Many cuts in shaving come when shaving the front of the legs where the bone is closest to the skin. Be extremely careful when shaving the front of the leg, especially if you are the lean type. Small cuts are also common if you shave when your legs are cold. Goose bumps, (bumps on the skin when it is cold) can be shaved off easily. Make sure you aren’t cold when shaving.
2007-08-13 11:27:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
me 2, i cut myself 2 but only when im in a rush heres 4 suggestions:
1.try venus,the pink razor it may cut u if u go 2 fast
2. or u could just take ur time thats all u have 2 do
3. or use shaving gel its better than soap alone
4.or hair removal cream with a razor free shaver
2007-08-13 11:42:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Shaving Cream or use the razors that have the soap built in them. Also slow down, no need to rush when using sharp objects
2007-08-13 11:24:35
answer #3
answered by twinkles863 2
when i first started shaving the same thing happened to me, i found i was using tp much pressure when shaving, also, it depends on the type of razor you use, i think, i use the bic ones, they come in a pack of 6 and they are orange and yellow and red. those are really good. but try lightening up on the pressure you use. :]]
2007-08-13 11:26:34
answer #4
answered by Irma:]] 2
use shaving creme lots of shaving creme. and get a good razor. tae ur time. soak ur legs in warm water for a few minutes before shaving. then rinse ther razor often. remember shaving creme
2007-08-13 11:24:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Use a extra effective razor, and don't use disposables. i take advantage of a adult adult males's Mach 3 on mine and it is spectacular. I additionally purely have been given the single with 5 blades and it is great too. i alter out the blades each couple of weeks. Such an progression! it is high priced, yet completely completely completely very well worth the extra money to no longer have the ouches. i like the conditioner theory too.
2016-10-02 06:35:43
answer #6
answered by ? 4
yeah new razors almost need to be broken in...
i use a really good gel shave cream on my legs
go slow, don't rake your legs
if you do cut yourself when you get out of the shower dap a lil antibiotic cream on it and you should be good.
i knicked myself the other day and felt like a heel cus i hadn't in a few years... i hate that!
2007-08-13 11:26:02
answer #7
answered by nataliexoxo 7