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I want to get a tatoo to represent the joy my 2 girls have brought to my life, and I want to be able to see it. So where should I put it? I am plus sized, does this limit my possibilities? Also I was thinking of fairies playing with a diff color for each girl? what do you think?

2007-08-13 07:52:26 · 7 answers · asked by silbesti 2 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Tattoos

7 answers

I think that is a very cute idea for a tatoo, & just b/c u are overweight does not mean that you can not put a tatoo on whatever part of your body u want 2!
I have my 2 boys names tatood on my lower back with angel wings beside one, and the other is above it going through a halo!
Good luck on whatever you decide!

2007-08-13 08:02:27 · answer #1 · answered by Sarah 2 · 1 0

I sympathize with your loss as I've had one many years ago but haven't forgotten since. I would say to plant a tree or something nice to reflect on daily instead of a tattoo as that can be a painful thing to look at after time or just a way to linger in the sorrow of the loss in seeing it. I would also want to say that if you get a tattoo there is always a hepatitis risk in the ink being in the skin as that does travel into the body. The risk is something scary when you think about that. I wrote a poem and visited the resting spot where my son was put as the hospital that took care of that didn't believe in disposing but burying. I was fortunate to have a place to go and say goodbye at , I would strongly recommend having a way to say that to make peace and accept that. Time softens a feeling of loss but it is still a part of your life over time. Take the time to grieve and THINK about any tattoo. If you have another child or add one in the future you will have to explain to them about this if they see the tattoo and wonder what it's for, they may feel left out in your not having one for them then and there are other ppl who may ask about it. I would not want to keep re living it. IF you had a name picked out and INSIST on a tattoo anyway, then I'd seriously just think about something small like their initials.

2016-05-17 04:18:28 · answer #2 · answered by kaye 3 · 0 0

The tatoo sounds verypretty I would recommend your left shoulder or left chest as it would represent being close to your heart!

2007-08-13 08:00:58 · answer #3 · answered by curious4 2 · 1 0

Do something small on your wrist. I have my kids initials on my left wrist. I can see it everyday and also cover it up some with a bracelet.
Otherwise, I'd say left shoulder would be cool. I like the idea you have.

2007-08-13 09:19:40 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

What about on the outside of your ankle? Or, just over your heart?

2007-08-13 08:27:42 · answer #5 · answered by artistagent116 7 · 1 0

i like the back

2007-08-13 08:01:58 · answer #6 · answered by tinker bell 2 · 1 0

How about their astrological signs?

2007-08-13 08:15:08 · answer #7 · answered by cblais2002 2 · 2 0

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