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I live in a somewhat small town (less that 9k), and attend highschool. I'm a musician and play in the band (flute). My question is: How do I put-together a group to play, for example, Christmas music for profit?
I know that one must purchase music in order to get playing rights, but I'd like to know the details of process, along with examples of the afformentioned process.

2007-08-12 15:35:59 · 3 answers · asked by the rpt flute ninja 2 in Arts & Humanities Performing Arts

3 answers

As HS students, you should definitely do some ensemble playing! However, you are not going to get paying gigs in ANY place that has professionals. I should know - I have taught school music since 1971, and AM a professional flutist, and competition judge in NY. The Music Educators National Conference and the American Federation of Musicians essentially have a non-compete agreement - pros stay out of situations wherein students would be more appropriate, and students are not hired where pros should be. This is enforced, and had ramifications with the unions for waitstaff, liquor-vending establishments, and various of the members of AFL-CIO. We take our work VERY seriously.

If you want to get some good ensemble music, I recommend www.lastresortmusic.com. Be prepared to spend at least $50-$100 before you even play your first note. ONE person should own all the music - groups break up and move on.

It is possible that some business might give you a small amount of money to do what you are thinking of. But they will write it off as a charity or educational donation, since you are kids. It is hard enough for professional players to organize and maintain a chamber music business (yup, I have owned one since 1984) - when you see them amount of time you put it, for the little amount of money you get, you had better be doing it for *learning*, for *community service * (like rest homes, etc.) or FUN. There are MANY places that would welcome you - but not for money.

2007-08-13 09:02:53 · answer #1 · answered by Mamianka 7 · 0 0

IM not sure what you mean when you say " I know one must purchase music in order to get playing rights." Any place that hires live music, like a resturant, has to pay ASCAP for the "rights" to have live cover music played there...the musicans do not pay.
You want to get a group together and play some gigs. Get the right people, practice, record yourselves and get out there and knock on doors. Talk to resturtant owners, coffee houses, ect. Offer your services, settle on a price.

2007-08-12 22:48:38 · answer #2 · answered by kaisergirl 7 · 0 0

just get together somefriends, and go play on a street corner.

2007-08-12 22:44:10 · answer #3 · answered by Mango Muncher 6 · 0 1

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