No. The earth has natural warming and cooling cycles. We just happen to be in a warming cycle.
2007-08-15 06:17:45
answer #1
answered by Go Bears! 6
Sort of. Yes.
I do believe that human beings are trashing the planet, and that with the massive deforestation, along with the paving, houses, emissions from cars and such, and everything we are having an effect. The old saying "everyone makes a difference" is true, each and every person is making an impact on this planet - mostly a negative one that is slowly depleteing diversity and the general quality of our environment. No soil gain because people mess with things means slowly, over time, heavily inhabited areas will be converted to desert - look at egypt! That may have been natural but humans drasticly sped up the process, the same is happening now to lots of areas.
It's true, I've never studied global warming theroies in any detail, and I probably won't ever. I don't need to because all I have to do is drive into a city or look out into my back yard to be reminded of how sparse and wrong the way people live is compared to how we should relate to the land and earth. Instead of arguing about whether or not something is possibly real I prefer to go read a good book or work on my garden and generally do what I can to put a stop to the changes I see.
2007-08-15 08:40:26
answer #2
answered by Anon 1
Larry writes that the earth warms and cools, and references co2science. com. This web site is run by Craig Idso, in Tempe, Arizona, and is largely funded through ExxonMobile.
You want to believe lies, deceit, and propaganda, you're welcome to it.
Personally, I don't believe in believing. Many of the responders above display keen insights into the matter. What does the evidence indicate? The evidence indicates that the earth undergoes natural cycles of heating and cooling. However, the evidence also strongly indicates that at the present time, anthropogenic (man-caused) sources of global warming contribute 80% to 90% of the effect.
Imagine you're on a river, and you hear the rushing sound of a falls ahead. Do you reverse course, or do you swim towards the falls 5 or 10 times faster?
What we have here are a whole host of people explaining that we can simply ignore the rushing sound of scientific fact. God will save us from the falls, or the roaring sound we here is just imaginary, or perhaps other people have sailed over the falls without injury.
By the time we reach the falls, there will 8 billion of us going over. Probably two or three billion will survive, so what's the big deal? Five billion dead humans?
2007-08-15 08:56:17
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think everyone believes that the climate has warmed from the 1970's to the late 1990's. The last few years however does not indicate global warming. Especially in Antarctica, which is in direct conflict with the AGW religion. And I do assume you are asking do I believe that CO2 is the culprit.
No, because if you have a physics background and you understand how to look at the absorptivity properties of H2O and CO2 you would understand that at 100 PPM CO2 has already saturated the spectral window of long wavelength IR energy that it has to work with. Even though mankind may have added a measurable amount of CO2 into the atmosphere the amount of internal forcing that mankinds CO2 would be responsible for is insignificant compared to the variability of solar radiation and it's required forcing. And the temperature record over mankinds brief existence supports this simple fact, regardless of how many climate simulations you choose to believe in.
B.S. Nantovec
"However, the evidence also strongly indicates that at the present time, anthropogenic (man-caused) sources of global warming contribute 80% to 90% of the effect"
There is evidence against anthropogenic causes. It is nothing in the world but a religous belief and you bought it hook, line and sinker. It's sad.
2007-08-15 08:38:16
answer #4
answered by Tomcat 5
I believe in global warming because of the crazy weather changes, i actually hate it happening because 10 years ago were i live wasnt in a 10 year drought but know it is we need rain and snow so badly and the sea is riseing which would be neat to see but not live by it though so any ways i do belive in it and for the reason i said.
2007-08-18 16:23:59
answer #5
answered by mrs. goofy 2
ok, there is only 1 problem with most of these answers.
yes, the world does go through periods of warming and cooling.
yes, this is a warming period.
but, its the hottest one recorded. and cities are breaking records that we shouldnt be proud of.
cities have broken records such as "the most consecutive days above 100 degrees"
and it was 39 days to be exact.... 39 days that reached at least 100 degrees.
you proud of that?
YES there is melting will melt anyway...we are just speeding it up.
no, there are no space monkeys.
yes, there are entire species on the "endangered" list because they can no longer survive in there environments..
but, look at it this way...the dinosaurs went extinct.
but we are doing theses "save the whales" things
but i bet you wouldnt save dinosaurs if you could.
why do we get to descide what lives and dies?
these are only a few reasons to support it or not.
i do agree that global warming is a problem.
but an open minded person would look at it from both sides.
2007-08-15 12:00:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I do believe in global warming, because we are still coming out of an ice age and not because of the "man-made" theories. The temperature charts are being given to us by NASA, and James E. Hansen is their leading climate scientist and a supporter of this global warming scare. So how can we trust their data? Especially considering they recently had to correct 1998's temperature and change the current hottest year on record back to 1934. The main question is, how can we trust these people who hold the data and also have an agenda? Everyone is following the leader on this and not doing any of their own research and really learning about climatology. But it comes down to the fact that we do not have the data because no citizen of any country decided one day to start keeping their own temperature readings. This global warming debate is about money. Al Gore may be invested in alternative fuels or hybrid technology and pushing to get his investment to turn a profit. It does strike me as funny that since we are having a cool summer so far, they change their stance and all of the sudden we are going to experience a cooling trend for 2 years and go back to warming in 2009. It's ridiculous. This is the main reason why I don't trust these scientists, they have an agenda and will manipulate everyone in order to accomplish their agenda.
I am all for alternative fuels and helping the environment, I'm not about our government taxing us to fund the energy companies research and development of alternative fuels. There has to be a line that the government won't cross and big business knows not to cross, every working citizen should establish that line. And it is the line of "don't take my money". Taxes will always be there as long as we have currency and our government keeps this current state of doing business, but I will not accept a tax that will be about 10% of my gross yearly income. Think about it, my current tax bracket is about 30%, after they try to pass this bill, it could go up to 40%. With the increase in gas prices and regular standard of living increases, who is going to be able to afford anything? Just the rich people. Bye-bye middle class.
This is something that someone just read and it is from a skeptics point of view:,2933,292810,00.html
I know it is from FoxNews (reputed Conservative media), but i read both sides and determine for myself what seems legit. This is a good read though.
2007-08-15 08:52:43
answer #7
answered by m 3
Yes, the world is warming up due to greenhouse gases emitted by humans. That's a fact not even denied by the "not-so-global-warming- concerned-US-government".
This is what we can read on their EPA site:
"Scientists know with virtual certainty that:
* Human activities are changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere since pre-industrial times are well-documented and understood.
* Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations tend to warm the planet."
Virtual certainty conveys a greater than 99% chance that a result is true.
Here's the link to that site so you can read for yourself.
How big or severe this global warming will be is still not known and hence a reason for debate but there's no doubt it's happening.
2007-08-15 07:23:49
answer #8
answered by Ingela 3
Do I beleive it? Yes.
Why? I studied climatology in the 80's, knowing how global warming 'works' it would be pretty futile to try to deny it.
To realistically deny global warming it would be necessary to do one of the following...
1) Prove that matter does not have the ability to retain heat
2) Prove that the sun does not emit heat (solar radiation) or that we don't receive any of it
3) Prove that we are emiting less than 3 billion tons of CO2 equivalence in greenhouse gases per annum
4) Prove that there is no interaction between greenhouse gases and thermal radiation.
2007-08-15 07:48:14
answer #9
answered by Trevor 7
Your question may perhaps require a bit narrowing towards a concise definition of what you mean by "global warming". Anybody with enough common sense from either side will agree that global temperatures are steadily on the rise. The ocean temperatures are going up. The glaciers and polar regions are melting faster than ever before. So in the most generic way of answering your question, -YES- I believe in global warming.
Too many debators equate the belief in "Global Warming" to also believe that humans are the cause of it today.
If you feel a bit blue, you stick a thermometer in your mouth and it reads 39° Centigrade (102.2° Fahrenheit), do you believe you have a fever or should you be skeptical?
There's no debating reality.
2007-08-15 06:39:46
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
We know from ice core samples that historically when global warming occurred, atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations also increased, but not until about 800 years later.
Many global warming deniers think this is evidence that CO2 can’t cause global warming. In fact, that’s the very first argument in the terrible Great Global Warming Swindle. On the contrary, this is actually evidence that human greenhouse gas emissions are currently causing global warming. Compare the following global temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration plots from 1960-Present:
As you can see they’re both rising – not with an 800 year delay, but at the same time. If CO2 wasn’t causing global warming as was the case in the past, then why is there no 800 year delay?
This only proves a correlation between CO2 and global warming and not a causality. The reason we’ve concluded that greenhouse gas emissions are causing global warming (or more accurately, accelerating it) is because natural causes can’t account for the increase in global warming over the past 40-50 years. They account for most of the warming prior to that, but climate models have determined that greenhouse gases are responsible for about 80-90% of the recent global warming:
The very first inputs into climate models were solar, volcanic, and sunspot contributions, but they simply couldn’t account for the recent acceleration in global warming. Thus climate scientists have concluded that humans are the primary cause.
2007-08-15 06:26:23
answer #11
answered by Dana1981 7