I have been raised a Xian, but was an atheist from very early on. I have recently been reading a lot about Buddhism and the TAO.
So my religion is Buddhism, altho I don't know a whole lot about it. (It's atheist-so it is really a philosophy.)
Judaism, Xianity, and Islam all have similar roots. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism are similar.
Most organized religions are exclusive and violent in practice although their ideas may not be.
Christianity (the religion of LOVE) is about the worst sinner in that, with Islam running a close second. Untold thousands were killed and maimed in the name of Mother Church. Burned at the stake, beheaded.
Even today, they are arrogant enough to go to foreign countries to SAVE people from their "pagan" religions that have formed them for thousands of years.
Right now, Islamic people are murdering, and torturing people whose only sin is not being Islamic. Even those who despise this, won't dare say so, because then they are not being good Muslims.
Religion run amok.
In my life, my religion is about treating people kindly. Doing a good job, and not cheating or lying. Being able to withstand crises because I know about the cycle of life. Being grateful for what I have, and not whining and grasping for what I don't have. Being loving, life-affirming and generous. Forgiving myself and others for being fallible. Enjoying every day, even when it's hot or raining or a tornado is coming.
My religion has nothing at all to do with making deals with a Higher power or praying for my child to live (and yours to die-by default.) My religion has nothing to do with an afterlife-I plan on making this day good, and if I am aware of the next life, I will try to make that one good, too.
I believe in live and let live, unless you try to make me do something I don't want. Then you have to prove your authority over me-good luck with that.
Hope this helped. Read, think for yourself, and make up your own mind. Try to live by your standards.
Good luck.
2007-08-13 09:49:04
answer #1
answered by Lottie W 6
I am pagan and i worship the polytheistic Egyptian pantheon.
However, i also understand that with so many religions bouncing around, no one person can say "I am right, you are wrong". There's even a chance all of us may be wrong and the atheists right, or that the afterlife is what we make it.
Personally as it stands at the current, I believe that all a deity needs to exist is belief. If you believe in them they exist, even if it is only for you.
As such, i believe ALL gods, Christian, Muslim, Pagan or other wise, can exist. I just choose to worship those i feel an affinity with.
Edit: Jeremiah, your answer is garbage. Christianity stole 99% of its mythology from other religions, even All Hallows Eve taken from Samhain is the same celebration... It just changed the name....
2007-08-13 09:19:55
answer #2
answered by Xzar 6
I am a Baha'i. If you liked Judaism, but need to work on the Sabbath, liked Christianity, but got squimish by the whole "drink the blood and eat the flesh" of Christ thing, If you liked Islam but don't want to go Jihad, you'll love Baha' u'llah and the Baha'i Faith. You only have to meet every nineteen days, and you can believe whatever the heck you want to:)
Seriously, I am a Baha'i. I believe that it is the newest installment of religions, brought to you by The God of Abraham. Try it some time. It is pretty cool.
2007-08-13 11:48:26
answer #3
answered by Scott C 1
I'm Jewish and we're monotheistic. If you look back at the R&S question, you will find that you rarely see a post from a Jew telling people that they must convert to Judaism or be lost; or that Judaism is the only truth. We believe in live and let live and do not challenge people or try to frighten them into being Jewish. I think that's why atheists do not "argue" about Judaism...we don't give them any reason to.
2007-08-13 09:28:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Polytheistic pagan, here, and I think the atheist don't argue about/with us as much because most of the time, we don't argue back. We're not threatened by their non-belief.
That doesn't mean atheists think we're right, it just means they get a better reaction when they poke and prod the Christians, because the Christians are most likely to respond with exactly the kind of answers that prove the atheists' points.
2007-08-13 09:22:42
answer #5
answered by Jewel 7
There's a search feature here, you know, right at the top of the page....
Never the less....
Christians try to convert. I have never met a Jew or a Muslim who has tried to convert me. Other religions, such as Wiccan, or any form of Paganism, or any religion in general, don't try to force their beliefs on me (or at least not with the vigor I've met from various denominations of Christians).
The only religion that seems to have a claim in this county is Christianity. It's apparently a Christian nation and more Christian laws should be enacted. Of course I disagree.
It's not that we're persecuting you, we're just defending ourselves.
2007-08-13 09:21:45
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Well, the reasons why for me at least, is because it's only Christians who give out the really ignorant answers...some Atheists do, and I say they are "dumb" as you put it...if a Jew or Muslims was to give a very ignorant answer or tried to shove their religion down my throat (which they have not so far) then I would do the same to them as I do with Christan's. So far I have not seen many other faiths around that give out very ignorant and derogating answers (some Atheists do it, but Atheism is not a faith now is it?) So, I think that answers your question. As for my religion, I'm anti-religious and I'm an Atheist.
2007-08-13 09:20:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe in most of the Tao Te Ching. Which is Taoism. But i don't believe in all these other Taoist traditions, xD like the god of high salaries! lol!
I also agree with you. People only seem to attack Christianity when saying all religions are wrong. How many times do you hear an atheist discrediting Hinduism to prove that God(s) don't exist?
2007-08-13 09:18:11
answer #8
answered by lufiabuu 4
About 80% of the people in the U.S. are Christian and 15% are Non-Theists.
With the less than 5% of the other religions you are talking about, do you really think it would be discussed that often on the U.S. section? I'm sure there are other English speaking sections you could go to in order to find what you're looking for.
2007-08-13 09:20:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I'm wiccan.
I'm just sitting back and laughing at all the other people...
Nah, not really.
As for Judaism and Islam- Judaism begot Christianity which begot Islam. They are all connected. The interesting thing is that they are relatively new in the grand scheme of things.
2007-08-13 09:16:47
answer #10
answered by ~*Live, Love and Blessed Be*~ 3