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this Church being full of judgmental hypocrites and very critical
towards other people who are different than they are?
The half empty Church "Welcomes All" to attend no matter what your sexual orientation or disabilities?
We welcome you with Open Arms into our half empty Church
and we teach the whole truth about God and Jesus without
judging anybody because of who they are
this includes tattoos body piercings gay or transexual no
matter what you look like come to our Church?

2007-08-15 10:33:41 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Half empty, no doubt about it.

My church is TINY. There are only maybe fifty of us.

But there isn't a single person in the church that I don't absolutely adore. We accept everyone for who and what they are. We've got rockers, goths, preps, "gangstas", and everything in between. We love everyone. :-)

2007-08-15 10:38:13 · answer #1 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 2 0

Full of hypocrites, since we are all that to some degree (not practicing what we preach). It's why we all need a Savior. Unfortunately, the half empty church is in denial! I desire going to a church that doesn't promote denial, but, of coiurse, all do to some degree, in different ways. The half empty church are acting like the pharisees in the way they put themselves in a better light morally than the church full of hypocrites. They don't know that they too are publicans, just like those they criticize. I believe God has a better chance of changing us to be more like Him in character no matter what church we go to, the more we go, and the more that do go; rather than not going at all.

2007-08-15 10:47:40 · answer #2 · answered by Tom 4 · 1 0

Well I wouldn't go to a church, but if i wasn't Jewish and if I HAD to go to a church upon pain of death or worse, I'd definitely pick the half empty one you described.

Sounds a lot like the Metropolitan Community Churches around in different cities, actually.

2007-08-15 10:44:33 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would rather, a million times, go to a church half empty, than go to a church full of hypocrites..

2007-08-15 10:42:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Is this a trick question?

I'd rather go to the half empty church. As long as it is part of the Church and teaches Biblical precepts.

2007-08-15 10:39:48 · answer #5 · answered by Jim K 4 · 2 0

A church without hypocrites does not exist - full or empty, they are everywhere. Sorry to say this, but it is the truth about "all" churches.

2007-08-15 10:42:09 · answer #6 · answered by Freedom 7 · 2 0

Give me a half empty church of non judgemental people who are interested in serving God any time. Jesus died for everyone, not just those who fit a certain mold. I would gladly go to your church.

2007-08-15 10:38:37 · answer #7 · answered by Jouvert 5 · 3 0

Honestly, I would rather go to a church that you didn't even mention. One that has honest Christians in it, that are not Sunday Christians. But walk the walk, as for looks God doesn't judge from the outside appearance, and I am on a learning curve with this. So for me it is a heart issue that shows if you are a true Christian or not.

2007-08-15 10:39:51 · answer #8 · answered by Kathy H 3 · 1 1

i'd rather go whereever the church is preaching the truth---anyone who is telling me the honest truth whether or not it steps on my toes is doing me a favor in the end. i could care less what the audience make up is. this is similar to what hospital i'd rather be at when diagnosed with a serious disease; once again, i'd rather be where the practitioner is disseminating legitimate care and not some placebo stuff that makes me feel good while i am dying. get my drift?

2007-08-15 10:44:11 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would rather go to a half-full church that "walked their talk" than to a church filled with EMPTY hearts.

Human beings being what we are, sadly, your half-full church would be a rare gem indeed....

2007-08-15 10:40:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anne Hatzakis 6 · 2 0

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