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Solar System feeds my equipment.My problem is in the RTU (Remote Terminal Unit ) which is used to send some data from a remote area . It is fed by DC through Battery Bank .
Battery Bank is fed by the Solar System. Many problems happen frequently because of the Battery Bank which is affected by the very bad ,hot , and sandy environment.

2007-08-13 06:01:56 · 2 answers · asked by cksnaan 1 in Science & Mathematics Engineering

2 answers

I assume that you are using a deep cycle battery(s). Depending on how remote the location is flooded lead acid batteries require monthly service to check/add distilled water. Improper servicing can dramatically shorten the battery life and regular batteries are easily damaged by deep cycling. If you use AGM (Absorbed Gas Mat) or sealed lead acid batteries you eliminate the routine monthly maintenance at the expense of capacity. If you have room you can add either larger AGM/ Sealed LA batteries or additional units in parallel.

If you are experiencing problems with power failure of batteries you many want to evaluate the batteries age and capacity . (Consider battery replacement)

Do you have enough solar exposure? Do you have failure after cloudy / overcast days? Do you have enough solar capacity to generate power if panels become dust covered or under cloudy day operation.

You may also consider the installation of additional solar panels if your current wattage vs demands are close. Loss of generating capacity due to dust and overcast conditions would also cause power failure.

Test the DC blocking diode from the solar panel. If it is damaged the battery will discharge back through the Solar Panel at night.

You may also consider the addition of a small wind generator to augment power generation especially at night. Small 500 watt wind generators are about $1000.

2007-08-13 06:38:12 · answer #1 · answered by MarkG 7 · 2 0

solar is the way to go.
you just need better batteries.
high temp nicads?
rated to 70 degC , 158F

2007-08-13 06:25:05 · answer #2 · answered by mike 5 · 1 0

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