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I'm a Catholic, and as a Catholic, I know that nobody's perfect, and I'm no different. I've done things that I'm not proud of, things that I would change if given the chance. Even after going to confession, these deeds still eat away at me and I feel like my soul is deteriorating. It's very painful. I know that God would forgive me, but I can't seem to forgive myself or let myself forget. I also know that if anyone close to me ever found out, I'd lose their respect. How do I ease the pain? How can I forgive myself and stop thinking about the things I've done wrong in the past?

2007-08-13 11:25:03 · 21 answers · asked by Loud Silence 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

21 answers

Your question is the same that we have all asked at least once in our lives. We know that we have sinned or hurt someone else. We said the wrong words, or not any of the right ones. We lied when it meant nothing. We took when it wasn't ours to have. We touched what was forbidden, we saw what was forbidden and knew better....well, welcome to the club.

You and I, and everyone walking around the world are dirty rotten sinners. Don't feel bad, it is a private club or a small one at that. It is the largest club in the world and it doesn't turn anyone away.

So, you have a sin that is hanging over your head and it echoes in your ears. It plays over and over in your mind like a bad movie. You see yourself doing it and wish that you could take it all back...don't you?

You can't take it back, but you can be forgiven and rest easy. would't you like to throw the burden of this memory away?
You can start today by holding this sin up to God and asking HIm to take it from you.
Pray for forgiveness.
Pray for the strength to do the right thing and never repeat this act again.
Pray for the Lord to wash away this sin with the precious blood of the cross.

God bless you, you should be feeling better already. I am praying for your success and peace, as well.

2007-08-13 11:40:27 · answer #1 · answered by joe_on_drums 6 · 0 0

If you’re still not sure if you have been forgiven, maybe you haven’t fully repented, or maybe the Lord has forgiven you, but you haven’t forgiven yourself.

Forgiveness will come when you have followed the requirements of repentance such as
seeking forgiveness,
feeling sorrow for the sin,
keeping the commandments,
repairing the wrong as much as possible,
and giving up and confessing the sin.

If you are struggling to forgive yourself, Once forgiven, you are free from that sin and should forgive yourself. Hanging on to the guilt after the Lord has forgiven you is like denying that the Atonement is working in your life.

Forgiving yourself doesn’t mean you forget the sin and the pain it caused. That memory will help prevent future sin. But you can rest assured that the Lord will not remember your sins when you have repented.

2007-08-13 11:33:14 · answer #2 · answered by phrog 7 · 0 0

There is a name for what you are going through, but I can't recall it.

You know that Jesus gave us the sacraments to keep us within the Grace of God and to make us HAPPY! True happiness, that only following God's law can bring.

We need to remember that God wants us to be HAPPY. If you have been to confession, and completed your penance, then you are forgiven by God. You may have some time in purgatory, but you are forgiven!

If you still feel bad, I suggest you volunteer to help others, this can be very fulfilling, and also make you feel better!

But don't lose your faith for something you did bad......

You might try adoration, if your Parish offers it, sign up for an hour a week. We are not perfect, we most likely never will be!

Hope this helps, good luck and God bless!

2007-08-13 11:35:30 · answer #3 · answered by C 7 · 0 0

Did your actions hurt others? If so, maybe thats why - forgiving yourself and God's forgiveness arent enough - you should ask forgiveness from those you injured/insulted.

Other than that, if you still cannot let go, perhaps psychological counseling is a good idea.... The important part is that you recognize the issue and you WANT to change. Thats the first step, my friend. Best of luck.

2007-08-13 11:33:36 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Oh, for the love of God, religion is just a belief. What if you had been adopted out and raised Jewish. Then what would you believe? Your religion has been pounded into your head so you think it is right, but is it really? Everyone makes major mistakes. I have made huge mistakes, but time passes and you have to realize you are not the only one that has bad things hanging over their head. Forgive yourself. You are only human. Move on and don't do stupid things anymore. That's how most people get over it.

2007-08-13 11:31:23 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am not sure what Bible you use, I am a Baptist, I use the KJV but in I John 3:20 it says "For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things." When it says heart, it is referring really to our conscience and how we can beat ourselves up about the things we have done. The reference to God being greater than our hearts is saying that He overrules our hearts, much like the Supreme Court would overrule a district Courts verdict. Our heart is the lower court and God is the Supreme.
It also maybe, and it is not my intention to offend but it may be that you have confessed your sins but not repented and forsaken them. I hope this helps you. There is also a good book called "After you have blown it." I am not sure of the other but you should be able to find it on Christian Book Distributors ,com

2007-08-13 11:38:30 · answer #6 · answered by jared B 1 · 0 0

This is easier than you think, Pray to GOD and be serious and ask GOD to forgive you for all your past mistakes, also tell GOD how sorry you are and ask for HIS forgiveness. after this turn everything over to GOD and leave it alone, at this point you should be living a different life than before and never look back but be honest and faithful with GOD. After this forgive yourself, and don't let family and friends get to you

2007-08-13 11:37:45 · answer #7 · answered by Francine M 4 · 0 0

Find a bible believing church ...Usually an independent Baptist Church . And Get a King James Bible and start reading in the New testament . Romans 10:17 " So then faith commeth by hearing , hearing by the word of God ". Only the son of God can forgive you , go and hear the truthful word , believe and be born again !! .www.fbbc.com

2007-08-13 12:48:46 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yep, you need to talk to someone, who can listen and understand.

That always helps me, even if it is not a close friend.

We all make bad mistakes in life, we have all hurt people and acted like complete jerks. It is just the human way, fortunately we are also capable of doing allot of good.

Focus on all the people you have helped through life. I am sure there are more than you think, make pennance by helping others.

2007-08-13 11:32:40 · answer #9 · answered by ɹɐǝɟsuɐs Blessed Cheese Maker 7 · 0 0

don't dwell on them. Take each day as its own and do something twice as good as what you think is so bad. Eventually you will have done so much that the bad will seem pity. Everyone makes mistakes, you can't harp on them forever or you will live a miserable life trying to change your past. Which can't be changed. Start today and do something nice..and work on your future!!!

2007-08-13 11:31:53 · answer #10 · answered by BlameMe 3 · 0 0

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