent Moses to lead His people out of Egypt. Heck He even gave Pharaoh 9 chances, before God ultimately did what He did. How many chances do you need?
2007-08-15 10:53:21
answer #5
answered by frosty 3
Don't worry about these atheist haters, they're all over. Just stay in the faith and bring the true message of God to them. God is a God of mercy, He is slow to anger, and best of all, He will forgive our sins. That is what it is all about. God Bless.
2007-08-15 12:25:48
answer #6
answered by Joel 2 5
If God exixts he has offered me nothing but misfortune, I have tried to believe in him, but my life has shown me the truth. Its stupid that people believe in a man who brings bad things to good people and does nothing to criminals and killers, that totally makes sense.
2007-08-15 10:53:32
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
What a load of crap. Have you read the bible? Obviously you haven't or you wouldn't be saying such garbage. You think murdering all those baby boys in Exodus was "love, hope, peace, and joy"? Get a brain.
Edit: Frosty, you mean that because you tick me off, I have the right to kill all the children in your family for it? Grow up. It doesn't matter why your book says God did it, it was a jerk of a thing to do. The bible also says that its ok to sell your daughters into slavery and that you shouldn't eat shellfish or wear clothing of multiple fibers, do you listen to that idiocy too?
2007-08-15 10:47:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Those are great things, I just don't believe in god.
2007-08-15 10:50:28
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Your god does things like demanding his faithful to sacrifice their first born sons. Not a very pleasant dude, I'm afraid.
2007-08-15 10:48:19
answer #10
answered by Shawn B 7