xians have a strange need to hate people.
and gays are the ones they hate these days, so they use their bible to justify that hate.
for example: just look at how much xians divorce, though, and that's supposed to be against the bible, but they cherry pick the hell out of their cult book, ignoring most of its rules and laws, and using little bits and pieces to justify their hate for others whom they enjoy hating.
it's all rubbish.
2007-08-12 13:34:55
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am a Christian and I must say that is an unfair evaluation. At least from what i have seen. I feel that being gay is a sin, but that does not mean you go to hell. The only way you go to hell is by not accepting god. Theoretically, you can be a Christian and be gay. I mean, i sin a lot and i know im not going to hell. The people that are truly Christian and truly apply the bible and word to their lives do not act that way. From what i have seen, people that live in rural America with parents that are close-minded are the source of this rhetoric. I mean, gay people are PEOPLE to, so why should i treat them any differently? We all do things that others dont agree with..move on and worry about your life.
2007-08-12 13:37:44
answer #2
answered by NathanSW 2
This is an improper way for Christians to speak of gay people. The bible simply lists homosexuality as a sin amongst a list of other sins, including lying, slander, covetousness, etc. It is wrong for Christians to single gay people out.
Those who have a high view of scripture do hold to the fact that it is indeed a sin in God's eyes, but this idea does not mandate Christians to go around and judge or hate.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is where the bible speaks about homosexuality.
2007-08-12 13:37:28
answer #3
answered by jonathanzila 2
God didn't say that he hate gay people but he hate the sin that they practice. That is why he sent his only begotten son that he may set the captive free. If a man or a woman is of a unnatural state ( not as God created them to be ) then that is a sin. We can't change God's purpose. We can't take his animals that he made and turn them into trees or take his flowers and turn them into rocks can we? So why do we think that we can take God's creation and do what we want with it? He created us regardless of our feelings. ( Confused of what body we should be in ) because we are born in sin then there is a possibility that we can come out retarded, deformed, stillborned, etc. Whatever way we may come out of our mothers womb there is help at the cross. It is up to God as to how he will deal with the situation because he is the only one that can answer the question "why." You don't have to stay in the shape that you are in. That is even more of a reason to seek God's face. Yes, God is love and he love us enough to see us want to change. Many of the righteous is afflicted also. Your afflictions don't stop because you are now saved but as we age sickness and diseases come upon us. We become afflicted also of some sort. It is not because we did anything wrong but this is for God's glory. We seek his face more with fervent prayer. We then draw closer to him. We aren't judging but we can only warn people of the dangers that scriptures speak of. We all have sinned and has come short of the glory of God and the righteous will barely make it in. So as you see things are tight so where do you think that the sinner will be? Some people are not born that way also but they desired to change their natural state. And some people , God just turned them over to a reprobate mind. I hope that this was some help to you. Bur remember, God don't hate you but he hate sin and if we sin then yes, we will have our place in Hell. It's tight but it's right!
2007-08-12 14:21:24
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
We say all sinners will go to hell if they are unrepentant of their sins not just gays. That means liars, adultery, thieves and all the rest of man kind who do not change their ways. God does not hate Gays. And Christians do not hate gays or they should not, or they themselves are in risk of judgment just for the feeling they have. I have no simple answer as a man or woman who has a attraction towards another of his or her own sex it is something that cannot just be changed by simply deciding it is wrong and quiting or even by praying to the lord to change them I don't think it happens. But yes God is true love so if someone just does the best they can then lets God do the rest they cannot go wrong.
2007-08-12 13:48:36
answer #5
answered by saintrose 6
God said that men and women make a family w/children not man/man or woman/woman. Why do you think that God destroyed the city of Sodem?? It was because of the wrongful sex sins that where taken place. God does not hate gay people he only hates their actions. May God Bless You!! I hope you find the answers you are seeking.
2007-08-13 04:03:05
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Excuse me, calling sin "sin" is not a sin nor is it considered "judging." Stop imagining your own theories of what God says in the Bible and stick your face in the good Book and read it and "learn it." For God's righteous hatred and disgust for homosexuality is all throughout the Scriptures! If you have a problem with it, take it to God....It is His law. I have never said that God hates anyone. He died to save all men. The choices we make in this life, to obey or disobey God's Word, reflect our eternal standing with God.
2007-08-12 15:11:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The Holy Bible says that gays, murderers, liars, cheaters, stealers, satanists, necromancers, pedophiles, child abusers, idolaters...etc. etc. WILL go to hell IF they do not repent their sins, turn from that life, believe, ask, and accept Jesus Christ as the only begotten son of God, that He died on Calvary for all our sins, & we accept Jesus Christ into our hearts and lives as our one and only personal Lord and Savior.
The Holy Bible says in Romans 3:23, "For ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
God HATES the sin of homosexuality...not the sinner.
God HATES the sin of adultery...not the sinner.
God HATES the sin of murder...not the sinner.
As Christians, we are NOT to judge anyone, only Almighty God knows the hearts of mankind. Telling someone what The Holy Bible says about the sin of lying, cheating, stealing, homosexuality, adultery...etc. etc. is not judging.
2007-08-12 14:11:21
answer #8
answered by faith 5
God never said that He hates gays, but it is written in the bible that all homosexuals have a place in the lake of fire. The bible says that, not Christians, so we aren't judging you, God is.
2007-08-12 13:45:16
answer #9
answered by lost and found 4
The defination given by the Bible for Hell is as a Grave.
Romans1:27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another *; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
2007-08-12 13:34:11
answer #10
answered by Anonymous