A lot of the ones that I met are so short on agruments that they resort to calling all theists, especially Christians, stupid and ignorant. That the only reason any one could believe in G-d is by having a small amount of brain power.
To my knowledge, the theories of science that atheists cling to are in no way support by facts. There are no examples of evolution at work. In fact, most atheists have more faith in their theories then some people have faith in G-d. Rather ironic when you think of it.
A lot of the ones that I met also claim to have read the bible and know all about it. In reality, they pick what they feel are the 'flaws' the 'bad parts' and then attack those thinking that it will unravel the whole thing.
Personally, I don't think it's just Christians they hate, but anyone that has faith in G-d. Period. Christians just get targeted more because they are the majority in this country.
And you're right, the majority of their posts are on these subjects. And even with their prolific writing, they still have no arguments that can hold water.
2007-08-12 05:58:32
answer #1
answered by noncrazed 4
What Yahoo section are you on? Here it's the christians blathering about homosexuality being an abomination all the time. And I've yet to see an atheist assert something about either genesis or revelation. Why would they care about books of the bible when they don't believe in it? You are not the center of the universe. There is more in this world than your little fundie corner of it. You need to get out more.
2007-08-12 05:59:49
answer #2
answered by Cheryl E 7
Afraid you need to back up this question. I certainly have not witnessed it. I am an Atheist and have never expressed an opinion or written a question about homosexuality. Genesis has distorted itself and Revelation is but a copy of other materials. No need to distort either.
2007-08-12 06:03:27
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
1. Because the Christians won't lay off about it.
2. You not liking the facts doesn't make it ignorant. Most Atheists have actually read the bible from cover to cover. Unlike Christians.
3. See answer to number 2.
You're the one that needs to get new material. Like... say... an education.
2007-08-12 05:59:28
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1. i am angry about the way people treat my friends because they happen tho think it's a sin while my gay friendsdon't believe it. forcing something you believe on another person in such a terrible and mean way...it disgusts me when it happens.
2. and 3. actually, i've read the bible from one cover to another, and i doubt very much that my christian friends can say the same. it is not that I have an ignorant view of either of these topics as they are presented in the bible, it is that i ALSO don't have an ignorant view of scientific evidence and that I do not automatically trust anything that is in just one book. find me evidence in, let's say, 5 NONRELIGIOUS texts that talk about how the earth was created and maybe I'll go along with it.
oh, and that we "crave" homosexual odomy, seriously? I'm happily married to a baptist, thank you very much. i think atheists have a strong homosexual following because we accept them while you just reject or try to "fix" them.
2007-08-12 05:58:25
answer #5
answered by Erica S 4
Not an atheist, but:
Why do the two geneologies of Joseph in Matthew and Luke not line up?
Why does I King state that pi is exactly 3?
And having a college degree in religion, I've seen very few distorted and ignorant views of Genesis and Revelation.
2007-08-12 05:56:30
answer #6
answered by The Doctor 7
nothing wrong with homosexuality. Everything ridiculous about those 2 bible books you mentioned. Though none of these topics have been interesting to me. What's more interesting is the notion that atheists are narrow minded. All i have to say to you is, come back and talk to me about open minded ness after you have studied other religions, the history of civilization and the history of the judeochristian religioin. Before that, you are just another puppet mouthing off bible verses without any knowldege of the validity of any of it
2007-08-12 06:00:52
answer #7
answered by uz 5
Wow, I am a bit shocked at your post. I post on many other things. Perhaps people gravitate to the three subjects you mention as they are often brought up by Christians. I mean how many times have we been asked the monkey question? I would challenge you to ask some of the regulars here who are christians what they think of the regular atheists. I find that we get along fabulously!
2007-08-12 05:59:59
answer #8
answered by in a handbasket 6
Just to clear the air....
1. I don't care if you're gay.
2. I don't take the Book of Genesis as literal fact.
3. I don't take the Book of Revelations as literal fact.
I'd be willing to bet many other Yahoo "atheists" feel the same way.
I don't see how you can make the claim that we're obsessed about anything.
2007-08-12 05:57:37
answer #9
answered by Adam G 6
LOL. Narrow views there bud. Why do you have to call anyone any names at all? Are you that afraid of what you don't know that you must label people derogatorily?
Your religion has lisled you if you think its okay to spread hate. Why not take the time to understand other's differences rather than stand in judgment of them.
Remember, Judge not lest ye be judged. Those in glass towers should not cast the first stone.
Seems you have overlooked some of the tenets of your religion.
2007-08-12 05:55:58
answer #10
answered by realangst 5