"Do you believe other intelligent life forms exist within the universe?"
I don't believe that there's anything in the bible that rules out that possibility. I find it unlikely, though.
"If so, do you believe they worship the same God as you?"
If they exist, I would think that God gave them free will as well, so some of them might while others might worship false gods.
"Would they have to have the king james version of the bible on their planet?"
I highly doubt it.
"If not, is the whole universe hell-bound with the exception of you?"
The KJV isn't necessary for salvation.
2007-08-12 07:27:18
answer #1
answered by Deof Movestofca 7
Why couldn't there be other intelligent life on other planets?
I don't know who you are talking to but obviously you have some pent up anger against some Christians and not God. Do not base your opinions of God on those of us who claim to be Christian.
Therefore I say, if God is on other worlds who's to say he didn't do things differently there. It is not for us to say what He can and can't do!
If you have all the answers I would sure love to hear them.
Because, as a Christian, I'll be the first one to tell you, I don't!
[Late edit:]
Sorry about the If you have all the answers bit. Didn't mean for it to come off that way. I just meant I'm looking for some myself, but have decided that if I don't get them than oh well.
Was there meaning to the "hell-bound with the exception of you?" question, because it seemed there was a little sarcasm to be thrown at Christians there. Also, why the King James version???
It was a great question until I saw those last two questions within the question. They seemed sarcastic and I assumed (sorry) that you were throwing those in there to weed out those christians that believed that. Why? Just curious...I was just making sure that you did not base your opinions of God on the way other Christians act, and push, and make others feel smaller than those that are not. Christians should not do this.
2007-08-12 07:24:19
answer #2
answered by mntexn 2
I believe in evolution and am Christian. What i believe is that Christ works as a method of connecting one to God. I have no idea if anything else works but i suspect it does and that there's not really much to choose between different spiritual paths on the whole, though certain things are probably quite dodgy such as Scientology, though who knows? I think there's probably some kind of idea of the dead in a Platonic sense and that at some point that idea will become actualised once again, so it's a bit like they're saved in the way a document might be saved on a hard drive. To be honest i don't think it's very healthy or productive to speculate about the afterlife as it's a distraction from doing good deeds and risks doing it for some kind of reward.
2016-05-20 22:32:11
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Of course, we as humans really have no answer. As such we must, look at every scrap of evidence, in which we might find a clue.
I suggest, we look at life forms around us at the present time, and perhaps even another backward look at the age of "Dynasours". Underneath all of the superfical coverings of skin, scales and feathers, there is a nagging similarity in most all life forms. That which developed from it's point of conception, the first "buds" on the embryo may turn into , legs, fins or perhaps wings. The embryo starts with a basic heart system that propels blood throught the creatures ultimate body. There developes a collection of nerves and endings, which can become the "brain" of this creature.
Can we agree that this seems to be a basic patern. It would appear since the pattern has produced some favorable results, it would be logical to continue to use this same pattern with suitable adjustments or refined features, until some better pattern would present it's self. Is this not how our manufacturing processes work for common everyday appliances?
Would it be prudent for some Supreme Being to use a different model to make a being in, if he already already has one which while is imperfect, but seems to be able to carry out rudimentary functions? Consider here we are thinking of ourselves as the great techonlogical age , but how far and hard it has been for mankind to create a successfully independently operating robot?
That is not suggesting we are appliances, but however could it be said our body as designed and assembled may in certain ways, resemble either a deep sea diving suit, or an astronaut's space suit? Both we created to allow the feeble body of man to exisit in conditions other then what he was built for.
Hmmm think just a bit...
Finaly when we go back to the Biblical account of creation, did it not say in scripture, "let us make man in our own image?" Turn that statement around and it would suggest perhaps there were other images Man could have been made in. A question could be made, in follow up, would there be any reason to create Man like one of the animals already created?
After reconsidering our own, presence in space and time, it just might provide a slightly different view, of some extraterrsetrial's belief systems due to more or less knowledge they might have.
2007-08-12 08:13:41
answer #4
answered by quietgrandpaforchating 2
1) I believe that other intelligent life forms (ILFs) *may* exist in the universe. There is certainly no evidence to support this, however. I certainly do not believe that they *do*.
2) *If* there are other ILFs, they *may* worship the same God as I do. Of course, there are billions of ILFs right here on earth that do *not* worship the same God as I do, so it is unlikely that ILFs do, either.
3) Obviously, even Christian ILFs would not have the KJV unless they, somehow, happened to develop English independently of Earth - a scenario so unlikely that it can be dismissed out of hand.
4) Of course not. I am hardly the only Christian. As for "hell-bound", who falls into that group is something only God knows.
Jim, http://www.jimpettis.com/wheel/
2007-08-15 10:06:17
answer #5
answered by JimPettis 5
I don't know if there is other intelligent life in the universe, but there are arguable theories of other intelligent life forms. I honestly have no idea, but my opinion is that, if there is life out there, it's possible that God may've intentionally created this barrier of outer space between us so that we can't reach other life forms.
Do other planets share the same religions as us? I suppose that if God created them for the same purpose that He created us, then maybe. God created us so that He could have someone in His own image to love, and hopefully, we'd love Him back and find fellowship in Him. Now, can aliens love? If so, then I suppose it's possible that they might worship the same God we do.
2007-08-12 07:25:56
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
It would be ignorant to not believe other intelligent life forms may be existing out there and yes, bet they have the same God, probably different written version of the Bible, and same "brainwashed" people we see everywhere; some may say by God; (glad I'm one of His) I say brainwashed by Satan...have a good day!
2007-08-12 07:25:35
answer #7
answered by dawnUSA 5
There is no good evidence that there is other intelligent life in the universe. I have seen no plausible values for the Drake equation that gives me any confidence that other civilizations exist. Lastly, current ET searches are producing nothing but silence; that, too, seems telling.
[Late Edit]
Sorry, you are quite mistaken. My belief in god is based on two different sorts of arguments.
2007-08-12 07:24:44
answer #8
answered by Charles 6
I always kinda wondered if it was possible, but then this year they found a Planet that looked similar to Earth...unfortunately it was 20 light years away so there's no way for us to find out
GFS that's the kinda talk that causes fights on here..im atheist and i dont mind Christians, i know they dont have an open mind to what we believe but people like you dont always help the matter
2007-08-12 07:19:56
answer #9
answered by unknown 1
I believe there could be life out there somewhere. There might even be a race that didn't screw it up and is living like God intended things to be.
When I get to heaven this is one of the questions I have. Maybe you can be there with me and we can ask together.
2007-08-12 09:24:42
answer #10
answered by jaromi89 2