I'm curious how such a topic wasn't discussed before marrige.
personally I'm jewish, so of course I was circumcised.
from what I've read and felt, I would circumcise a boy I had even if it wasn't religiously neccesary.
uncut males can trade yeast infections with their wife.... nice back and forth thing from what I've read, where for circumcised... pretty much impossible.
yes, its possible to maintain sanitation just fine without it. but from what I've read its infinitely easier with the circumcision.
it has practically no drawbacks, and some pretty signifigant benefits, medically, as it DOES make sanitation and stuff easier.
some say theres reduced sensetivity, but... well I'm just not seeing it. nor do most jewish men from anything I've read.
2007-08-12 06:09:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's not clear on the religion thing whether or not it's a "sin" as I don't think it's such a major thing it's mentioned, but people can interpret things their own way.
Personally I would recommend you don't get it done. The main reason being...it's your son's penis, not your penis, not your husband's penis. If you do it at birth he won't get a choice about it. He may be happy with it, but I think you should leave the decision up to him. After all, if you leave him uncircumcised he can have it done at any age, but proper reversal of the procedure is not possible (although loads of people are trying....google foreskin restoration to see how many people are unhappy they were circumcised without their permission). And I agree with your theory that little boys are born perfect...with a foreskin. I don't think all males would be born needing surgical attention.
Also there are a lot of risks for the procedure. The evidence regarding hygiene is not very clear. Some say it is actually more hygienic to be uncircumcised, as the foreskin protects the glans and it is not exposed to dirt. Either way, when he is old enough to retract his foreskin he will be able to clean under it. My boyfriend is uncircumcised and we have no problems. The data about STDs is not very compelling. While the risk of getting HIV may be cut slightly if you are circumcised and have unsafe sex with an HIV-positive woman, like you said you don't want your son to be like that anyway. And even if he doesn't wait until marriage, he can still limit his number of partners, as well as using condoms and getting STD tests, so I don't think that's a compelling reason for circumcision. As you're the mother it's your choice, but I strongly recommend against it.
2007-08-15 00:16:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are correct in not wanting to have your son cut. If you check in the new testament on the Bible it says that we no longer need to be circumcised. God accepts the circumcised and the uncircumcised.
It is the way God made us and it is better and natural. The whole STD thing is wrong if you ask me. If a guy either keeps it in his pants or wears a condom then all will be fine. I have never had a problem being natural in 35 years, my son and 45 year old brother are natural and so are many of my friends.
2007-08-16 00:42:35
answer #3
answered by darth72au 4
There is no harm in not having him circumcised now as he can be circumcised in later life. However, once the foreskin is removed, many men are forced to undergo painful treatments to replace the foreskin.
I am uncircumcised, and I have never had any problems with my penis or hygiene problems, you just have to look after yourself and wash like any other body part. I have also heard it can have detrimental effects on sex life, as the penis becomes insensitive, and the glands of the head of the penis can drag the lubrication of the vagina out, which makes sex uncomfortable.
I would definitely do my research before I decided.
A quick search on Google came up with this site. I'd read this if I were you: http://www.mothering.com/articles/new_baby/circumcision/against-circumcision.html
2007-08-12 05:47:55
answer #4
answered by eckzl 4
i'm a Christan and that i've got been given my 2sons circumcised and that i'm no longer getting my different son finished. I dont particularly see that it has to a lot to do with faith in basic terms ideals. And to the folk who say its nasty and each women i understand thinks so, why might you son be with a ton of girls?Im am attempting to teach my young ones to no longer sleep around, to no longer do it in basic terms with the aid of fact there circumcised.
2016-10-10 01:42:44
answer #5
answered by ramswaroop 4
I, as a brother in Christ, believe that circumcising a child IS a SIN. To extrapolate, Jesus spoke against (Jewish) religious leaders when they confronted him about healing on the Sabbath, he said " you will break the sabbath to circumcise a man, but I have made a man whole on the sabbath." Paul later spoke vehemently against circumcision as unnecessary, calling it a "mutilation of the flesh," and if done for religious reasons, it dishonors the grace of Christ (subjecting someone to the law of circumcision subjects him to the whole Law, which Christ died to free us from. Since we are saved by faith in Jesus, not works of the flesh, circumcision, when done for religious reasons, disgraces the grace of Christ's work for us.) There is your religious reason for NOT circumcising your son. Please e-mail me if you wish to discuss this further.
[additionally, circumcision destroys sexually sensitive tissue which facilitates intercouse and protects the penis from irritation, abrasion, and desensitization.]
I am proud of you for realizing that circumcision provides no benefits to a sexually moral, hygeinic man (uncircumcised penises require no significant care, simpledaily washing, like brushing one's teeth), and no spiritual benefits to a Christian
God bless and keep you (and keep your child the way He made him!)
(since you believe we are perfect the way we are made, I hope you believe your son to be perfect with his foreskin means you do not think you can improve him by circumcision)
Another thing: Circumcision IS NOT practiced "by almost every religion," it is practiced in Judaism and Islam. But Christianity, Buddhism, Hindu, and many other "popular" religions actually prohibit it.
2007-08-14 18:47:44
answer #6
answered by samurai-wannabe 2
No disrespect intended. Genesis is not scriptural old testament; the law of Moses is the scriptural old testament (2 Cor. 3:13-14 KJV; synonym). Circumcision was initiated before the law of Moses; back during Genesis (Abraham's time if memory serves me correctly presently on the point).
2007-08-12 06:23:23
answer #7
answered by jefferyspringer57@sbcglobal.net 7
Hygenically it is better. Sexually it reduces the pleasure for the male becasue in time the uncovered area becomes desensitized. I was born at a time when all hospitals in my area circumsized boys. This is a very personal choice. I had a friend who in adolecence started to developing infections becasue he was uncircumsized so at the age of 12-13 he had to have it done. By that age it was a rough procedure and it took him a while t recover.
If he keeps the foreskin someone will have to show him and pressure him to keep the area clean (like brushing teeth it is a regular task. Best wishes.
2007-08-12 05:45:15
answer #8
answered by bryanccfshr 3
yes u should in just about every religen it is done besides the point that it can cause trouble for them growing up it grows likr that in the whome so they stay clean and dont get a infection it is best that they do get it (hope it helps yea)
2007-08-12 07:11:18
answer #9
answered by onehotmommy 79 2
I see no reason to do it- and I'm Jewish. In fact I think it's barbaric. BUT, it IS tradition and if your husband is Jewish than guess you should be planning a bris. Mazel tov!
2007-08-12 06:35:24
answer #10
answered by nanny411 7