I hate that whole submissive woman thing. If I wanted a maid, I would hire one, not marry her.
2007-08-13 09:27:54
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
We are definitely "backwards" with regards to common gender-stereotyped roles. I have always been the "breadwinner", although he has had jobs at different times. He even followed all my assignments when I was in the Army. He was a stay-home Daddy for several years. Now he works part-time and does the school pick-up-and-drop-off thing. He cooks too! He's no good at cleaning, but I can't realy complain because niether am I! We've been married 21 years. It works for US, that's all I can say.
2007-08-13 16:36:25
answer #2
answered by Char 7
That's the traditional belief. I do believe that women should take a major role in taking care of the kids since it was those kids that formed inside their bellies. However, I do believe that men should also help around the house. A child learns a spectrum of things from both parents - from the father, the child will learn how to be tougher, play sports, deal with money in some cases, while from the mother, the child will learn how to take care of his/herself, make them look pretty/handsome etc. The world is changing around us, and as the world changes so does society. And as society changes, many more people seek for equality in all sectors.
May the days of tomorrow bring prosperity and equality
2007-08-13 16:32:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Well, yes. It is the woman's traditional role to take care of the household, while the man brings home the bacon. Two different jobs. For me, I love to take care of my husband, to have a nice clean house and a hot meal ready for him when he comes home. It is a pleasure to raise my child and watch him grow. However, in this system of things, women must also work (for many homes, one paycheck isn't enough). I sat down with my husband and told him that I would have to take on the role of a man, so he would have to help out at home. I did so in such a respectful way, that he doesn't mind taking care of the kid and even washes the dishes every night when I'm too tired (and this is a spartan we are talking about. He would absolutely die if his friends found out...) I teach at the local high school, but always put my household first. I know it is not a feminist viewpoint, but in my opinion the feminist movement made women twice the 'slaves' they were!
2007-08-13 16:36:05
answer #4
answered by Starjumper the R&S Cow 7
Um...depends...if she is a better cook than me then I think she would want to cook more...cleaning, if she's a neat freak she'll want to clean all the time...(I do all the cleaning in my house...mom's too busy with work to do it..) Also, takin' care of the kids, I think that it should be both man and woman doing that...but if I'm bad with kids...she just may have to do that...all in all it depends on the woman in question...I think that they should do whatever they want within legal and moral limitations...If a woman wants to be a stay-at-home mom then OK...it's the woman's job only if she makes it her job. lol.
2007-08-13 16:30:13
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Women don't have to have kids, what an archaic role with an overpopulated planet.
As far as household chores, this should be shared equally with respect to the skills and prefernces of each party. (some people like to cook, others like to do household projects etc..
2007-08-13 16:32:46
answer #6
answered by bryanccfshr 3
I think it is the mans responsibility to provide and care for his family. I think it is the woman's responsibility to care for the home. I think that to share the work is perfectly acceptable. Raising the children is boths job . If the woman has the ability to stay home and have supper ready when the man comes in from work I think that is great, but in our society, we see the god of "myself" has ruined that. I want, I want I want, not matter what it cost. If it cost my kids a mom at home when the school bus leaves and comes back too bad, if it cost supper at the table together, too bad, if it cost kids out roaming the streets by them selves, too bad, I want I want I want. what ever happened to, "honey, what would you like........" from either side.
2007-08-13 16:31:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think it's less important what the men think and more important what YOU think is best for your family.
It makes sense that a husband would not object to his wife overseeing his home and his children's upbringing and education. Cook, take care of the kids. Cleaning...eh. Cleaning ladies come cheap. Focus on your kids. Your husband will get in line eventually and love you more for what you do. It is a natural partnership, especially if that is where your strengths lie.
2007-08-13 16:30:25
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
This is only a gray area if it is a one income family...which, these days, is extremely rare. This being said, who's to say its not the woman out working and the man at home with the kids.
Otherwise, no question, this is not the way of things...or should not be...in modern society.
2007-08-13 16:28:09
answer #9
answered by Gwydyon 4
I think most women would be better at it, if they wanted to stay home...why don't you stay home? I do and I love it...I had a career and was never impressed with the world of business...to be at home is real freedom...and I can spoil my family...
2007-08-13 16:32:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Well, I made a deal with mine - she cooks and cleans and goes to school, and I work and pay all the bills.
Meanwhile, she lets stuff go and there is no clean laundry (such as today, when I put on my last pair of underwear and have no clean socks...) and the dishes are never done when its my turn to cook (weekends) - so Im forced to clean up her mess if Im going to keep my end of the bargain... Now, you dont see me sluffing off and not paying the rent or other bills, so I dont know why she does this - and trying to talk to her about it is impossible. She either has excuses (busy with school work) or gets pissed off.
So, I simply dont lift a finger. Its not my job.
2007-08-13 16:29:44
answer #11
answered by ? 5