It is very possible at the time of Israel's Feast of Trumpets! Could be this year as well as any. I don't know of anything that needs to happen before He returns for His saints. Wouldn't that be wonderful? I don't think any of us KNOW, but all the other feast days have been fulfilled in Christ except this one to my understanding.., but I don't know that with proof positive. But, why not? '
Yes, I am aware that no one knows the day or the hour, but we are to discern the season, but looking at the fig tree..., Israel, to know the "times"..., and to "look up for our redemption draws near."
2007-08-12 07:23:04
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
From a strict Biblical point-of-view, the "rapture" as in people disappearing suddenly, WILL NEVER HAPPEN.
If you mean our gathering back to Christ,
you have to remember that Antichrist comes FIRST, and according to Mark 13,
Christ shortened his reign on Earth from a total of a 7-yr period, down to a total of a 5-month period as is documented in Rev.9 -
Christ states in Mk 13 that had he not shortened that time, no flesh would be saved (from deception).
Nobody is flying away anywhere. If you want to know what God thinks of the rapture doctrine, just read Ezekiel 13:18 and on -
"I hate those who teach my children to fly to save their souls". God is quite able and willing to protect his own, regardless of the circumstances. Christians have work to do in these end-times; what possible good will it do for you to be escaped up to some cloud somewhere? No good at all, and its
not gonna happen. It is only the taking of a few Biblical verses out of context, and then topping that with the misunderstanding of figures of speech - idioms.
If I had the power, I'd remove and burn all those "Left Behind" books before they do any more damage than they've already done (and they've done lots of damage).
When you read in Scripture of the two grinding at the mill, and the two workers in the field - one is taken, the other left?
Back up to capture the subject and object of whats being discussed, and you will see that the subject is that Antichrist comes FIRST before any gathering back to Christ occurs. What does this mean?
Those who believe in the rapture will be the first to receive the good ol mark of the beast, which is simply believing that the first "jesus" who comes on the scene is the true Christ, come to rapture them out to safety.
This is what Scripture calls the great deception of the end-times. If you believe that first "jesus" is the true Christ, you are deceived and bear the mark of that fake.
Gathering back to the true Christ will come after the Antichrist sits in Jerusalem professing that he is God.
6th trump: Antichrist comes
7th trump: The true Christ comes
Can't people even count anymore????
2007-08-12 07:30:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
OMG in case your christian, you may desire to understand the bible 'no guy knows of the day or the hour of the Christ's return...' why are you asserting that that's going to likely be 2012 in case your no longer christian, im guessing you worship/have faith the Mayan Gods asserting that the worldwide will come to an end on December 21, 2012..
2016-10-10 01:49:21
answer #3
answered by ? 4
No, I think it actually happened at the turn of the Millennium but not very many people were taken up - just the congregation of a small, obscure church in southern Mississippi that suddenly vanished without a trace.
Oh, you mean that was actually an alien UFO grabbing more "samples"? Sorry.
2007-08-12 07:19:50
answer #4
answered by 222 Sexy 5
I heard it was December 23, 2012
2007-08-12 07:15:01
answer #5
answered by K.O. 4
No...but that's not to say it won't. The idea is to be in a state of perpetual readiness with regards to your relationship to God and Jesus. I believe the hour is likened to "a thief in the night" will know when.
2007-08-12 07:17:21
answer #6
answered by Salsa Shark 4
Take a look at the following, I've never observed more truth, wow:
2007-08-12 07:21:42
answer #7
answered by Dr Green 2
Watch the signs. And be ready. No one knows exactly when, but if we're not ready, He will come "like a theif in the night."
Jesus said "KEEP WATCH."
2007-08-12 07:24:26
answer #8
answered by byHisgrace 7
I don't expect it will occur any year.
2007-08-12 07:34:42
answer #9
answered by Jack P 7
If it does, that'll sure louse up a whole lot of my plans for the next several months!
2007-08-12 07:16:29
answer #10
answered by Anonymous