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Give me such a broken heart? he says that he will bless us if we follow him, yet he has ripped out my heart and tore it to shreds. one I start to heal he rips it out again. this last time, I am not so sure I will ever heal. I keep tryiong but it hurts so much, I may think I am doing great for awhile then all of a sudden the pain hits. why does god do this to me if he is so great?

2007-08-12 11:28:04 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

40 answers

I do not believe i have ever heard of that one. How can God break your heart. I believe you have a problem between God and Satan..................

2007-08-12 11:32:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

Oh honey, I am sorry that you are hurting.

May I gently and respectfully ask if you are broken hearted because of a relationship gone wrong? If so- then it was not G-d that hurt you. It was the choices of the person doing the hurting.

And may I add- again with respect- that if indeed someone has hurt you, that perhaps you might be able to see a pattern in the relationships you have had over the years. Is there anything that you can do to ensure that you have more control over the emotions of your relationships? Perhaps taking a longer time to get to know someone before settling into a relationship, or finding new friends to hang out with and get to know.

And one more thing, perhaps take some time- a good long time if necessary- to dig deep inside your heart during these quiet moments. Who are you? What are you looking for? What can you strengthen in your own life in order to be more prepared for longer, healthier friendship and relationships?

Please forgive me if I have misinterpreted your question. I hope that your heart finds comfort.

2007-08-12 11:36:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

God is love, and love does not give pain. Sometimes one can feel such love, and yet the other basically has a broken antenna, and so is unable, at present, to receive. It is a human problem or condition, but the love was (and is) all around.
You will heal and feel peace again. Love is not going to fail you.

2007-08-12 12:58:33 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

Don't get confused. It isn't God that is doing this to you. It is the devil that does this to you. In the Bible, it says that the Devil only comes to Kill, Steal, and Destroy. The more that you try to be near the Lord, the more the Devil will come at you with negativity. -You are doing what the Devil wants you to do and that's to blame the Lord. You should read JOB. You need to ask God for forgiveness and seek the Lord with all your heart. God only wants to prosper you, not to harm you. Open your heart to the Lord. Have faith and truly believe. He desperately wants to heal your broken heart, but how can he do that when you won't let him in? Trust in HIM. He is the way and the Light. Take Refuge in Him. Go to this site called: www.fathersloveletter.com
I will pray for you to find peace within and to seek him with all your heart. -God Bless.

2007-08-12 11:39:39 · answer #4 · answered by †Evonne† 7 · 0 0

You will receive many answers to this question saying that God doesn't exist. I do not know if there is or isn't. So first I want to say just because someone says he isn't there, it doesn't mean that he isn't. It also doesn't mean that he his. Don't just throw out an idea because you don't agree with it. Keep an open mind, that is the only way you will discover the truth. And second you may want to think of some counseling. A heartbreak is difficult to deal with.

2007-08-12 11:38:33 · answer #5 · answered by no idea 2 · 1 0

Why blaming God? Did you ever STOP to think that maybe you did that to yourself? That you might had chosen the wrong way??
It's hard to give you an advise not knowing you well and not having details of what really happen. Definitely you should look for someone, maybe a professional, a person you can trust and you can open up.
I am truly believer that life is what we make it and everything happens for a reason.
Good luck with you.

2007-08-12 11:38:00 · answer #6 · answered by ND 2 · 2 0

sweetheart your heart isn't broken
excuse this long post
I heard a beautiful story once about a proud man who was standing on a podium showing off his amazing gold heart
the people in the crowd were saying they had never seen such a heart and no one could have a better heart
then this little man turns up with a tattered old heart and he said my heart is the best
the people were shocked at this , wondering how on earth this tattered old heart could be better than the gold one ... so they asked the man to explain
he did
he said that his heart was not tattered but made of many pieces all put together
you see this top piece ... this was my first love , she gave me a piece of her heart ... she taught me much and showed me compassion
and this little piece here ... that was my wife who has now passed on , she taught me how to be strong and caring
and these two little pieces here ... they were given to me by my beautiful children who showed me unconditional love
and all the other pieces were given to me by friends and family

after the mans speech the crowd agreed that he had the most beautiful heart
so you see sweetie ... your heart isn't broken , just made up of tiny little pieces you have collected over the years xxx

2007-08-12 11:40:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The first thing is you have to have faith and be strong! If you truly believe then you have to never give up hope! Life always has its ups and downs life can never be perfect if life was perfect and we always got what we wanted the life would be boring, pointless and less challenging! To have a good life you have to take risks you have to take chances! And if you truly belive then you should never lose hope you should always have a grip of hope! I know it is hard for you but you have to have courage you have got to have faith you have to be strong! There is that one day when you go back and you realize that you can live without your 1st love or you realize that you don't have to be popular to stand out! One day you will probably will realize and accept that life is not always perfect and that somedays you feel like you're on top of the world and other days you feel like you've lost something so pecious in your life and you just got to accept that pain and the only way for it to go away is to have courage and you have got to belive not only in God but yourself! And i now this all sounds corny but you have go to have your own confidence you got to brush yourself up and get back on that road and you have to know that you don't have to do it alone and that you've got support! And I hope one day you'll find you perfect man!

2007-08-12 11:43:28 · answer #8 · answered by bryans1hotgirlfvr 1 · 1 0

Did God rip your heart out, or did you put your faith in someone other than God and they ripped your heart out? God has a way of turning bad things into something good. Maybe not as quick as we like, but it will happen. In the meantime, we have to realize that the hardships we encounter are what I like to refer to as "character builders". In the long run they will make you stronger than you think you are. Hang in there.... God loves you, and so does the Yahoo community. :o)

2007-08-12 11:44:26 · answer #9 · answered by Lance 3 · 0 0

What? Who are you dating here a human or God up in Heaven? If a human is tearing your heart out then maybe speaking to someone like a therapist or psychologist might get you over your bag of woe existence...but... if God is dating you and ripping your heart to pieces then you two should maybe see other people you a more down to Earth type and Him maybe a more higher planetary type of existence in a goddess like fashion might do.. Face facts you like lasagna and He likes creating life forms out of nothing. You two don't have enough in common.

2007-08-12 11:42:18 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why did God give you such a broken heart? First of all, God didn't give you a broken heart. Everyone suffers problems, but its just that you have to endure them until the end, and wait it out until they pass away.

2007-08-12 11:33:36 · answer #11 · answered by VMO 4 · 3 1

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