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ProActiv didn't work
Noxzema didn't work
Clearasil didn't work either

2007-08-13 07:50:07 · 13 answers · asked by Justin W 2 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body Other - Skin & Body

13 answers

The products you are using, are they Salsylic Acid or Benzoyl peroxide? BP can be VERY drying. I personally like SA better. Salsylic acid it really good. It is in almost all acne washes. Benzoyl Peroxide is too drying for me! Try finding a face lotion with SA in it. Clean and Clear has a good moisturizer with SA and it helps keep pimples at bay. It is only about $5 a bottle and lasts about 2 months and you can get it at your local store. I have used this in the past and it works well. Personally, I use Biore products (which you get over the counter. Their products range from $5-$10). They are harsh on pimples, but not on your face.
Personally, Proactive didn't work for me. I have been using Biore products for over a year and I hardly ever break out! Occasionally I will get one or two, but nothing bad. I use Biore Ice Cleanser for acne and Biore warming facial scrub every morning for blackheads (This stuff works. I notcied a DRASTIC difference in my blackheads being GONE within 2 weeks) . And then 3-4 day s a week I use Biore purging pore cream scrub. For body acne I use Neutrogena acne body wash I never break out on my body. It gets 110 in summer so sweat in inevitably, yet I never break out. Give it a try. All of it is cheap too. About $5-10 depending on what you buy! I think you will just need to experiment with products until you find what works for you. Remember, it can take 1 month for products to fully begin working! Good Luck!

2007-08-14 06:57:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Dry and/or greasy skin due to poor oil composition of the skin. Thick greasy oils clog pores, lack of oil leads to dryness and irritation. You need thin oils to moisturize while dissolving and clearing gunk in your poors. Try fish oil or seafood. 2 tsp fish oil a day or 4 servings of seafood a week. Stick it out for at least 2 months; it will take a long time to replace all your oil. Any effect after 1-2 days is temporary or random; so even if it makes you break out a little at first, you haven't given it a full try yet.

In the short term you can wash and moisturize well, but that will only go so far. Plus excessive washing can be drying and excessive moisturizing can be clogging. Use a small amount of a light moisturizer, made with oil not jelly or grease. Often that means soybean oil or mineral oil. Mineral oil means mined from the ground. So soybean oil is usually better, though mineral oil won't cause too much harm. Clean with soap and water, not a harsh acne cleanser. Even then they only work so well. So you really need the seafood.

Antibiotics aren't really good for bacteria long term, they'll come back in force after. Short term they may help. After you get off them find some kefir with acidophilus listed first or 2nd to replace the friendly bacteria they destroyed. Studies show less illness when you have these bacteria, even outside the stomach in places such as the lungs and elsewhere. You want friendly bacteria to fill the void when the antibiotics stop, not harmful ones.

In the short term you might also try 100,000+ iu retinol vitamin A (a megadose, and too much for normal use) or one of the acne drugs that is similar to retinol vitamin A. It's some minor harm to your organs, but it helps against bacteria on your skin. At least it doesn't have the other long term drawbacks to your skin that antibiotics and many scrubs do.

If you would like to learn how to treat your acne permanently and regain your health and wellbeing, without drugs, without typical acne treatments, and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

Weird Trick Forces Your Body
To Eliminate Your Acne
Giving You Beautiful Clear Skin
In 30-60 Days?
Make sure your sound is turned on!

2016-05-19 22:43:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's actually bad for you to wash your face "alot". Once or twice a day is good enough, less than that if you don't wear makeup.

Have you spoken to a doctor about it because my bf used to get a shot called Accutane and it completely cleared him of acne?
Have you also considered trying birth control? I don't know how old you are but for some women it clears up their acne, and you can get it for the purpose, not just as a protection.
Multipurpose pills, lol.

Anyways, I would see a doctor. Try some prescription stuff if over the counter's not working for you.

Good luck!

Oh sorry...didn't realize you were a dude. Guess bc is out of the question!

2007-08-13 07:58:26 · answer #3 · answered by InquiringMinds 3 · 0 0

I too have struggled with skin issues since i was about 13 i thinik (now 24) I have tried EVERY over counter product & docotr prescribed medicine ...my problem was that I would find something that worked but after a couple months they stopped working...its like shampoo..you have to change up what your using! Its important to wash every morning & every night...sometimes even during the day! If you are a student & take any sort of gym class,or swimming...you MUST wash ur face afterwards! get that oil,grease & dirt off your face...use a nice mild soap...& do NOT srcub so hard your face is red...its not about scrubbing...its about being clean...Pat dry your face & if need be use a topical treatment like a mild astringent or acne cream..... but honestly what has helped most for me in the last 6years is drinking LOTS & LOTS of water! it helped clear my system,my face, my pores...... I currently use Clean & CLear blackhead scrub & daily pore astringent...then when I run out I switch it up to Clean Clear Acne Wash & Acne Astringent... good luck!

2007-08-13 08:01:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Stop washing your face too much its actually not good. wash your face for two times a day at the most. Try some Nuetrogena face wash it might help.
Or you if this does not work for you see your dermatologist and get some acne treatment.

2007-08-13 08:08:04 · answer #5 · answered by tkotkon 2 · 0 0

Over-washing your face will only irritate your skin. It can make your acne flair up and make your complexion look red and raw. Visit a dermatologist! My nephew was given dry-ice treatments and ointments that cleared his up. I think you're overdo for some expert medical help. It's obvious you've tried a wide variety of over-the-counter treatment. Meanwhile, don't torture your face any longer. Don't stress out, help is out there. Good luck!

2007-08-13 08:07:53 · answer #6 · answered by Pinyon 7 · 0 0

Try Avon's line for acne. I find it works great. Nothing else worked but this did. The lotion works as a lotion and as a spot treatment to dry up the face. The cleanser works well also. Try this and if not, try and meet with a dermatalogist.

Hope this helps!

2007-08-13 07:57:52 · answer #7 · answered by Dana Potter 2 · 0 0

-Use Neutrogena oil-free range which includes oil-free facial wash, oil-free mosturiser and daily facial scrub
-The facial wash and mosturiser control production oil on the face and removes acne coz they both salicylic acid.
-The daily scrub removes the top layer of dead skin which also contains scars and black-heads. This gives room for a smooth and clear skin. It prevents further breakouts
-Blot your skin with blotting papers to absorb excess oil on your face any time your face gets shiny.
-Use oil-free and scent-free make up to prevent breakout of acne
-Avoid sugary and fatty food and drink more water. Also eat fresh fruits and veges

2007-08-13 07:59:07 · answer #8 · answered by ?beauty? 6 · 1 0

Go to the dermatologist and he will give you accutane.. It works wonders.

2007-08-13 07:56:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

stoop washng your face alot.Use St.Ives Apricot scrub!

2007-08-13 07:59:12 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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