I hardly ever report. It has to be pretty off the wall. Threats, Slander, Racial bashing, Gay bashing, I try to leave room for religious views on this one. I have been here over a year now and reported less than 10 probably around five to possibly 8 times.
The blatant spam you know the person who answers a question with I am an expert in this here is my website. Not even answering a question. the other day someone asked a question on how to promote a group they just started but I did not report them all I did was warn them this was spam and they might get reported.
I did report one person who said a certain group of people should be murdered, this is very mean and possibly against the law.
I see answers get deleted and wonder why? Someone must have reported, but it ws nothing, then I have even reported something that was clearly against Yahoo guidelines, but it stayed. I have to wonder about who at yahoo is in charge of this because they seem very unfair.
You can almost tell what religious belief or lack of belief at yahoo on any given day . some days Christians get questions deleted other days pagans, then other days atheists.
Then I think some yahoos delete just because someone reported without actually checking.
2007-08-13 07:52:29
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You report things that clearly violate the community guidelines. Not things that are iffy, but outright violations. Any other use is abuse.
"Thanks for the 2 points" does not answer most questions and is reportable. I only report it if I see someone has been generating points by answering a bunch of questions that way -- not when a few people use it to reply to junk. The star is a good way to indicate you appreciate a question, but don't plan to answer. I lose about one answer per day. In most, but not all cases, I get the points back. Stick to following the community guidelines and grow a thicker skin.
2007-08-13 07:34:31
answer #2
answered by novangelis 7
Greta,i understand you for that and desire i ought to declare the comparable. besides the undeniable fact that, i'm very skinny skinned and get harm very actually. nicely, enable me rephrase that: i'm very skinny skinned emotionally with the persons i understand, thick skinned while it incorporates human beings i do no longer understand. i'm getting stubborn out on a daily basis at artwork, so I must be little thick skinned because of the fact I ought to nonetheless smile and say "enable me fix that for you sir or mam". Physcially, i'm extraordinarily annoying. I have been given shot in the top with a sippy cup the day previous and that became a stable day LOL! Have a great day and save that think of epidermis, yet under no circumstances be afraid to be a sprint "medium" skinned sometimes! Scooter: provide up telling thoughts :P
2016-11-12 05:26:53
answer #3
answered by ? 4
You do not consider 13 a child? I don't really report either but, some people do get off on the report button.
2007-08-13 07:28:44
answer #4
answered by Jason J 6
I was reported for an answer where all I said was "get 'em , Isis". Explain how that's offensive? Yahoo needs to screen flags a little better before docking people's accounts.
2007-08-13 07:32:05
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The only person I have reported is Dr. Doris, for obvious reasons. But then my skin is so thick that I am virtually a walking callus
2007-08-13 07:31:22
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I hate reporters. i really do. I can tell you right now what they do. They report you, go on there 7 diffrent accounts, and report again. Thus, you get deleted. I t sucks
2007-08-13 07:32:26
answer #7
I never report anyone. The most I will do is a Thumbs-down. This is a public forum, not everything is going to be fluffy bunnies and rainbows.
2007-08-13 07:28:38
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I confess I once reported an attack on an other participant that was stated in blatantly derogatory terms, but I was a newbie then and will never do it again.
2007-08-13 07:43:34
answer #9
answered by Bokito 6
I report question and answers that are blatantly expressions of hate or intolerance (mostly on the racial side). I also report blatant spam i.e. "try on-line chatting: www.chatnow". That's about it.
2007-08-13 07:30:31
answer #10
answered by Pirate AM™ 7