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Hello. I'm interested in and am doing research on Taiwanese youth street and college slang for a project I'm working on.

I'd like to know:

What are Taiwanese slangs for:

cool guy
cool girl?

Please let me know and please list as mant slangs as possible. :D

2007-08-12 08:29:35 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Languages

2 answers

Of course the famous Martian writing :) 火星語 They call these slang the Martian writing. Because you really cannot understand them sometimes. And the professors and teachers are blaming the internet!!! The idiotic grammar and writing style :) Yes. Even you use them. LOL :)


They adept some of the English slang that we use.
Like the word cool, in Chinese, you pronounce it just like it is.

"cool" = 酷!

They also like Cantonese word 靚 (pronounce as leng3) to describe beautiful girls.

However, it would be difficult to explain street slang to people who do not under stand Chinese.

Alright let's start off something easy and I only show you some examples (only the cool slang that they use):

You see these before from your messenger :

e_e  >(<  .>_<.  x~x Y_Y  ~_~  ^o^  x_x  ^_^  T_T

Initials version (the alphabets sounds like these Taiwanese words):

UK 幼齒 (young) LM 辣妹 (HOT girl) BF 男朋友 (boyfriend GF 女朋友 (girlfriend) SYY 爽歪歪 (very cool) OBS 歐巴桑 (old lady) SPP 俗斃了(out of fashion) OGS 歐吉桑 (old man) PDG 皮在癢 (someone needs a good beating) SDD 水噹噹 (Very pretty) CBA 酷斃了(COOL to the Extreme!)
LOA 老芋仔 (old dude) LKK 老扣扣 (very old) PMP 肥嘟嘟 CKK (Fat!) 死翹翹 TMD (dead) 他媽的 ATOS (F UR mama) IBM 國際大嘴巴(International Big Mouth)

numeric (in Chinese these number sounds like some other Chinese words)

56 無聊 (bored) 79 智障 (stupid) 74 KISS 880 抱抱你 (hug you) 865  我想你 (thinking of you) 184 一輩子 (life time) 584 我發誓 (I swear) 657 對不起 (sorry)

food (in Chinese these food sounds like some other Chinese words)

芝麻 (sesame) :很煩 (Troublesome) 芭樂 :不上道 (not cool) 椰子殼 (coconut shell):胸罩 (blouse) 燒餅 (sesame seed cake):指很騷的女生 ( erotic girl) 茶包 (tea bag):麻煩(Trouble)

"Double meaning" Chinese Slang (It's like bi-tch means female dog or :)

玻璃 (glass):屁股 (but) 正點 (square-points):很美 (very pretty) 條子(a brief informal note) :警察 (police) 打屁 (fart):聊天 (BS) 馬子 (horse's kid):女朋友 (girlfriend)

"Similar sound/ Taiwanese" Slang

水 (water):漂亮 (beautiful- especially for girls) 駕車 (Driving):飆車 (racing) 凍蒜 (cool garlic :):當選 (get elected) ...

Famous Dudes
陳水 (First two characters of Taiwan current president):欠扁 (needs beating- His last character 扁 means beating. Thereby, the character beating is missing. Since you miss the (character) "beat", we need to beat you.) 柯林頓(Clinton):K一頓 (needs a beating) 莊孝偉 (famous politician in Taiwan):裝瘋子 (acting crazy) 甘迺迪 (Kennedy):好像豬(sounded like the phrase "like a pig" in Taiwanese)

Twisted sound:
3Q:謝謝你(Thank you) 粉(powder):很 (very) 偶(idol):我 (me) 泥 (dirt):您 (you)

Idiots making up the phrases:

作家 (writers):坐在家裡 (sitting at home)
"作" means write and "家" means home or group/family of people so that means writers in Chinese. However,"作" sounded like "坐". There for you can say the writer could mean people sitting at home and do nothing.

天才 (genius):天生的蠢材 (idiots of the world) 可愛 (cute):可怕沒人愛 (Scary and no want to love) 中油 Chinese Oil Industrial Company:中國無業遊民 (Chinese homeless) 聰明 (smart):沖廁所第一名 (#1 in fleshing the toilet)

Taiwan notional phonetic alphabet
ㄎㄧㄤ 偷 (steal in Taiwanese) ㄘㄨㄚ 時髦 (fashionable)
ㄅㄧㄤˋ 勁爆 (super cool)

2007-08-14 05:27:51 · answer #1 · answered by naekuo 7 · 0 0

Hi there, what you are asking is very up to date information and the internet isn't keeping up with foreign slang very well (believe me, I know :))

The best resource for you would be to call a local university and ask for the foreign language center OR the English as a second language center and ask for a Taiwanese student to speak with - they should be able to help you as it is their own language and normally will do it for free because they need to practice speaking english.

Good luck! :)

2007-08-14 02:41:38 · answer #2 · answered by katy 4 · 0 0

This Site Might Help You.

What are Taiwanese slangs for "cool girl" and "cool guy"?
Hello. I'm interested in and am doing research on Taiwanese youth street and college slang for a project I'm working on.

I'd like to know:

What are Taiwanese slangs for:

cool guy
cool girl?

Please let me know and please list as mant slangs as possible. :D

2015-08-18 12:08:22 · answer #3 · answered by Bee 1 · 0 0

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