This woman does not scare me.
I took no offense to what she called "witchcraft prayers". I took no offense because she is ignorant of what a true witch is. She flung the word out there without the understanding of its meaning. But what she said was true. We do not use the divine... without or within ourselves to control the will of others "Harm ye none"
There are several instances in the bible where a "hero" prays for the down fall of another group, where god is invoked to bring down judgement. Just like in many other religious texts. There are example of the dual nature of divinity.
I am a witch myself. As a witch I use my will to affect my own life. As a witch I do pray. Just not in the same way she does.
I pray for peace and well being of those around me... not in the way that I want it to be but what is best for them, what ever it is they decided. I pray for spiritual growth. I pray for a healthy government, school system, environment. And I work towards it. I work towards being an answer to the problem.
Witchcraft was here before Christianity. Not as we know it today. It was something different. It spanned countries, nations, continents. Old Christianity has changed just as Witchcraft has changed. New Christianity was a religion of the conquers. But it is not the religion or the path that can cause a problem it is the people who wield it as a weapon. Some wield Christianity just as some wield Wicca etc.
I am a Witch and I am proud to be one. But just because witchcraft is older does not mean that it came from the ether. Witchcraft came from humanity just like Christianity does. They have the same roots the same womb in the loves and fears, the light and dark parts of the soul.
2007-08-12 10:49:33
answer #1
answered by Saifyre 2
Despite the Christian background, her opening point is valid- the will of the universe is more important than what we has humans THINK we need/want. Putting the cosmic knowledge of what ever deities we choose to work with before our limited knowledge is the point of most religions. Her term "witchcraft prayers" simply triggers hidden fears of followers better than calling them "selfish." She also made a good universal point about the empty prayers that we often say in ritual because of our routines or hurried life styles. (her comment "coming at you" is simply an old street saying- how young are you? I'm starting to feel old over here :-))
A point for ALL to ponder:
when we bash other religious faiths, aren't we continuing the closed minded cycle that angered us in the first place? Prove your understanding of free religion as better by allowing other views to speak their peace and say your point with respect- perhaps the world's problems would be solved if we universally started practicing what is in our Constitution!
2007-08-12 14:27:52
answer #2
answered by The Soap Man 3
That woman...oh yeah, that woman has some deep seeded Im not even sure she knows what witchcraft is! What exactally is a "witchcraft prayer"? We, or at least I, don't pray to begin with. Im all for free speech, so she can say what she likes, I just hope that the people that are taken in by her eventually see that she in slightly off her rocker!
Blesses be!
2007-08-12 10:35:40
answer #3
answered by pleasure4poet 2
I think this woman is confused about what she THINKS witchcraft is.
Wicca is a religion that is also commonly called Witchcraft (or the Craft of the Wise). This woman is FAR from wise IMO.
The scariest thing however is that she represents a segment of the population that still believes that Wiccans and other Pagans DESERVE to be persecuted for not believing EXACTLY as she does......
2007-08-12 10:21:00
answer #4
answered by Anne Hatzakis 6
Was this woman a witch, or a Christian? What is a "witchcraft prayer"?
And I disagree. The God of the Flood (which is thus the God of Christianity) predated Wicca, since woman-worship (which is what Wicca is a form of) didn't appear until after the Tower of Babel incident. It was started by Semiramis.
2007-08-12 10:35:49
answer #5
answered by FUNdie 7
Hello all,
Wow, someone sent me this link and I thank them for doing so. I did not know that people were talking about me in this manner. For those who said that I was ugly, oh well, I am not here for a beauty show. I am here to talk about the goodness of the Lord God Almighty and to tell people that they can be saved through the loving arms of Y'Shua/Jesus the Christ. A witchcraft prayer is a prayer that someone would pray to manipulate another persons life. The Holy Word says that witchcraft is an abomination to God. He hates it. It takes away the hearts and minds of people from worshipping Him. The bible says that God is a jealous God. He will not stand for anyone to worship others gods. If you choose to continue to worship other gods that is your personal choice. I can't go to Heaven or Hell for you. I just want you to know that you can be saved from an eternal fire to your souls by accepting Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Confess it with your mouth and mean it from your heart and Jesus will walk and talk with you in the Spiritual realm and Natural realm and keep you safe from harm.
Once again, it isn't about me folks. It's about Jesus. You didn't hurt my feelings. I've been through the fire and the flood and believe me, there is nothing left to hurt. I am just sorry that you wasted your time trying to hurt my feelings and typing words that would kill my character on the internet......In Y'Shua, still I rise.
2007-08-12 15:00:39
answer #6
answered by 2
i can't really give you an opinion on her, because i'm partially deaf. i couldn't understand anything she said.
i believe that witches/pagans do pray in a way. maybe not the same way that most other religions do, but we are very spiritual beings.
thank you pleasure4poet for sending me some of her she sounds kind of delusional.
what she was calling witchcraft prayer just sounded very selfish to me.
the pagans that i know would never ask for anything that would cause anyone harm. she sounds like she might.
2007-08-12 10:23:56
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The Creator of all things was here First.. Always remember This because it is Truly The Truth.
When we search for answers and we search for knowledge to answer to things we dont quite understand.. what we do is search for a Truth and we arive at Truth by filtering out what we think is rubish and what we think is ok through our own lives teachings of what we percive Truth to be.
So I feel as there is so much information available to our hands now even more so than ever before, we must look and read with an open mind .. dont let the Ego take over and hold onto words and phrases in your mind as this can sometime give you the a wrong perception and can strike a fear in your Heart and spread confusion throughout.
Note How she starts the video off
"Praise God Everybody"
And then she goes on to define whichcraft which comes from her perception of what whichcraft is and tries to explain/define it...
you see what she is realy trying to say is that the Power of Prayer is very strong and when used correctly can be used for good .. she then says that you should when you pray use parts of the Bible (Quotes) because she understands the True power of prayer and that when used the right way will help you gain the knowing you need to do so and connect you to God who always listens and tries to help us in our every day lifes.
She also moves forward to saying that any prayer which does not hold quotes from the Bible and that is used to Controll Somebody elses Life should be classed as
a whichcraft prayer.. in other words if we use something that was originally designed and used for connecting us to God like the power of prayer for anything else other than to pray to God then this should be seen as a type of Whichcraft.
you see if you stop and look at what you see and read from ones perception of ego/head, in your case the word i think was WhichCraft then your ego/head will feed your mind and your Heart with Fear and spread confusion within. This will inevatably cloud and sheild your mind from Truth. But when you learn to think with your Heart and not through the ego/head then you will also learn to see the truths within what you read and view.
Its Just the way you see it... is truly what I say.. so listen carefully to things before you jump to a perception of what you see as Truth and open your Heart and think with it and your mind will persive Truth.
I feel that you are Truly one who seeks truth so I send to you this Message
And I quote
"Judge not falsely, lest you be falsely Judged"
Talmud Of Jmmanuel
Look for the truth through your Heart and the truth will find you.
Love Always
2007-08-12 12:34:37
answer #8
answered by Apolo 3
I can't get it to work on my internet, but what I have heard about this kind of thing scares me enough to not want to watch it anyways. I think that they are very creepy indeed. Maybe and exorcism is on back order for these people.
2007-08-12 10:32:48
answer #9
answered by Argent 4
She's as misinformed about witchcraft as much as teen aged girls who watch too much Charmed, call themselves Wiccan and scribble pentagrams on their school books.
2007-08-12 10:32:03
answer #10
answered by Zappster (Deep Thunker) 6