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In what cases does that not apply

2007-08-12 14:09:49 · 16 answers · asked by Wait a Minute 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

I believe it is not our role to judge people, but forgive them, if necessary. What do you think?

2007-08-12 14:10:35 · update #1

Schneb: I appreciate the intelligent and detailed answer. I must ask then, would all fellow Christains in the world be able judge you fairly, not knowing you completely and also being human? If not, what is the purpose of their incomplete and possibly inaccurate judgement? Being human, are you perfect enough in your heart to withstand a perfect and complete judgment of your soul? If you or any other Christian fails such a judgement, how are the sentenced? If there is no sentence or outcome of this judgement, then what is the point?

2007-08-12 14:24:14 · update #2

I am trying to understand Christianity. Some things just don't make sense to me, probably because I am a little slow. This is why I am pursuing this line of questions.

2007-08-12 14:28:04 · update #3

Wendy, what you say makes the most sense to me. Thank you.

2007-08-12 14:33:47 · update #4

16 answers

The Bible teaches that we will even judge angels. It goes on to ask if we do that then aren't we capable to judge the small things of earth. The Scripture you refer to is not telling us not to judge. It is telling us that if we judge we can expect the same judgment from God.

2007-08-12 14:23:33 · answer #1 · answered by Fish <>< 7 · 0 0

According to 1Co 5:12, we are commanded to judge those who claim to be Christians and not judge those who say they are not.

We need to look at this from a legal standpoint. The Bible is a Testament, that is a legal document. God is Judge--again, legal. There is the Law, consequences for breaking such, as well as "witnesses" and "advocates". There is also an accuser that is at work to condemn. All of these are legal terms that are wrapped in the spiritual.

In the "judge not" quote, basically that means to stop being a witness to the gospel but rather push the Judge off of His seat and proclaim the defendant guilty. This is the practice of "excommunication" practiced by some religions and most cults. However, there is another kind of judgment that seeks to "question a witness", that is, to see whether or not someone who claims to be Christian, or even claimed to have once been a Christian is a genuine claim. This we are exhorted to do. This is acceptible judgment according to 1Cor. 5:12...
For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside [the church]? Do you not judge those who are inside?
We then become witnesses to those who are genuine and those who are impostors.

However, on the other side, we are commanded NOT to judge those who are not, and never claimed to be a Christian. This is a job for the Judge and the Judge alone. The next verse states clearly... "But those who are outside God judges."

So there we see that the most we can do is just proclaim the truth. If it is rejected, we nod and go our way and pray accordingly. However, in the case of someone calling themselves a Christian, but their fruit shows otherwise, we are commanded to shine a light to expose the works of darkness accordingly.

2007-08-12 21:14:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

Wendy and Schneb are both right for the most part. It becomes a little clearer when a person realizes that it actually means do not convict a person lest you open yourself up to conviction or sentencing . If I were to say that Adolph Hitler was a murder, would I be judging him . Actually no I am just stating the obvious. In other word don't you say what a person should pay for his sins. Because if you do you will pay with the same amount of severity as the one you just sentenced. Since God is the only one uniquely able to be perfectly fair then only He should convict / sentence. Because of His abilities God is fair in all things. When Christ intervened for the adulterer he didn't do so because they judged her as an adulterer . He intervened because they sentenced her to be stoned to death. He was saying if she should die for this , then all these people who's name I am writing in the dirt should die because they did the same thing.
I am done babbling now. Peace

2007-08-12 22:00:47 · answer #3 · answered by swindled 7 · 1 0

Read the rest of the passage.

It says that we will be judged by the same standard by which we judge others.

It applies in every case. It's no problem to judge people by a righteous standard. We make judgments all the time and that's fine. We just need to be careful not to accuse others of the very thing we're doing.

2007-08-12 21:17:37 · answer #4 · answered by Craig R 6 · 1 0

There are times when I go on a question and the other answerers are accusing each other reliegion of being cults. I come out quoting the scripture about "plank in your eye and sawdust in the other." Some of the other answerers turn on me and tell me "what are you saying that you stand to judge all of us?" My answer to them is "I am not judging, I'm just saying what Jesus said. It's Jesus words not mine. I am just reminding you all about what Jesus said."
Anyway I say people should discern what someone else is saying to them; whether it is in judgment or advising. There is a difference between advising and judging. A lot of people just don't get it. If they always say we are judging than no one can quote scriptures and that is ridiculous. I guess it's human nature that people want to only hear what they want. A person can't get to far only hearing "sweet nothings".

2007-08-12 21:38:14 · answer #5 · answered by Debs 5 · 0 0

We are to judge those who claim the name of Christ. The heathen is obvious, it is those within the professing church we must take care to identify their fruit.

Christians are to avoid familiar converse with all who disgrace the Christian name. Such are only fit companions for their brethren in sin, and to such company they should be left, whenever it is possible to do so. Too bad that there are many called Christians, whose conversation is more dangerous than that of heathens!

2007-08-12 21:27:41 · answer #6 · answered by biblegracespirit 3 · 0 0

yes and I really have to watch my tongue on this one and what i say to myself is " let the man who has not sinned cast the first stone" or " look at the log in your own eye and you won't be able to see the problems of the others !!! It is so hard in our worldly world today,but i know I have sinned and only God knows a person's heart and why they do what they do. Thanks for a great question. For those that don't know the Bible story, a woman in jesus' time was found to be an adulteress so a group of men surrounded her and were going to stone her to death and someone said ,I think it was Jesus, "Let the man who has not sinned, cast the first stone" and they all put down their stones and walked away and then she repented, ...repented is the big word here :)

2007-08-12 21:21:29 · answer #7 · answered by I Love Jesus 5 · 0 0

When doesn't it apply? When people ask for our money, our time, our active participation in or indulgence of their activities.

We don't judge that people are good or bad, that they are headed for heaven or hell. We only have to judge what we do; sometimes that means judging behavior, as when a Christian decides to hire someone or sits on a jury or gives to one cause and not another.

2007-08-12 21:18:33 · answer #8 · answered by Sarah C 6 · 1 0

You are correct to a point. We are not supposed to judge others. We as Christians are to discern the difference between Good and Evil. Where some one wants you to do or condone that what is evil you should run. We also as citizens are to report illegal activity.

2007-08-12 21:22:04 · answer #9 · answered by Curtis 6 · 0 0

We all like to use pretty words like it's not our role to judge, but to forgive. And that's all they are, pretty words, because were all guilty of being critical and judging others. Judging comes easy , but forgiving is hard for the carnal mind. Therefore we all will be judged. No ifs, ands, or buts!

2007-08-12 21:24:42 · answer #10 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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