I have been praying for a piece of property outside of town. I want to use this in the summer for inner city kids to go camping. Alot of times the inner city kids do not get a change to go camping, hiking, etc. I would set up tents and they could experience the real outdoors. It would be a joy to share such a wonderful gift. Only time will tell if this comes to past. If this is God's perfect will for me it will come to pass.
2007-08-12 11:26:24
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
God answers my prayers daily,I'm truly blessed.I am waiting for my Husband,three of my four children and many friends to be saved,"all"that do not chose to except "Him".I wait knowing that it's an individual's choice and that God never brakes a promise.*God Bless*
2007-08-12 18:35:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, i'm only 12. Asking isn't prayer. Prayer isn't asking. It's about Him, not us and the things we want. this all comes down to the key word "worship". Worship is your life style for God....that's what it's all about right? God. So when people pray, they ask for things. But no, you shouldn't because worship isn't about us it's about God and the great things he has done for us. When i pray, i try and avoid asking silly stuff like more money, more stuff, and more toys. although a more appropiate prayer request would be asking God to use me or our paster to preach God's word to us.
2007-08-12 18:24:19
answer #3
answered by JeSuSfReAk121 2
I have been wanting my dads job goes well because my family now are suffering from alot of payments, But i know God will never forget me :) oh and wait i've been wishing that god can change my brown eyes to blue but i know that this is a no way, hehe :D
2007-08-12 18:20:03
answer #4
answered by **Lilyanne** 3
A baby, but I know that he's waiting til I'm in a better spot for it...and god has given me a wonderful loving husband, opportunities to better myself left and right and the cutest cat and dog ever.
2007-08-12 18:27:53
answer #5
answered by Kecleon 1
Alas, God has given me someone to love who will love me too. But there are SO many conditions on it...sigh...four little kids...and the husband does not care what I do after all...just like when I was growing up...there were so many rules...but no one really cared....
That sounds crazy, but I'm just saying. God gives you what you want. But make sure it's what you want? That you can deal with it when you get it.
2007-08-12 18:21:48
answer #6
answered by granola*girl™ 2
I don't ask G-d for things because *personally*, I don't think it works that way. I think that if I live my life as best I can- being kind and patient, good, and striving to be better- then I will be strong and humble enough to face my challenges, and grateful enough to recognize my blessings.
2007-08-12 18:27:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
A good husband, I have been asking for eight years now. I don't know why he hasn't yet, maybe because either I or the other person is not ready yet. I'm really tired of being alone. The other reason I thought maybe he wasn't giving me one was because of my last marriage, I don't know.
2007-08-12 18:20:25
answer #8
answered by nomorequestionsplz 4
That's a hard question to answer, because sometimes God wants you to be paitent. He may not give you something you ask for until later in life. He may not give you something you ask for either because what you ask for might not be something that's best for you.
2007-08-12 18:20:21
answer #9
answered by Katie 1
An answer when I ask why the heck He made spiders! Just silly stuff like that. God provides everything for me, when I need it.
2007-08-12 18:22:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous