In Wicca as in Witchcraft you are allowed to ask questions, judge the "structure" of your religion and make the proper adjustments for yourself. It is a HIGHLY personal system even if the ground work is the same. We have multi-Deities, multi paths and we welcome differences rather than expecting everyone to fall into place. We embrace science, art and every aspect of life. So perhaps as far as the grades go: we are used to asking question and seeking answers.
Where in many other "full scale religions" it MUST be by the book! (you can fill in the blank on that one). The rigorous structure of Christianity is very unforgiving when it comes to questioning the flock, the word of God or scripture. I.E. if you think about sex you're bad, if you question your religion- your in need of saving and so on. The teen years most of all are hard enough on the healthy mindset of the average teen , imagine if every thing you felt and the changes you were having are sins in the eyes of your chosen God.
Christianity can be a repressive path for many people and due to family, local and even social beliefs within that community once you've crossed that line from sheep to your own personal shepherd there is no going back. For many with unnoticed mental illness this transition from "accepted" to "out cast" is too much to take.
Religion no matter the god, path or belief is deeply personal. Anyone who has the courage to step up and ask questions and provoke thought is well on their way to personal enlightenment.
2007-08-20 14:27:34
answer #1
answered by post*mortem*star 2
I was raised in a Wiccan household, and none of my siblings have ever suffered from a lack of self-esteem, and we all have a very positive self-image. I also remember how all of our teachers and the parents of our friends often commented on how well-mannered we were. And I, at least, had the highest grades in my school.
While I've not seen the study, I can make a guess as to why this might be the case. Wicca does not tell anyone what to believe, and it does not make any judgements. Not having someone judge you does wonders for the self-esteem, especially in children. As for the better manners and better grades, Wicca teaches us all personal responsibility. Having to take complete responsibility for who you are and what you do can often result in higher grades and better manners.
As for suicide, again, Wicca does not judge. If no one is judging you, then it's a little harder to feel as if you are not good enough.
Only a guess, but I can see how it might be true. I'd like to see that study.
2007-08-14 09:44:20
answer #2
answered by Leigh-Ann A 2
The reason Christians have low self esteem and have more suicides than Wiccans, is because they are taught as young children, that anything other than what the church says or teaches is a sin, and they will go to hell for sinning. So they think that they are not good enough, not only in the churches eyes, but in the Christian society's eyes.
As for Wiccans, we are not judged by what we do, because we know what the consequences are if we do wrong. We are also taught, that their is more than one path of life to get us to where we need to be as children of The Great Mother Gaia. We have more respect for people and all living things, and do what we can to preserve life and to help others no matter thier faith or walk of life.
2007-08-14 07:30:07
answer #3
answered by david s 1
First, I'd like a copy of the case study. Sources, web links, references, please!
Second, I see Christians being all lumped together under a gigantic label screaming "suicidal losers"! This is a serious misconception. There are literally HUNDREDS of Christian denominations, many of them with beliefs so different that if you put them side by side and asked them the exact same questions about their faith, you would have serious doubts whether they had anything in common at all.
Some Christians believe in free will, others don't. I happen to belong to the former, and thus I don't see any way I could hold anybody other than myself responsible for my own actions.
What we should all take care to keep in mind is that we shouldn't define people by what their institutions are, but through face-to-face interaction with them. If your faith is strong, there's no way you're going suicidal.
My uncle is a devout Christian, and even in his darkest hours, when he lay weak and tired from the ravages of leukemia, he was determined to fight his way back to health. To this day, he is a practicing dentist and frequently travels from church to church speaking about his ordeal, and how he recovered through faith and belief. At this point, diving off of a skyscraper is about the farthest thing from his mind.
So in answer to your question, I say I'm not trusting a word of it until you give me some solid factual references. Here's mine.,28804,1631176_1630611_1630435,00.html
2007-08-15 03:30:37
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Like everyone else, I'd like to see this study, but it makes sense. Wicca is a freer religion and we're told that we are great just the way we are. We have no fear of Hell, because we don't believe it exists. We are at peace with ourselves. Better manners could have to do with the fact that we take complete responsibility for everthing we do and try our best to be kind to others as any unkindness will come back to us threefold. We are also very focused, so school is easy. Usually people commit suicide because of pressure and depression. In Wicca there generally isn't any pressure to be one way or another except to be a good person and depression is avoided by using positive energy to guide your life and not allowing negative energy to manifest. So that's why. Blessed be. )O(
2007-08-14 12:30:44
answer #5
answered by Young Wiccan 3
I was raised Christian and converted to paganism between the ages of 14 and 15. I feel one of the major differences between the Christianity and Wicca is that in the Wiccan faith you take complete responsibility for all your actions, mundane and magickal. That means acting with knowledge of what you are doing, the effects it may have, and accepting responsibility for the outcome. Wiccans don't believe that the devil made them do anything, or even tempted them to do anything. They don't even believe in the devil. The phrase "on your on head be it" pretty much sums it up. If we do something bad, it was our own fault. Likewise if we do something good. Everything you do comes back to you. It's like the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
My personal view on the self esteem issue is that we believe we are put here to experience life. We don't believe we're born sinners, or that we need to atone for the actions of those who came before us. That is a tremendous help in the self esteem department right there. We aren't originally bad. Yeah, we strive to better ourselves through education and activity, it's part of the experience of living the best life we can.
I'm twenty now and I am still struggling with some self-esteem issues. Mostly these are crossovers between my past and my present. When I was Christian, I wasn't Christian enough. Not as a Pagan I sometimes feel like I am not as Pagan as others. The truth is, that there is no such thing as being as good as or better than someone else. It's just being the best you can be, and then challenging yourself to be better. I am now challenging myself to let go of the concept "better than."
2007-08-14 06:10:17
answer #6
answered by gypsimia 1
Why do I have a feeling you are making this up?
True or not, it does make alot of sense, I'm a teen(becoming an adult in 4 months) and I know how it feels to be in a very conservative Christian family. and I see how kids are suffocated by the religious beliefs of their parents, they want freedom, just like other kids do. Back in those days they have low self-esteem, and they want control over their lives. As they go into another religion and that makes them happy to be free. I'm not sure if that is a good reason for choosing witchcraft
But the rest of it,
2007-08-14 00:31:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
As a Pagan, I would like it if this case study is real.
As someone who uses the brains the Gods gave me, I would like additional documentation. Where was this case study published? Are there contrary case studies in the literature?
If it is indeed accurate, I would say that the reason for the results you are stating would most likely be that Wicca specifically and Pagan religions in general teach a great deal of self-discipline that may or may not be found in the average Christian home.
This would certainly be of interest to a wider audience IF you can provide documentation from a reputable peer-reviewed journal as it is a sad truth that often studies simply reflect the views of the people who pay for them......
2007-08-13 12:56:47
answer #8
answered by Anne Hatzakis 6
All that I can say is,
I am Wiccan, and I differ from day to day in the esteem area,
I used to have REALLY poor esteem,,,
Since I practice now,,,,,,I am better---
And from my own experience,,,
it is basically a feeling of self acceptance that I didn't feel being in Christian churches,(I am not bashing Christianity folks,,,,not at all, it just didn't feel right for ME is all I am saying),,,
I feel at home in Wicca, I can bring my gifts to light,,,,,
how can they be wicked when they are not used for harm, only good,,,,
I feel better as a person because I am aloud to be me, and I am not judged,,,and I am drawn to those like me, easily,,,
that alone relieves so much pressure,,,,,,
I am me,,,,,and I like who I am now,,,,
before Wicca, I didn't,,,,only saw my failures, and downfalls, never any positives,,,,
I can't speak for any poll or case study,,,,
I can only speak for how I feel it has affected my life since I have started to study the path of the Craft,,,,
I hope this helps you being from a more personal standpoint,,,
2007-08-16 11:44:02
answer #9
answered by trinity3x3 3
Well, when you really become Wiccan/ learn that nothing is written in the stars for are what you want your self to have the power to change your life and sometimes those around you......And when you start to read and understand those things some, or you might have been afraid of at one start to have the power over you and what is out feel like you could stand up to the devil himself and with all you power and might he can not hurt you or the ones you have a whole new feeling of well being with the new energy you have learned to connect with or is a great feeling.......
And lets not forget the most emportant thing of all.....your group or coven as we call it will always stand by meet new and great friends.......I have met some great friends since I have taken the path........I love it!!!!!
2007-08-15 14:45:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous