Actually there is in the works a tour planned for the dozen or so "Governing Bodies" which will be quite exciting. Kolob is just the "biggest, brightest and bestest", but the rest are celestialized objects, and a terrific sight to see. A larger package will include the 15 governing planets, but it remains to be seen exactly what Smith was talking about in the first place.
Make sure your temple recommend is available and ready for inspection for admission. Certain family members may not be admitted. Void in most states where prohibited. Your visions may vary.
2007-08-15 13:38:05
answer #1
answered by Dances with Poultry 5
Yes, I am a Mormon. Yes, I would love to some day be able to visit the planet that my God is on. No my God is not an alien. I have tried to become very much acquainted with Him so that He is not alien to me. Yes, I believe that the place my God dwells is called Kolob.
Happy to respond to your questions. Anytime.
2007-08-15 11:26:34
answer #2
answered by Kerry 7
Their god is on Kolob, it would be more interesting to ask them if they want to visit the planet they will rule over when they become a god.
2007-08-15 10:49:13
answer #3
answered by LaptopJesus 5
well let's put it this way- do want to go to heaven when you die? where is heaven? is it a cloud, is it on earth, is it flaoting somehwere in outerspace? OUR God is the same as everyones God. We believe in the same God that created the earth and the heavens as everyone else. He is not an alien, no one visits HIS planet. We believe that there is a physical place that God resides for an eternity. And yes we believe that we can one day become Gods like Him. It requires ALOT! it's not like we are like you get baptized you are automatically going to be a God when you die. What we believe answers the gnawing questions of: " Where did God come from? Who is He? Where is heaven and what is it?" you act like it's so wierd, yet many christians believe that God is a floating head, heaven is somewhere above us, invisible to the eye, where everything is see through, and yet all those who have passed on before us can just lean over their little cloud and watch us and what we are doing like a television program. If believing that heaven is an actual place, that God is more than a floating who just poofed out of thin air one day, for who knows what reason, and that one day we can return to live with Him and in His presence and possibly one day be like Him is wierd- than i don't want to know what your normal is. Besides whats wrong with giving our lives purpose and meaning. Otheriwise we are just things put on this earth for what? why are we here? what are we doing? and what's the point? Is it so hard to believe that there might actually be answers to those questions?
2007-08-15 12:19:37
answer #4
answered by pono7 5
God lives somewhere, and we have been told that Kolob is the name of the star that is closest to Him. I would love to be able to visit Him. I mean, who wouldn't want to visit God?
2007-08-15 11:04:22
answer #5
answered by . 7
confident, and that i will guess you cash to donuts that mormons will skirt everywhere in the priority, then lean on their many paid apologist's critiques----because of the fact they actually do no longer fairly be responsive to precisely WHAT their very own church prefers to have faith at any given 2nd..... thinking, the ideals substitute with each and each new LDS formally white oldest pope guy. the previous previous white guy and what he claimed gets gently disregarded, and located interior the dusty vaults of time. humorous, the only one they have on no account completed that with is Joseph Smith. in the event that they shot him down, their entire faith could crumple around them. and that they would not in any respect DARE do. If no longer, they declare its "deep doctrine". Forgetting that the Lord says distinctive circumstances by using the bible that there's no longer something hidden from people who seek for after His heart. Oops. Joseph Smith taught, that.... Joseph Smith reported this..... If he did no longer say it, relatively they don't have faith it. He states interior the pearl of super value (yet another cobbled at the same time "translated" e book of his, which grew to become out to be an Egyptian "Embalming for Dummies" treatise), that the mormon god bodily lives on a planet/famous man or woman (based upon the mormon you're speaking to) referred to as Kolob with the spouse (or different halves, based upon the mormon you're speaking to) and young ones. it relatively is adequate for them. Swallow. Now there is a good little robotic! and that they blindly anticipate us to easily swallow this one finished, like they do, without tasting, without examining, forgetting each and every thing the Lord reported on the subject. that he's Spirit. God defines Himself. no longer Joseph Smith defines God. "Please tell me those are all slanderous lies against THE LDS Church, and that they at the instant are not genuine." properly, okey-dokey, then! Uh-huh. Sorry. i'm no longer mormon. i will no longer practice "mendacity for the Lord".
2016-10-10 07:29:41
answer #6
answered by ? 4
I'm talking to my travel agent right now about it. Planning a trip to Kolob this December! Going to spend Christmas there!!
Thanks for asking!
2007-08-15 11:13:28
answer #7
answered by socmum16 ♪ 5
Where do you think the Mormons stole this idea from, that the righteous among them would one day rule their own planet?
hmmm? Can you guess? They sure didn't invent it.
2007-08-15 10:49:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Yes, No, Yes
2007-08-15 11:10:22
answer #9
answered by Senator John McClain 6
2007-08-15 11:02:01
answer #10
answered by Kelly RIch 5